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On Saturday an adjournment of the Admiralty Session was held at the Old Bailey; when Mathew Con

... places are calling meetings for the purpofe of petitioning Parliament, as already dane by Woicefter, that grain, turnips, and potatoes may be fold by weight inftdad of meafure. Accounts have been received at Whampoon that a revolution hadtalken place in the ...


... it appeared, had been to buy the potatoes, and it could not be proved that be had been employed even in this way above fi; Weeks or two Months. i A Clrik, Who had been engaged in' fup efinterding the fale of the potatoes, often from fix in the morning till ...


... foi the purpofe of eredting cottsges, with a Rufficient quantity of land fuor dhi f'appyly of the ihlaotitants thercof with potatoes apd other vcge- tables, or annexing fussll pieces of ground tojfuch cottagers as may be in want thereof. They therefore ihmbly ...


... injlurious fraud lii ies a UpOn thle revenue, of giving receipts upin Untiamped p ife in paper. That the Defendant was a potatoe merchantj; fAM, refiding in Crifpin-flreet, Spitalfiels, whele he cl r C ir- ried on a very extenfive trade. 'I'hat he had ...


... fhooting without a licence, while in the Plaintiff's fervice. Another witnefs proved the dilivery of a quantity of wood and potatoes to the 'Defendant, but he admitted he took no particular account ofthem, becaufe he did not think they were intended to be ...


... notes -to the fame amourt, Mr. Es' e, aid, the pJaintiff, who fued as. executor, found aiong- the papors- of hiss teafftor, a potatoe merchant. A.,- d g RS becamne-him for the good of tfie edate, he im- rnediattey prefented them for payrnent 'Ihe defend- ant ...


... tlhat ihe had been fent to buy'a quantity of potatoes, and ave that ihe had given the (hili ng with which (he -was to )me pay for then) to the-Defendant, but that he ,wovid nei- ient ther give her the potatoes nor return her the flhilling. 'lhe Plainti ...


... with grafs or0 other vegetable fub lanc es in ufe, bht which do notfoi imniediately oitribute to thefood of man as corn and potatoes do,;' and , if aninials fuffi- ciently fat for every ufeful purpofe can be piroduced in ten Months without thefej why fbould ...


... cha rater of Murrotzb D'Ilanry, was turning the potatovs out of his portmanteau, a wag in the gallcry threw a large ronsted potatoe, wrapped in paper, on the stage, which Mr. R. took up and de- voured, the no ainall amiusemrent and astonishment of the audience ...


... GUIlA)HALI.. . 'OOttW -I 'iS..Xtv it las M'Nislh, Wigab, Lancaster, tinibermerchiant .- 3 1i e- Rob. Davies, Enheld Wash, potatoe merchant : 3 fo a Jno. Bunduch' Great'East Cheap, corn dealer ' 3 II in Luke Guerrier, Stcpney,' cosvkeqper - 3 IO e Christ ...


... 4os., I .. Malt -L do - e58. 66S, Oats 25 --z s.2 3IS| White Peas - '481s ?? Polqads - -3s od. . Boilers - ' - -70s. 78is.Potatoe ditto -- 35s . Od -RETrorN Or WSEA i' IN MAR-LAIEs from May 2stoMay| .3-Tocal 4609 quarters- .Averige&678e od Zsuc. I lowertharn ...


... Outs - - - 239 7s. 3s. I ,V tatesl, Malt' - - - - 6.s 7zs. Paiands - - 325to 149od. P soner,' White Peas-.-- '7s. '8ss. Potatoe ditto, &c. to 36sd Od . nploy Rape Seed 3;41. old. to 3l1. o. per last. . rnploy Carraway 40s. Pd. to 42s. od. per'rwt. ' ...