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Military Courts Martial

... The tendency of the ?? different charges were, to accufe him of ufing co] his fituation and powers to. excite or foment W parties in the Regiment againit the above Of- ya! ficers. wa The Court having duly weighed and confidered the r evidence before them ...


... Lcrd Camelford's difchiarge; when Lord Valeritia and Cap. tain - , of the navy, appeared as bail for him, and; the feveral parties were bound over for his appearance to anfwer for the affault; Lord Camelford himfeif in 40001. and his two farcties in zoool ...


... to the fale of her goods by orier of llaewkins. The prifonzero were committed for ftarther examination, and Leveeai of the parties were bound over to profecure. OTEssecx5.-Forgeries of fome magnitude wereecom.. mnisted in Exeter, a few days ago, by a r ...


... fqP. fed that Gince, feveral of the articles had been fold. The prifoners were committed for further exami- nation, and the parties bound over to profecute. The exarpinatiorp of the two fwindlers at Bow- 'Ircet, affords a melancboly 1but convincing proof ...


... evidence for the Ce Crown; he Cud, that he had already made a foil difeovery to of the robbery at Brixton Caufeway;g the parties concerned I;were himfolf, Agiddleeeo, }Hooker, Ball, Wieatln, Scott, and ?? Dick. Harper, hr would folcmnly fwesr, 'was dnot ...


... fliop in Bath-ftreet, where the felony was allcdged to have been ommitted, was produced, and'frequently referred to by all parties. Mr. Julfice Lawrence fummed up the e-idece in . an impartial and candid manner ; and having fstated -that the conducftaof ...


... Giorgio, who are of thefamc order, on feeing a pope eleved from among them, is very gteat. e The ne'w Piopehaid ?? been a parti'uiar favoutite s of Pius VI, 5, , ...


... witnefs. Daniel M'Donnelliacorporal in the 3d regiment of Foot Guards, flated that he had been fent from the Savoy, with a party of three foldiersj'for the purpofe,'of escortring two deserters towards Chefter.- He had-ordeis to deliver them up toQ the: ...


... punifhment-perhaps B fevdral hundred lafhes, or whatever a Court Martial M thought proper to infii; the Corporal commanding the party would, in addition to fuch punilhment, have becn reduced to the ranks. John Emery, a lad of about fourteen years of age, Law ...


... the name of Fleming. who interfered on ike the occation, was ftabbed in the left fide of the belly red by one of the above party of the name of Tims, a (is, brafs-worker. The poor man was conveyed to St. iter Bartholomew's Hofpital,-without hopes of recovery ...


... contended about in the- thi e I prefent cafie wvas fo fmall, that it was impofibloe to At e fuppofe that the difpute between the parties, in which he e this attion had originated, was founded upon any' an ,v motives of perfonal intereft; but, on the other hand ...


... made lieveral obfervations upon the evidence for the Plain- U l tiff, and . upon the fituations and charafters of the B: two Parties ; and Rated, that he Ihol Id call W::nsfies to prove that the Plaintiff had. no claim whatever to damages. becaufe he had ...