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South East, England


Portsmouth, Hampshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... f1 flutnnefs. B Alfo, All that MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE B adjoining the laft mentioned premnifes: conaprifing a fhop and parlour, with a dry cellar under, two capital fi chambers on the firl: floor, and two upright ditto on _ the fecond floor. N. B. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SER-VANTS, WJNsCHESTER, ' part W ATHERE feveral SERVANTS--are now - - A V Wanted; particularly a COOK, DAIRY- Buil MAID, and HOUSE-MAID; alfo a-COOK; wvho fiid will sindcrtake the care of two Cows, in a fimall gea- T teel Family, in the neighbourhood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... whix Pf .ited Copies of this Song to be had on Mondayt brie: kveninS, at the Theatre. intl To which will be added of e THE OLD MAID. 416f Thte Performance will be over by Elev4ei, and WateF- artai man attending. of Il BY D£sItiti OF T THE HON. LIEUTENANT-COL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... liationed Vef~el. le Third, To Sail round the Red Buoy off the B3ram- of. bles, tacking to the Northwardl, and to fet only Mai;D- |fail, For, fail, and Jib, which are not on any account lto be Boomed out. - e t Laftly, Veffels Sailing to 'the Southward ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ed~aqd detilhed,.iconifitig of a Fourtalled -$table, Coach.Houfe, &c.aire u'ful and convenient. The Hotife-ionfifts.of.a Parlour, 17 feet.5 inches'by 14. feet 6 irnhes.; Breikfif R.o'om, x. feet6 ir'ies ' I-3 .ft rSinches; Draiwing Room, nearly iS feet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mii's KELLY Will fing the favourite Airs, -- A Sdvpiherd 'wanderd, we are tad. An! onc, wnen I wits a vefy. little.. Maid.- Inthecourefoothe Evening THE OLIVE OF PEACE, wr.tcen and to be fang by Mr. KiLLv. r To which will be added the ?? admired ...

Advertisements & Notices

... apd about' 7 acres of rich mfado v Land in front of 'the houfe. . The Houle onfids of an entrance hll, threelarge and lofty parlours, a drawing roonm and brnry, fix iood bed chambcrs, withdreffing rooms, clofets, adanurfery, and fix good fleepiigrooms in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the greateft number of Lambs from his Flock, confufting of not lefs than zo and not more than Ioo. THREE GUINEAS to the Dairy Maid who has ferved one Mafter or Miftrers faithfully for the longeft period, not lefs than 5 Years. TWO GUINEAS to the fecond. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For the Benefit of Mrs. LINGS. . N MOND AY the i I th of April, So3, ,will be .~ piefented the fLvourite Colleldv of Tile MAID OF 'HE MILL. f Dancig by the Myir Brug-aiZrs. A HORNPIPE, B.Y MISS LINGS. In the courfe of the Evening, Mr. KELLY will Recite ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in the Bufinelcs of PLUMBER, GLAZIER, and PAINTER, where he- humbly affures thgfe- wbo will favoesr ihim with th'ir coin- maids; that they 'liall meet with *uch ftri. atteritiponto! I their orders, moderate charges; ainq -vorkoinaiip, as fhall: enfu.r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R~ ue t~e Ca6, or Mlr. Luke's, the. I TO BE SOLL) BY PRIVATE'CONTi'ACT, COi-;YHOLD NEW DWELLINIGHIOUSE, A l> with fron't Parlour and back ditro; Kitchen and Ap- purtenances; alfo about half an Acre ef LANDone.mile diftant from Emrnfortlh. : I . For furrher ...

Advertisements & Notices

... greateft number of Lambs in proportion to his flock, con- _ ate filling of not lefs than fifty. . - Two 'Guineas to the Dairy Maid who has ferved one rhe maiter or miltrefs faithfully for the longdtt period, not lefsi in, than three years. One Guinea to ...