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Rom the Milt Gazetteer, Sept. 13. Hanover, Aug. 31. 0. S. HIS MaiAly, who takes the Air every Afternoon at

... &tans, who were fummoned hither by Order or die Court, and have caufed I Paper to' be printed aild pub- Wiled, containing 20 Recipes for preventing it, curing it, and for the Condua of the eatknts after their Recovery. From the London Evening•Poft, &Tr. is ...

From the Getters, Evening PO, 011. ii

... intelligible; in which every Difeafe is rationally and praaically confidered, in its feveral Stages and Changes; and approved Recipe's inferted under every Diftemper, in Alphabetical Older. Being principally the Luntmon-place Book 6f a late able Phyfician ...

Fro* the toneless Wriftes Letter, My: io. This Day came Advice, that the Illultsips Pair, Captain Wildey, of ..

... intelligible; in which every Difeafe is rationally and prattically contidered, in its feveral •Stages and Changes; and approved Recipe's inferred under every Diftemper, in Alphabetical (irder. Being principally the Common-place Book of a late able Phyfician ...


... Arms. On Enigrnatiltr. On a Bull's running into the Pump-Room at Bath. Eva - dne on Torritmond's Birth-Day. Snuff difgraced. Recipes to make a Patriot, and a na---1 Courtier. Epigram, &c. Scc. IX. Hiftorical Chronicle. Elettions of London and Weftminfter ...

From SATURDAY June 6

... to Lis Majetty's Stables at the Mews. The following Genuine Indian Recipe, fcr the Bite of a Mad Dog, and w!lich has cured in many Intiances where the Symptoms have appeared. Recipe, Of Native Mirka, Cinstabar, of each ten Grains; mud of fixteea Grains ...


... Pdper of fo univerfal Ufe as to take in every Thing that may conduce to the General Good, and verefore have often given us Recipe's for the Cure of the contagious Diftemper among the horned Cattle, I fuppofe a Receipt for the Cure a the Gout, that dresdfel ...


... that on the Friday before, he law off Berry-Head, a Dutch Ship of sso Tons founder, and believes the Crew perifhed. In the Recipe from Bath for the Difeafes of the Black Cattle, inferred in our Paper of Saturday laft, for Letetv read Sam, to be made in ...

'cake, 3, • rfttr• to ' , lto I s iid , s to to the Cora• xtorni• Temrm'd io

... bletheglin, Vinegar, Nerjuice, Catchup, &c. With the Receipts of Mrs. Ste ns for the Stone; Dr. Mead for the Bite of a Mad Dog the Recipe, fent from Ireland, for the Gout; Sir Hans Shane's Receipt for Sure Eyes; and the Receipt for makii , g Tar Water. Printed ...

On Wednertlav Isf4 tile Hon. Mri. Lewis, GranSnlo!her to the I. z ot Hon. the L.IIA of Plymouth, prefented the

... Vinegar, Veryuice, Catchup, Sec. With the Receipts or Mrs. Stevens for the Stone; Dr. Mead for the Bite ot a Dog; the Recipe, fent from Ireland, for the Clout ; Sir Hans Sloane'. Receipt son Sore Eyes; and the Receipt for making Tar Water. _ Printed ...

In Two handiume ice six dluni it w T 10 Ftrrv, _ - With every Receipt and new improvement d

... glin, Vin-gar, Veipaice, Catzltiy, &c. With the Receipts a Mrs. Se,Thens for the Stone; Dr. Mead .er Bite of a Mad Dog; the Recipe, feat from Ireland, for rho Cour Sir Hans Sloan's Receipt for Sore Eyes; and the Receipt making Tar-Water. 7. The above Book ...

jsm tba Vio, April 7. • 27. antAlied, that the Court Or kat is • Tiro!, to (cast an AmbaTarter

... will undertakt .6 .t ; which is, to im,srove the of 'Phple under bis 'Dominion : 'lt . panted, !tatty, fo maitlP.riViltei, 'recipe ' dl Inn 4 Dais,' given Orders for ft ihecipfming hew Pons; iF, 'liter kg! 4.1., it was jun clittover'd, brone of ifeiliflo ...

ay h lc- IC. he Aphich, Ted. c he tea t was , the lb of ryiog 00 251 N

... Mum, Metheglin, Vinegar. Verj uses, Catchup. With the Receipts of Mrs. Stepkav for the Sem ; Dr. 'or their's* •fra Dig ; the Recipe, Cent for theGras ; Sir Shane's Rec:ipt for Sire tyci ; and Ihe Receipt tor making Ter . Indicated with Celyer.eates, and ...