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... the, I.Y :d, rnakhng, after the jih of - Ma fiext, af_.y at other Bread than the Standard Wheaten 'Bre'd' r- Lately~was married, Mr. Watfon, , of 1on en fey), to Mifs Cowdry, -of Twyford.- wit o On Tuefday eveni ng.diecd , Mr. John Bron, den falefman ...


... who' have robbied and feduced a number of unrhijikieg young t'oitlnfl tin'der pretence 'of beilig men'of fortune, who would ma~rry thena.; Ellasbech Buwy'erv about i1:yeas of age,' fisted, that thfie baid lined as a companlor= Ia lady in China Terracea ...


... Gainfbnrnugh, were fevctally fo~und gnilfY, and fen- tenced to ?? R}.o eZ Heldihan,0 alias WrhiamiZ Kntapp, a$. d a4, fosi marrying Sufannab Grahiam, of Bicker, having enotdieu *,ifi lvitt~g, v aJ t~etenced to j years trainfpcttatiosa. S. At Kingl~on, 3tohn ...


... the Lady, for without fome invitation, dire& or indire~l, it very feldom lap- pened that a man attemptcd the chaftity of a married B: woman. With refpeft to the very. large damages 0 which had been given by-variousjurics, whofe ex- ample Mr. Fielding exhorted ...


... body 6f Mr. J , of Serjeant's Inn, who made away with himrfelf on Tuefday fe'n- - ight, on the morning he was going to be married, and ?? lie vas adlually dreffed for the ceremony. ] Su I C I D E.-Monday night, at a quarter before ten A o'clock, a Mr. ...


... his daughter during her minority, which he declared fhould not determine till she was twenty-five years of age, or fhould marry with the ap. probation of' her trueefes. -le alfo left her his houfejin Grofvenor Square, and his hou~e at Wimbledon for her ...


... and was glad to get out. Mr. M. told him there was a fcheme to poiforn hiril and the children, and then M4rs. Medhurst would marry again.- The witnefs called on Mrs. Medhurfl in the afternoon, and told her Mr. M. was difordered in his intclledts. She faid ...


... Bar was allied to Come of the beft families in the Ap c untsny, and was a man of very confiderable fortune- for that he was married to his late wife in the year hirs 1778' that they had eight children, fix of whoin He were (tilt living that the tededt was ...


... The witneffes in favour of the prifoner were his mother, and J. Midlleton, a cotton weaver, who lives in Norwich, and who married Mrs. Baker's niece-they depofed, that fume time after the prifoner was committed, they went to Mrs. Peterfon's hofse for the ...


... from the deceafed. When he was apprehended, a liceice~ B was found in his poffellion, from which it appeared hr was ad to be married to this Mils Wilkinfon, who is (aid ti pirffef. Sr confiderable property in the funds;, the officer likewite fctinrdapon him ...


... The witnines in favour of the Prifcner, were his mother, and I. Miiddieton, a cotton weaver, who lives ini Norwich, and wvho marri;d Mrs. Bak{r's sizte;.theydepofed,that lome time after theprifoner ha was comimtted, they. went to Mrs. Peterfon's houte, ml ...


... from the dectafed. When he yeas apprehended, a licence was found in h;s poffef- flon, from which it appeared he was to be married to this MiX1is Wilkinfoo, who is faid to poffefs confider- able -property Lk the funds. Ratger, tlhe officei, like- L wife ...