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This is but too much the misfortune of the country we live in. For let either Whig or Tory, when

... confciences, than be prevailed on to oppofe fuch fleps as they judge wicked and danger. ous, are filled by the leading men of the party they were engaged in, (and confequently reputed by their numerous train of fycopbants and followers) deferters e tteir friends ...

Published: Tuesday 02 October 1792
Newspaper: Patriot 1792
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 112 | Page: 32 | Tags: none

Intrepidity and jrnmers, are two virtues which every patriot muff be mailer of, or cite all the other talents he

... to remain quiet and inactive; to avoid the refleetions cail on them by preluded tongues, and the hackney fcribbkrs of each party. We have heard of confiderable men, in late reigns, who have retired into the country, and left the power of Government in ...

Published: Tuesday 02 October 1792
Newspaper: Patriot 1792
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 182 | Page: 33 | Tags: none

It appears that the Minifter was very unrofrar—perkips no one, either bchre or fince, was ever mole defervedly ..

... teems he was turned out by the leaders of levet - al pat ties having united againft him ; but though thefe leadcrs of parties forced him to refign, he was able 4 to capitulate with them for his fafety ;--therefore, however cr minal he might be in ...

Published: Tuesday 02 October 1792
Newspaper: Patriot 1792
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 121 | Page: 21 | Tags: none

It was this priwate. meeting, and another which hap. , Fened two days afterwards, of the fame perfons at the

... contempt that was fhewn to him ; they gave him the moft cordial ances of attachment; and they immediately formed a fepa rate party. They were in a fhort time joined by the DUKE OF ARGYLE, who, though he had taken the ordnance in the firli moments of the ...

Published: Tuesday 02 October 1792
Newspaper: Patriot 1792
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 205 | Page: 18 | Tags: none

'THE &ft eirential ingredient neceffary to form a • Patriot, is, impartiality: for if a perfon than think ..

... rules but thole of his own reafon ant judgment, or obliged t* follow the di&ates of others who (hall appear the heads of the party he is engaged in, he finks below the dignity of a human creature, and voluntarily refigns thofe guides which natuie has given ...

Published: Tuesday 02 October 1792
Newspaper: Patriot 1792
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 79 | Page: 32 | Tags: none

( 3 ) Did not approve Lord Carteret for the Treafusy —This ihewl the and thef reedorn of our government

... degraded Nlinifter, difcarded from the fervice of his Royal Mailer, becaufe he was obnoxious, not only to the leaders of parties in the Houle, but to tie whole Nation, on account of his infamous conduel, and unconliitii. tional procadingr—with the dread ...

Published: Tuesday 02 October 1792
Newspaper: Patriot 1792
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 251 | Page: 24 | Tags: none

which is now fo confpicuoully rifing, and fu rapidly fpreading through the land, juftify both parties in the ..

... which is now fo confpicuoully rifing, and fu rapidly fpreading through the land, juftify both parties in the opinions they have feverally formed on this great event. Political popery and impofture have received the mortal wound. Their remaining ftruggles ...

Published: Tuesday 02 October 1792
Newspaper: Patriot 1792
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 100 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Amonel the other occupations of the affociated people, they are enquiring into the different pretentious to ..

... majority had been pined over to the intereit of one of the parties at Me, that the panne' itfelf had been packed by arts the molt infamous; and that a number of the firvash of the bribing parties were amongfi the jurors; whdt would be the indignation at ...

Published: Tuesday 02 October 1792
Newspaper: Patriot 1792
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 288 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

( 3 ) Did not approve Lord Carteret for the Treafusy —This ihewl the and thef reedorn of our government

... degraded Nlinifter, difcarded from the fervice of his Royal Mailer, becaufe he was obnoxious, not only to the leaders of parties in the Houle, but to tie whole Nation, on account of his infamous conduel, and unconliitii. tional procadingr—with the dread ...

Published: Tuesday 02 October 1792
Newspaper: Patriot 1792
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 251 | Page: 24 | Tags: none

Would to heaven that fuch laudable views aaually exified; in that cafe we fhould loon have no caufe to complain

... exified; in that cafe we fhould loon have no caufe to complain of what the aloft profligate flatefman dare not openly defend :—Party and corruption would be banned our fenate, and the real fentiments of the nation be uttered by thole, who now only infsh the ...

Published: Tuesday 16 October 1792
Newspaper: Patriot 1792
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 62 | Page: 12 | Tags: none

6. In thcirt, we fee with the lively concern, an army of Placemen t Pentioncrs, &c. lighting in the caufe

... means juftice is denied to the poor on account of the expence attending the obtaining it; Corporations, under minifterial or party influence, fwallowing up the importance, and aeting againft the voice of the people; penalties infli&ed on thofe who accept ...

Published: Tuesday 16 October 1792
Newspaper: Patriot 1792
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 286 | Page: 21 | Tags: none