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From a London Written Letter, O. 30. TIS (vetted that Mr. Wooliton will receive Sentencc this Term for the ..

... Fever. From ti• e Even* Poft, 06. 30. Laft Week Robert Fag Efq; only Son of Sir Robert Fagg Bart. of Witton in Suffex, was married to Ma Ward of York, a Lady of great Beauty and good Fortune. Lift Saturday, at Newmarket, Mr. Cook's Hobgob:in beat Mr. Vane's ...

!rota the. Londe Even. Poh, Nov. I. On Thuifilay Night Dr. Berbert was privately intered at Wefiminfier Abbey, ..

... On Thuriday laft, Mr. Mi(hael Turner, ene Of the Sons of 'Mr. Deputy 7 tuner, an eminent Linnendraper in Fleet-ftreet, was married at Ihnm to Mill Tilden, a yovng Lady cf a yery confiderable Fortune, and Daughter to Mr. :Tilden, an eminent Attorney. To-morrow ...

Prom the Whitehall EArzo. PO, Nov. I I

... Prom the Whitehall EArzo. PO, Nov. I I. The Rev. Mr. Johnfon, who was Chaplain at Gibraltar during the late Siege and fince married to a Niece of the Lord Bidiop of Lincoln, is prefented by his Lordfhip to the Rectory of Hemel-Hempfted in Hertfordfkire ; ...

She had 20 Tons of I

... John Moreton, a Linnen-Draper, and his Son-in-Law, her Guardians, giving each of them a Legacy of 500 I. is shortly to be married to Mr. John Moreton, jun. Eldest Son of Mr. Moreton her Guardian. On Saturday Night last, about 11 o'Clock, one Robert Lloyd ...

Portfmouth, had a Warrant granted him by Sir Charles Wager, and kveral other Lords of the Admiralty, to be Mafter

... Debt for IS I. ii S. 6.d. due on two Promiffory Notes when on a full H:aring it was proved by the Defendant, that the was married to one Matterfon a Soldier in the Foot Guards, at the time the contratted the Debt; but it being proved on the other Side ...

From the D.tily toin4 Dec. •

... Pontack's. On Thurfday the Honourable William Harvey, Commander of the Kinfale Man of War, ( a Son of the Earl of Brifiol ) was married at Po:timouth to Mils Ridge, Daughter of an eminent Brewer of that Town, with whom he has a very confiderable Fortune. Canterbury ...

Wayne. Defendants, u

... allowed him 20 I. Damage. One Mr. Pretty, a Cheesemonger in Old Gravel Lane, being apprehensive that his Mother was going to be married to a Person whom he did not approve of, he pursued the Man and his Mother to a Tallow-Chandler's in Crutched Fryars, where ...

SATURDAY December 20, to WEDNESDAY December 24, I 779. [Numb. ii-9.1 From a Lin ion Letter, Dec. 22. W' E

... Youth, brought over by his late Majefiy and who is now at Berkhamfted in Hertfora're, at One Mr. Fen's, was on Thurlday laft married to a Farmer's Daughter of that County, Dot far from where he bnarded : Which we mention in this Manner, fuppofing it would ...

From the gt. james's tan: Poit, foci: if. The Katherine, Capt. Cooke, with Oats from Rotterdam for London, ..

... Mr. Symmonds, a Diffenting Teacher at Stepney, and was to have been married to one Captain Lewis of Stratford, (an Eaft India Captain) but he dying on the Day they were to be married, left her 12000 I. which Sum Ike has left to her Husband Mr. Clarke ...

• From the Daily Poft, kn. 5. Yefterday the Knights of the Garter, Iiiiftle and Bath appeared at Court in

... fettled on him a Perfion c) 3500 I. per Annum. He married to bis ift Wife the Lady Effex Rich, Daug,hter and Co.. heir to Robert Earl of Warwick, by whom he had a Daughter named Mary, who ws f u ft married to Within.. Savile, Marqueli of Fiallifax, and ...

prom a London Written Letter, Jan. 3. The Lords of tl:c Treatury have under Confideration a Scheme for putting a

... Square, the Right Hon. David, Earl of Portmore, Governor of Gibraltar, and the firft General on the Britifh Efbbliihment. He married the IVlarchionef of Dorchefter, created fo for by King James 11. He is fiwceeded in Dnnotir and Eftate by his only Son Charles ...