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The Kentifh Poll or the Canterbury News-Letter

... upon the Elevation of the famous Mils Fenton, perform'd the Part of Polly Pentium in the Beggar's Opera, and was afterwards marry'd to Mr. Nicholas, a young Gentlemln of an ample Fortune, but under Age, dy'd a few Days fince. Saturday South Sea Stock Ins ...

Pro m St. James's Even. Poft, Jan. 20. the l'urkt had obtained a complete Vatory over tefterday fevetal Perfons ..

... to lefi than Half From the Whitehall Even. Poft, Jan. 20. Pay. On Viednefday Morning Mr. Roger of Lay, Laft Saturday was married at the Chapel of near Guildford, going with one cf his Neigh- William Bagnall, at Roehampton, Richard bours to Auvendell, ...

His Majelty's molt Gracious Anfwer

... Years of Age, who has beged Alms in Ironmotiger Lane, Cheapfide, and the adjacent Ncigbhobrhood, for upwards of II Years, was married to a Barber 84 Years of Age in the faid Lane; . and fince her Marriage the has carried her Spoure to her own LodginF, which ...

Foin the Whitehall Even. Poll, Jan: 27. Yefterday between Two and Three o'Clock In thc Afternoon, came on at the

... appealed their Damage at the Dileretion of the Juitices. But the Came was -ot allowed. On Wednefilay the Rev. Dr. Sherman was married at the Cathedral Church of Exon to IViiis Foulkes, eldeft Daughter of Dr. Foilles, Chancellor of Exeter, a Lady of t o 000 ...

From SATURDAY jatauary 3I 2 to WEDNESDAY February 4 1729 . '30. Tl9.] Prom a London Written Letter, Feb. 2

... Dealers had the Honour to kill their Majefties Hands. Mofcow, Jan. 9. N. S. Yellerday Prince lwan Alexiewitz Dolgorucki was married to the late General FieldMatthal Scheremetof 's Daughter ; the Ceremony being peLformed by the Arabi:hop of Novogroci, in ...


... their Veffels there Phipps, only Son of the late Sir Corritanladen with Rum, Sugar, Molalfes, and dry tine Phipp% who in 1718 married Catherine, GtiacVsfrom .Jamaica, dcfigned for New England only Daughter of James late Earl of Anglefea,, • and New-York. (by ...


... one of the Secondaries of W oodftreet Compter, is about to obtain an Mt of Parliament for a Divorce from his Wife, and to marry again. _ •__ _ _ _ On Thtirtday at the Court of King's Bench, Wcilmintler, the Lady Lawly moved in Arrett of the Judgment exhibited ...

From the London Gazette, Feb. 21. honeit and creditable Parents about a Weilminiler, FL b His Majeffy cane ..

... with him, i I to Capt. William Harvey, Son to the Earl of befidzs neeeffary Cloathing ; but bcfore his time Briftol, who married his Daughter. was out he quitted his Matter. variety of The Command of the Carolina Yacht, which Fortune for many Years he ...

The Kentifh Poll or the Canterbury News-Later

... Mackerel) for Felony and Burglary. John White for marrying Wry Farmer, his former Wife being living, was burnt in the Hand : It appeared by the Evidence that he married the fecond two Days after he had married the &ft ; but this was done to avoid being fent ...

Prom the Daily Journal, March 4. ty's Ship the Gorpoi.e, a tl - ic Rooen of the Yefterday was hcld

... Ore Son is Chaplain to the Hen. or Comn - .ons ; and ot the alup,hters, one is married to Wm. Clayton, a Reprefele.tiee in Parliament for Gauen, whole Dpuglecr is married to Jonathan Rafhleiekl, F,lee, a Cor Fovvey ; and another Daughter is to Tho. Crow ...

The Kentifh Poll or the Canterbury News-Letter

... Shaw's of Eltham in Kent, Wrt, by whole Death a confiderable Legacy falls to King Gould, Efq; Deputy Judge Advocate, who married her Daughter. On Friday Ipft, dicd Mr. Jacob Wall, a Man well known at the Secetaries Officeand Treafigy, having officiated ...


... Impoilure is to do the like, and afterwards to be banifli'd ; but the Advcewe, that contri%ed thc whole Affair, and to have marry'd that Lady if !he had carried her Point, is condcmn'd to the Gall:es. On the i4th the Tournello, confirmed thT .s;r: ...