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v -.._;. _.y ,x Sunday s Mails

... years ago by the addrefs with which he carried eff and married the heirefs of Mr. Jonrs, a rich Lawyer, recently eloped with a young Clergy, man, who was the domeftic tutor of her bro- thers. The married couple, it feems had con- trived to get the Banns ...


... `fitting at this Tort to receive ?? 2- be! ?? ;. . - ?? o- 4:m - ; - ;a, , :: . . S!A-TTURAY-, -tEB ?? -OnTuefday laft was married at Stoke church be] John Gay Wilkinfon Ef.; an Attorney of this to town, to.-the' accisfhe4 .ifs Sarradine, the fiter t9 ...

LONDON,—{2&adg,)M. 24

... has palled Parliament, prohibit- ing the ufe of new bread. On Monday three Dutch Officers, on parole at Peterborough, were married to three yaung ladle's of that city. The ladies names weic Rofe, Kingston, and vV hit well. ...


... Wednefday laf the South Hampfhire Reg t of ment of Militia, were reduced a. Sandbwn |G a Barracksi in this IflandiL Lately was married in -London, Mr.William Hn in. Williams, a refpetable- farmer and 'grazier, of an of Shanklin, in this Ifland, to the accomplifhed ...

On Paper

... Stafford, fhoe naker. Promoted. Wm. Bacon, Gent co-be Fnrfig, in tile Nor. wich Volunteers, vice Buttivant, wvho rtlignp. Married. On Thurfday, Mr. Thou. Tallrant, of Sixn litigham, near Ndrysich, to Mift Mskry Burton, yonge.&t daushfer of Mr. Henrsy 13tirton ...


... the ! ?? wife.— The damages were laid at io,oool.— The parties refide at Totnefs, in the county of Devon. Mr. Taylor was married to hia wi'e in the year 1792 ; it was proved to be a marriage of mutual affeftion, and that Mr. Taylor behaved with the moft ...


... her younger, who is now So years of age,'and lives in Manchefter. Tfie following LINES were written by a LADY, who had been married fome years without having had a Child, and who having taken the STEgL LOZENGES, was made a Yoyful Mother on the I3th of November ...

LONDON,—(Monday,) Sept. 8

... Governments ol Great Britain and France. Bonaparte is fatd to have required the Pope's permiflion for Catholic Priefts to marry. The Convention with .Denmark was figned on the 29th ult. The principal articles are :— The Danifh fiigate and convoy, carried ...


... ? 91. and his vatch. OE Tuetfia, Mrs. Whitconmbe, the Lady of Samuel Whit. combe, Efq. of Serjeants' Inn, of a daughter. MARRIED. YeRcrday, Mr. James Ketland, Merchtltt, to Mifs Tate, daughter of Jolhn Tate, Efq. of Bucklerfhury. DIED. On Monday. the ...


... finifled. Colonel Sir WILLIAM E;RSKINE, of the Fifteenth Dlragoons, is appointed Aid-de-Camp to the KING. He is ihortly to be married to Ladv LOUISA PAGET, daughter of the Earl of UXRAa DCE.f In a paragraph in our paper lafl week, it flated by i the nmiflake ...

Cabinet of Apollo

... to develope the myltery by the a infcrtion of an article ,with which we were favoured; and g which ftated, that Mr. S. (a married man) having con- v Ceived fufpicions of a moit agonizing nature, which glanced v at the other as an obje of jealoafy, he was ...


... appears, that Philip had fallen in love with Cicely, the farmer's Rtep-daughter, but old Sturdy will not confent to let his fon marry till he has ditcharged his duty to his country. Soen after a French Privateer is feen near the coaft.- Philip furnions his ...