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€ite' E>tog|)cDa journal

... head of garlic, with two spoonfuls of oil, finishing sums in payment, it is supposed that the knowledge with splendid dish of salad, onions, or cucumbers, that acquired of the signatures these gentlemen, according to the season, induced him make the attempt ...

SDrostjeDa journal

... best-tempered girl in the company losing her share of the amusement At a remedy for cramp, persons are recommended i to pour some salad oil into the palm of the hand, and rnb well into the calvga of the legs ; repeating the operation once a week, or before taking ...

%i)z £>rogi)cca ‘Jou nial

... and M'Keever, for stealing heifer on 15th J uue last, the property ot Scroggy. Not Guilty. Entimj Salads latl, who had lately ijone service, having had salad served to dinner every day for week, ran away ; and when asked how had left Iris place, Ire replied—•' ...

%\)t ‘Journal

... surfeits, erysipelas, and even death. Salted fish very indigestible. Vegetables, when eaten in a raw state, m the case of salad':, are neither nutritive nor easily digested. should therefore eat sparingly of onions, water-cresses, radishes, celery, and ...


... frosts. In dry weather, dig and trench vacant ground. Sow peas, beans, kltncv, spinach, and early cabbage; radishes and small salad »owd once » fortnight. Towards the end of the month, savoys, chervil, dill, fennel, carrots, onions, and leeks.— Plant Jerusalem ...


... security, which was ac- | tion, we mast be careful t thas The i tad t*iat So Nfanchalad or stale mea fat peop TENG to the amonnt salads, he had lott the Sherill’s had been made to will prevent too great od feverish diso ders, do opay the interest, he boar avperf ...

• The Regent-street of Rotterdam. The word RooT.jes, which is a diminutive of Boom a tree, has been rendered by

... man, who has heart to feel, and a palate to taste, ever lose the rorolleotio'i of well-dressed maintenon outlet, or chiekon salad. No: it will reear to him, post totidom annos, and bring once more the soft tremulous dew’ upon his lip. At last we sot out ...

Jourt. After stopping for time io Orenbergh, where much interesting information was obtained from Colonel Gens, ..

... Ac. FOR FEBRUARY About the middle of the mouth sow the principal crops of cariy peas, beaus, radishes, and all other tender salad herbs, and a few onions.— Look after the green-house and frames containing auriculas, carnations, or other tender plants, and ...


... GARDENERS CALENDAR FOR Continne to so\r all sorts of salad herbs and beans, for later crops. Sow skirrets, salsafy, and scorzonera, also white and yellow turnips.— About the end of the month »ow biocoli, cabbage, and cauliflower seeds for a late crop ...


... 'itly hi Inr'y-beans, also savoy anti cab* ha-re for late rroji. Sow peas M.d bi'ans every rli,co ; s|iiiiiit'c, ladislice, salading, wirphljr ; onions and let ks. Cut the heads ia tovrllcs. Prick out young ttfloi )’. Sow I ttuce a Fit.isU sowing poicnniais ...

ill which three peisons are at present ill. | the owner of it a few minute* since pren*ri breakfast for

... the paste an indigestion for a ploughman. Then come some tolerable articles—fish, flesh, fo«l._ Then some green trash call a salad. To these succeed flitters, omelettes, cakes, fruits, cheese in incredible qusntitcs ; the whole washed down with from to four ...


... impoverished aud stimulated ; nor is it possible to conceive any thing possessed of these characteristics more strongly than salads, other raw vegetables, and half ripe fruits, qualified with copious libations of adulterated gin. Of how many among our poorer ...