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Portsmouth, Hampshire, England

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... `fitting at this Tort to receive ?? 2- be! ?? ;. . - ?? o- 4:m - ; - ;a, , :: . . S!A-TTURAY-, -tEB ?? -OnTuefday laft was married at Stoke church be] John Gay Wilkinfon Ef.; an Attorney of this to town, to.-the' accisfhe4 .ifs Sarradine, the fiter t9 ...


... Wednefday laf the South Hampfhire Reg t of ment of Militia, were reduced a. Sandbwn |G a Barracksi in this IflandiL Lately was married in -London, Mr.William Hn in. Williams, a refpetable- farmer and 'grazier, of an of Shanklin, in this Ifland, to the accomplifhed ...

Cabinet of Apollo

... to develope the myltery by the a infcrtion of an article ,with which we were favoured; and g which ftated, that Mr. S. (a married man) having con- v Ceived fufpicions of a moit agonizing nature, which glanced v at the other as an obje of jealoafy, he was ...

PORTSMOUTH THEATRICALS.—Agreeably to our anticipation in the laft Telegraph, our Theatre

... alterfoni of His Majefty's thip the St. Fiorenzo, was married latelyeto Mifs Yeatos, eldelt daughter of the late Davi4 Yeates, Efq. Regiftrat of: His Majefty's late Province of Bai Florida. On Monday was married, at Ryde, Ifle ofWight, Mr. Williams, junior, to ...

SIBLY'S Subscription Concerts commenced on Tuesday last, with the most promising eclat. The

... the Tfe of. Wight, to Mifti Cfrarltonivfp Paik fireet., London. . .: Mr. John Le Pr-ince, ofRingwood, in this counotcr1 was married, bn Saturday lait, to Mifs Francillioa, of Pentonville. .DEATvHS.-Tis: day Ce'nnigh t, at Wimmering, ,after a long and painifa ...

Cabinet of Apollo

... irriage inclin'd, May deceit or ill-humour ne'er trap ye! May thofe who are fingle, get wives to their mInd, Anid thofe who are married, live happy.! %rme chufe their ladies for eafe, or fbr grace, Or a pretty turn'd foot as they're walking; tonme ehufre for ...


... a verdi& for ?? - A-t ?? Church in Matchefter a i ouple were married ou Sundav 'nnight; the iime afternoon iS 5 chitdren were chrifene- there. ifhe following day zz couple morewerc married, and during thep Veeding week -2a couple .ere - .nmarriedthere ...


... reestly married to Sir James Pringle, of that p lae. She :idfihe had eloped, and married a Captain Icings, who an their arrival at Yarmouth, had left her, taking with him all her money, clothes, &c. She had fince been informed he. was married fome years ...


... isgsfuinhe, the father met them walklng in one of ltis ficlds, I is when he reproved her, infor minelher that the' foldier-was married.' -The co;nmuniceiton Sa' pdwerfully operated on r, her mind, as to induce the refoition of com'mitting fuicide'; k and bn ...


... interefting tale of pity.-A yong gi3l esS at 5 5 --ceen induced to marry a villain, for which fhe is caid off (i-nm paternal protection; in her diftral's, and imagisi- nerfelf a v-ivo-v, fhe marries I generous benefatlur, and by her acq: red af1 lence recieiws ...


... bright or new points. So The title arifks from. at.L uncle having bequeathed his Three per Cents to a nephew, on condition of' marrying within a year of the teftator's. deceafe. MifssMarriott, formerld of tb. our fiage, filled the part of 11Mrs. Splendouir ...


... interior of the Palace was 11- inified in a proportional ftyle. The Duke de Bourbon, who refides here, is his fuon, and was married to the only filter of the late Duke of OrILans, by whom he had a fuon, the Duke D'Enghein, who is alfo now in London, who ...