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Portsmouth, Hampshire, England

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... the, I.Y :d, rnakhng, after the jih of - Ma fiext, af_.y at other Bread than the Standard Wheaten 'Bre'd' r- Lately~was married, Mr. Watfon, , of 1on en fey), to Mifs Cowdry, -of Twyford.- wit o On Tuefday eveni ng.diecd , Mr. John Bron, den falefman ...


... the Lady, for without fome invitation, dire& or indire~l, it very feldom lap- pened that a man attemptcd the chaftity of a married B: woman. With refpeft to the very. large damages 0 which had been given by-variousjurics, whofe ex- ample Mr. Fielding exhorted ...


... body 6f Mr. J , of Serjeant's Inn, who made away with himrfelf on Tuefday fe'n- - ight, on the morning he was going to be married, and ?? lie vas adlually dreffed for the ceremony. ] Su I C I D E.-Monday night, at a quarter before ten A o'clock, a Mr. ...


... Bar was allied to Come of the beft families in the Ap c untsny, and was a man of very confiderable fortune- for that he was married to his late wife in the year hirs 1778' that they had eight children, fix of whoin He were (tilt living that the tededt was ...


... The witnines in favour of the Prifcner, were his mother, and I. Miiddieton, a cotton weaver, who lives ini Norwich, and wvho marri;d Mrs. Bak{r's sizte;.theydepofed,that lome time after theprifoner ha was comimtted, they. went to Mrs. Peterfon's houte, ml ...


... from the dectafed. When he yeas apprehended, a licence was found in h;s poffef- flon, from which it appeared he was to be married to this MiX1is Wilkinfoo, who is faid to poffefs confider- able -property Lk the funds. Ratger, tlhe officei, like- L wife ...


... feeling, arnd humani 4 ty, independent of his own inierernt fenfe of, moral reclitude, applied to hi's father for permif'ion to marry a woman, vrho for hfiin' ad facrificed her Cl-aa&er; reputation, and friends, and vhofe. only. tait xyas,' Levc'? Thie Fadther ...


... was, it was only vwith a s ctine, and theat this was necefrary, as the was very idle.-. Thu daughter of the Defendants a married. womnan, ,who worked with them, 11ated to the fa1me efi&. I t evidently L appeared that thefe witnieffes had 'een tutored ...


... tried for the murder of Thomas Lunn. It appeared in evidence, that the Prlifner lodged at the 11hlc of Robert Lancaflor (who married the tieceafed's ilter) in the monuth of March, t8oo. Soon after he left jilhe hoife, and Lancafter mined a watch, which he ...


... u's of a ?? %yh t iscqually furgular, fle has lately E cut kcveral newteeth. -i - aft week'as a c''tiple vwasv zoiig to be married at Shef- c; hJcid. parlth church, the bridegroom was ?? ar- c rcfted by a ivife, fromn vlorn he haq not yet been divorced ...


... refceved to marry him without theknowledge of her family.- Mi~s c Swaine having vemoyed. her fuifpicions- of Mr. Forfter 'having written this letter, they were - again- reconciled, ind thc Defendar;it. wrote- a - fcolemn promife that (be would. marry hirn - ...

COURT of KING'S BENCH, Monday, April 26

... 'forbid in' confequence of his facred calling, from ieigaging'in'any purftsit fodas tog~tin' a a reputable liv~ihood; that he married in the'year e' 1787, and-has'th'ee children, who are at prelent Y ,upportd bylhlis aunt' e fu ?? 6' BLXNC c'bfereed,''that ...