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tenon or rurma I I: 141.1.11‘14 ; IJU tlepii6- ror lays he may turn the Buckle of his Girdle behind

... Commiffion, and we hear the Command will be giving to Capt. Hook. Lan Saturday Seville Hyde, Filq; of Tunbridge in Kent ' was marry'd to Mils Adamfon of Goodman's Fields, a lady of great Fortune and Merit. Yeflerday feveral Colliers arrived in the River from ...

From the Daily Courant, March 8. IS wrote fram Wincherter, that on Thurfilay lag Sir Simon Clarke, Bart. and ..

... greatly regretted by all that were of his Acquaintance. Ik has the Bulk of his Elate to his two Daughters, the elan of which is married to Charles Polhill, Efq; one of the Commifiloners of his Majefly's Excife, and the other la Maiden Lady. Count VgTii, who ...

From a London Written LettcrMarch f r

... Allies of Sevile are on the point of Signing the fame; which they fay from Hanovcr is in Subltance, That Don Carlos is to marry the Emperor's fecond DAughter, and have for Dowry with her the Mantuan, Milanefe, Lombardy, and Cremona, but not Poffeilion ...

From the Daily'Poft, March t 5. - N Saturday - . Night Jurtice Wcbticr'Ot Cattlefirm kiit from Leicater CoMe ..

... On Saturday Night the only Son of the Right Hon. the Lord James Cavendifh, Uncle to his Grace the Duke of Devonfbire, was married at his Father's Houfe to Mils Chandler, one of the Daughters of the Lord Bifhop of Durham, a beautiful young Lady of about ...


... for a large and fpecdy Reduaion of the Army. We hear from Paris, that Mr. Knight Cake of thc South Sea Company, was lately married to Mrs. Robinfon, Siita to Sir Thomas Robinfon, Bart. a Lady of great Accomplithmcnts. Letters from Chcfter fay, that Arthur ...

From the St. James's Even. Poft, March 3*. Yeilerday Morning a Man rode from the Stoncs-End in the Borough of

... We have a melancholly Account from Kenfington, that the Wife of Mr. Whicehorn, a Diftiller in that Town, who has not been married above half a Year, had appointed to fet out on Friday laft to fpend fome Days with a Relation in Surrey. She told her Husband ...

Merchant, Wood, from Ancona, are both at- fier in the County of Kent, in the Room of Da-; rived here

... Rotulorum of the Counties of Monmouth and Brecon, and one of the Knights of the Shire for the laid County of Monmouth : He marry'd the Lady Rachel Cavenchfh, Shier to his Grace the Duke of Devonfh;re, and has had Iffue by her fevered Children, four whereof ...


... 134idock in Hertfordihire, that about a Week or two ago the Son of Mr. Graves of that Town (a young Lad of 14. Years of Age) was marry'd to Mrs. Luke, Daughter of Sir Samuel Luke, a Maiden Lady. aged 70 Years. Colonel Phillips's three Children were laft Friday ...

To be Lett at Michaelmas next, And about the in of this Inf'ant April, as . A Farm in Littlebourn,

... wife dcfcribing to young People of both Sexes, Cottage,and an Orchard belonging to the fame. what fort of people they fhould marry ; whether Inquire of Mr. Peter Crayford in St. George's, happy or unhappy in Love Affairs, with feverid Can other fuch idle ...