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From the St. Jatnts's Even. Pon, Dcc. 24. of a Letter tendon, December II: Yellerday thirteen Malefattors were ..

... cart I c..t.rfC Coth. Fine in faetion to his Death, as he did when he went Ca 1 16 26 fint Cloth 6o to 72. to Church to be married. He laid to another Deal, Dec. z 5. Mr. Anthony Fafharn a Brewthat he had rather dye than live; which Ex- er here, lafi Tuefday ...

.tith P From SATURDAY 1 - kcenvat.r .6, to :1, 30, 17;0. LN•11111b. 12891 Flom Dai:y Cour.lll - , Dcc

... under Secretaries of State, is, we hear, ordered to be admitted to Bail. He was feized, at Norwich in a tcw Days after he was married to a rich Tradeiman's Daughter of the laid City. Hugh Hunter wlir) kept the Crown Inn, or Livery-Stables, in Coleman- fircet ...

From the London Gazette, Decem. 16

... Ordtr of the Bath. He was the youngeft Son of James Duke of Monmouth, beheaded on Tower-Hill in the Reign of King James 11. He marry'd &ft Mils Durzomb, Maid of Honour . to her Majefty Queen Anne, and by her had Itlue the Vifcount Hermitage, a Minor, who fiicceeds ...

It Should have been raid in air taii, that Ili to fatal that The died of the fame lall Week

... Spiritual Pre- From the Whitehall Even. Poll Jan. 5. ferment,has obtained for him the Place of Wood- Charles Pyott, VT was lately married to Reeve to his Grace the Lord Archb.lhop of Can- Mils Sandy's, one of the Daughters and Co- terbury, worth about cool. per ...

From the Daily Courant, J.innary 6 Paris, pinny 1, N. S. Here is nothing talk'd of at Court but War

... Water they had; and as far for the Bread they ear, the Cold and Froft having put a Stop to Grinding. Berlin, Jan. 3. N. S. Married in this City and Suburbs, in the Year 1730, 88 Couple; born Males r 590, Females 1426, Baftards 316 ; buried Males 1490, Females ...

From the Whitehall Even. Pat, jan. 19. direetly. He is now under an able Surgeou's refterday a Meffenger ..

... of OA: Sni4ll-Pox, lanes Earl of Airley, a hopebeen ill a the Purple Fever, is very well tc- ful young Nobleman, who was married not a covered. Moi1:11 ago to a virtuous and beautiful young Ifelierday two young Street-Robbers were L.dy, ILughter to the ...

Ii there is nothing

... Discontent of Mind, hang'd himself in his Chamber: About four Years ago, one Russel, an Irishman, forcibly and feloniously married one of his Daughters, an Heiress; and two Irish-Women, who were aiding and assisting to him in the Fact, were executed for ...

From the London (..;Jzette, lan. 30. Whitehan, Jan 30. Letters from Parnu of the a tit Initant, N. S. ativife,

... Streets, with Pattens hid to his Knees, upon which, with the Affiflance of his Hitnds, he moved from Place to Place, was married at St. Anne's Black-Fryers, to an agreeable young Woman of 6o 1. Fortune. This Morning Mr. Robinfon, a noted Watchmaker in ...


... way. Ile is of mean Extraa, but has raifed himfell by his great Courage and Undauntednefs in feeeral At ions. Moreover, he married the Sultan's Daughter. his Highncfs has depofed the Char of Tartary, and advanced his Brother, who was banifLed to Parna, ...

From the Whitehall Evcn. Foil, Feb. 3

... John Bofwell (a Quaker) formerly a Poulterer in Southwark. He was aged 89 Years, and has left a Widow, to whom he has been marry'di 64 Years. Madrid, Jan. 24. Our Warlike Preparations; and particularly the new Levies, arc carried on throughout the Kingdom ...

changed laft Night, the Wind coming Southerly, and it's now as hot as ufual in the Month of May. From

... Ships at Gravel - - end, have ordered their Captains to take their leave on Friday next. On Monday Morning Mr. &united was married at Rumford Church to Mifs Eyles, Daughter of Sir John Eyles, Bart. Sub-Governor of the South Sea Company; and from thence ...