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... from the deceafed. When he was apprehended, a liceice~ B was found in his poffellion, from which it appeared hr was ad to be married to this Mils Wilkinfon, who is (aid ti pirffef. Sr confiderable property in the funds;, the officer likewite fctinrdapon him ...


... The witneffes in favour of the prifoner were his mother, and J. Midlleton, a cotton weaver, who lives in Norwich, and who married Mrs. Baker's niece-they depofed, that fume time after the prifoner was committed, they went to Mrs. Peterfon's hofse for the ...


... The witnines in favour of the Prifcner, were his mother, and I. Miiddieton, a cotton weaver, who lives ini Norwich, and wvho marri;d Mrs. Bak{r's sizte;.theydepofed,that lome time after theprifoner ha was comimtted, they. went to Mrs. Peterfon's houte, ml ...


... from the dectafed. When he yeas apprehended, a licence was found in h;s poffef- flon, from which it appeared he was to be married to this MiX1is Wilkinfoo, who is faid to poffefs confider- able -property Lk the funds. Ratger, tlhe officei, like- L wife ...


... plaintif f flated, that the plaintiff, Mr. Hoare, a gende- nman of fortune, charaaler, and refpe&dability, a in the year 1787, married, Mifs Elizabeth Cook, neice of Major Cook's. She was a n lady, who, at hler marriage, was without for- n turne, but poffeffed ...


... feeling, arnd humani 4 ty, independent of his own inierernt fenfe of, moral reclitude, applied to hi's father for permif'ion to marry a woman, vrho for hfiin' ad facrificed her Cl-aa&er; reputation, and friends, and vhofe. only. tait xyas,' Levc'? Thie Fadther ...


... Clharles Dahlmeine, B-w-itreet, ensbroiderer div IO - John Thu;g 1rhaiVee-inn, Holi\orarelsosWaelWman div.J 13 MARRIED. On the 5th inflant,wans married, at Chideoch, near Birdport, Mife 1-rred, the onuly daughtcr of -- Roreed, Efq. to MI. 'lVhonias ,Pcrett ...


... was, it was only vwith a s ctine, and theat this was necefrary, as the was very idle.-. Thu daughter of the Defendants a married. womnan, ,who worked with them, 11ated to the fa1me efi&. I t evidently L appeared that thefe witnieffes had 'een tutored ...


... near Cambridge. They proceeded to London in company, and lived together in Lodgings. It had been agreed that they Psould be married immediately upon their arrival in town, bit from day to day the Gentleman made fome trifling ob- jeftion, and always flarted ...


... enrines fucceding in playing againft it, f 7 it was foon put ont without much damage to the ad- n f joining premifles. d MARRIED. -William Solrnan, Efq. of Bridgewater F iSquare, to Mifs OhIfon, of St. Mary le Bonne.-Mr. S King, Mlalter of the Royal Foundery ...


... thatibe'ihadbeen gbrn n the pro vince of Maffachufets, and refided tliese till 1796 ;but it'was-alleged that he had fince married a lady in Li- verp6ol; tihit he hlad for fome y'ears lived' in that city as a merch ant andltlht to tranfadtinns of ti{3 uini ...


... by the, evidence that hif' the month.of Maich, 8soo, the prifoner, Greedin lodged at the houfie of Robert Lancafter (who married the deceafed's fifter,)and thatwhen'healeft hishoufe, Lan- caffer mrrfed-a watch: Green had abfconded, and did not return ...