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AJ3VERTI?EM£NTS. - T¥ 3if ¥ Avery good Brewing Copper, that will Boils Hogs-beads, with a Majhing-Tub, and ..

... Correct manner. -Sa^Notc* AOPfrfons: may bffurniJH Wi Warrant* upon Xfr? ft,&A]M»&s, Artkt to be diligently enquired of, and parti-q llrly Anlwcred unto in Writing by tl High Conftables, &c. Warrants for Overfei ofthe\?6or,WMchWarrants, Certificates I Burying ...

Published: Mon 13 Aug 1711
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 223 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. WHereas John Datnia. Senior, hatk Occaf ion for a Vefiel between Fortj and Fifty Tun Burden, to ..

... Aberdeen* if any Pcrfon iswtO- ingcto undertake *the laid Voyage^ Jicmjy be firaughted out and in withlufficient Sam- fa&ion: The party that is minded to under- take the faid Voyage, may come to the fail John Dagnia, Senior, at ms Houfe witha* the Clofe-Gate ...

Published: Mon 26 Nov 1711
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 221 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

.ADVERTfSEMENTi EAtph Jgutttr, Mu/kailnftrtiment Maker of Low*. ion, who makes and mimds airftrumwi, as fine ..

... Newcafth upon Tmt. * N. B. Tlte laid Halfh Agntur is of tilt Family of the Jttmtfiofs of Walworth, Elfwick and Nmcoßle. ?? Party want 3 dr 4 Rooms* near fhe Sea Side, for i the Convenience of Bathing in the Sea, or for 'fitPPt^ Air' for„ Qntdren % they ...

Published: Mon 28 Apr 1712
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 862 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

•ADVERTISEMENTS. pWPWR T ROB E R r HILL'S in the Flefli ElsST&^3 Market, there is a Main to be fought

... Og~^Q twixt the Gentlemen of the County of gggsg?W of Northumberland, and the County of wISKiWHK Newcaftle upon Tine; each Party fhewing Thirty one Cocks 1 They begin to Fight at Nine on Thurfday Morning, the 19th Inftant, and continue Fighting Friday ...

Published: Sat 14 Jun 1712
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 686 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

A D V E X TISEMENTS, BEtweenthe Pant and Tuttle-Stairs in the Clofe, at Mr. Moors the Cook, there is

... and the Morpeth Gent)eratn, m the County of Northumberland, On Monday and Tuefday, being the ajth and JOth In ftant, each Party ftewing A xi Cocks, fot a Considerable Wager. *'pili:Sli arc to give Notice, that High~Ft*tworth, (alias Smith's Farm) JL The ...

Published: Mon 22 Dec 1712
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 192 | Page: 12 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. / j E Houfe down the South Shoar, that Mr. Thomas Reed junior lived in, is to be Let,

... inftant July, the Town ofSwallweJl, and Lanchefter, foi'wm Guineas each Battle, and 10 Guineas the Main. A 1 foa Parti c Roy alto be fought on Thiufl day the 27th. of 16 Cocks, for a Plate of 30 s. Value, Note, They are to be Blinkers, aiifl ...

Published: Sat 15 Jul 1721
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 503 | Page: 12 | Tags: Classifieds 

A DYER TIS E M X tf T S. I WHERE AS it it Reported, That Elizabeth Engledew of £bnd#n,

... X^M !( : . iM ?? H t t W&- ?? HERE is to behold this Nextfeafori al>buyiyey t 3qn^ large Oafce' JL .. Trees at Fountains Party T#b ; * Miles froni Rippon,' by Mrs Mary Athorpe at Rippon aforefaid or by Mr. Leonard, Harljey at Middleton i;yas nigh Richmond ...

Published: Sat 16 Jun 1722
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 197 | Page: 12 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. TO be Sold at reafonable Rates, out ofthe King's Whare-houfe iii Newcaftle, by Wholefale or ..

... Durham, or tp Mr. Ralph Buttler at his Shop near the Poft-Houfe, or _\Jr Tho. Patinfon, Hiilo. Math, in Stockton, or to Mr* Tho.Partis^, Jeweller, iilS^derland; M; B. Any Gentleman may hate his Seat drawn and engraved by th«lam^ *«« n a rev* fonable Rate. ...

Published: Sat 08 Sep 1722
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1081 | Page: 12 | Tags: Classifieds 

Advertifements are defired to be lent in on each Friday before Twelve in the Forenoo% ADVERTISEMENTS. There are ..

... Bookfeller, Durham; or Mr. Tho. Patinfon, Philo. Math, or Mr. Ralph Buttler, in Stockton ; Mr. Guy Robfon, Fitter, or Mr. Thomas Partis, Jeweller, in Sunderland ; Mr. Shaw, Bookfeller, or to Mr. Whire, Printer in Newcaftle. N. B. Any Gentleman, &c. may have ...

Published: Sat 03 Nov 1722
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1054 | Page: 12 | Tags: Classifieds 

Advertifements are defired to be fent in on each Friday before Twelve in the Forenoon. ADVERTISEMENTS. ..

... Lawcafhire and!W 7 eftmoreland Gentlemen, on the fame Days in the Morning, at Mr-Wilfon^s Ccck-pit in Lahcafter aforefaid, the Parties to fhew^ind weigh 31 Cocks each. ,N, B. That if two or more H c^rfes, &c: be tiot entered for any of the faid Plates, and ...

Published: Sat 08 Jun 1723
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2044 | Page: 12 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. A Parcel of good old Hay, to be Sold at Backworth : Enquire of Mr. Thomas Holme, at iiis

... Newcaftle, at the Back and Adjoining the Cuftom- A Houfe, now in good Repairs, convenient, as ever it was for a Publiek-Hoiife, or parti- cular Dwellings, for it may be divided into two or three Tenements, and done with gtfeat Conveniencies, it having three Pairs ...

Published: Sat 13 Jul 1723
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 552 | Page: 12 | Tags: Classifieds