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Oreferr'd Lan Week the to the Archdeaconry Of Salop. On Thurfday one Brockcr was tried at Hicks's Hall, for ..

... Dame Philadelphia Cotten did convey fevcrat Elates for augmenting the yciunger Children; Fortune, before the kid King was married to the Lady Cotten, which Eftates the laid King pogi felled for fame Years after Marriage; but the Children growing in Years ...

From the Louden Gazette, July - From Whitehall Even. Poft, July 8: Cadiz, June 24. N. S. The Capitsna arrived

... Baron Brudenel of Stanton-Wivel in the County Admiral of the Blue, made Rear-Admiral of the . of Leicefter, and Baronet. He married the Lady . White; and Sir George Saunders made Rear- Elizabeth Bruce, Daughter to Thomas Earl of Stuart,dmiral of the Blue ...

--• • - . itoblit whom they haie retied, - Strawy Pbll , and berehitaitit, wwas took their Leaves Of

... Lincolns-Inn- Fields ; 'cis (lid he died worth H art la n d Point, and by cutting away her Main. soo,ooo I. His Daughter was married to the late Mali, rid out the Storm, and ;s come here to refit.. .- Lad of Macclesfield. Sir Adolphus Onghton, Bart. Member ...


... sad *hen, chefs old Gentleman who died there laft Week, and Ice :lil li rt a s i u t l e l d , ituo.rhilsouidtlaV:l=7r had married t h ree Wives, and buried them all in ' 6f t , he Ta n e a Lag Wits from it North-FAR diffaent Graves, order'd in his Will ...


... Man of Maidflone Gensialorcal Tables, on Copper Platte Loildop, Printed for James, jolts, and Paul Kaaren, that he would be married the next Day before masoved from S*. Paul's .C.hoich-ya d. to the Crown in Noon, tho' he then had held noConverfation with ...

From SATURDAY Augull 1, to WEDNESDAY Aqua 9, um

... toKenfington in the Evening. A fcw Days Once the fecond and third Sons of Col. Meyrielt, of the MI Reginunt of NW Guards, were married, one of them to Mils Lucy Pit, a Lady of 14 Yearsof Age and 0001. Fortune, and the other- to a Daughter of Charles Cholmondeley ...


... betwein - one Diner, a Wheeler 'get a his COHIT. Another Caufe was tried if ma am &Mb • • • al* m r H am a. a between two married Neighbours for Felony, viz. Brewer of Kin s, cm the Man inditted his Neighbour's Wife for taklot Damages Numbs againg the ...


... delAiodoo eallat4 Thy ' e- Coon took de • n . . Staikhina . dng. The . ids_ _ . relliebiTup Oh O. S. Irefierday ' *, - has marry to .entertam in nog 110010 COM oick illaditli i r about dl 7 w view' the T oncd in this Neighbour. hood, end on Saturday the ...

how* Whit, eh* Even. Poa. Aug. 3t. We from Prdion in Laic*' thatometry Weeding was celebrated there a few Days

... further Lofs of Limbs. The Marriage was coolutnmated in a Barn, by - the Side of an Hay-mow, which in the Night fen on the new-married Couple, who ciiiing oat for Ardlance, a Perfoo that was pairing by wcnt in and ranoved the Hay, and took them =naked and alma ...


... From the London Evening.Poii, Sept. S. very likely to live. His Grace-the Duketof Montagu has Lett his Yefterday Morning was married at Capnk- Houle. in Great Ruffel-ftreet, near Bloomsbury gate, a Man near go Years of Age to a Widow. to the Count de -Meet* ...

_ - From the London Written Letter, Sept. ii. To be LET Tat Michaelmas next , 'Tis obferrable war within

... f that Plarr, on Tuefday the s9th of this infant September. dying on a Tutiday, her Husband buried her on the Wednefday, married again on the Thurfday, his new Wife was brongl-t to Bed on the Friday, and he hanged Mid& on the Saturday. A rare Week's Woik ...

From the tondos Gazette, Sept. :;. Helvoetiklys,. OEk.i, N. S. His Welty hating fit out from Hanover on ..

... lived and married there, after he had been marry'd about two Years, took a Dace to his Wife, and left her ; who has been maintained by the Paiifh of Bourn for near 18 Years; during which time the Miller went to Colchefier in Effex, where he marry'd another ...