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Grampian, Scotland

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... givenIh lyunder the supervision of Mr R. Mozart Atkins in C, the Industrial and Art Exhibition to-night, 001n- B to manin ateight o'clock :-Part I-Organ solo, Let! toverture to Bohemian Girl (Balfe), Mr R. Mozart o Atkins ; song, Wart thou mine' (Alfred ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rendered the following music :-Adeste Fidelis (Dr were )W` Reid), Mass (Lambillotte), and the Dismissal Novel selected from Mozart's 12th Gloria. There was a ston E as large attendance. ing St 0- PETERHEAD HARBOUII TRUSTEEs.-A meeting of the fa el Peterhead ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... andimellow-ed. Herr Beilmaun, who created p~ quite a far-ore last season by his 'cello performances, tc is to give a Lar-go by Mozart and Schumann's ex. ir -quisite Abenlied. lBoccherim, Mendlessohn, and tu Schubert are next represented in quartet selections ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... brevity of the present notice. The prograleile was made up ef -saorceaecc from Rossini, Donizetti, Meyerbeer, Belini, Verdi, Mozart, &e.; the music being thus of the highest la5s. [L Were it not that the artistes have been resident sometiOeS amongst us, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... a debt of about y 270. The programme, which is varied and attractive, Ie includes vocal and violin solos, part-sougs, and Mozart's Agnus Dei ; and the names of the friends who are to Iassist give promise of a musical treat. n TRANSLATION OF AN ABBRDEEN ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Hetlnerivick, and ot~hrer. The mosicalf pasrt of the programme is under the charge of M~rt Alewr. M\achray, C.A., and Mr ]9. Mozart Atlkins. M~r W~atson, of the Quleen's Restaurant, wvill purvey for the audience. The gelleial arrangemnents wgill be emip ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... which followed, Miss Baird, showed great delicacy of touch for so .e young a pianist. Two movements from a trio in G major by Mozart afforded Miss B. Fyfe and Misa Machray, who played the piano parts in d the firstand second portions respectively, capital ...