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Chats with Housekeepers

... the a searqb, and if through these means the salad can be sent to table without having touched either water or a knife (for the lettuce should be torn not out), the salad would 3 be perfection. When salad leaves must be washed (and a ittis only the innermost ...


... genius. I dined with a German friend the other day, and I was struck with the variety of salads on the table. We had potato salad, bean salad, and an ordinary lobster salad. I think, perhaps, we neglect this form of diet a little in England. One seldom sees ...


... 3sareh, Nith the wind in his wings wide-spread, Leaps from heaven, and the deep day's arch Hails re-ri- en xailn from the dead Salad March. S~oft samall flamee on rowan sad larch Lie Ik forth as laughter on lips that said Nught ?? the pulse iil them beat ...

Chats with Housekeepers

... balm gives out an agreeable smell, something like new mown hay. .Burnt.-This plant used to be called Salad Burnet, be. cause it was much used in salads to give them a finer -flavour. It was named Poterium because it was one of the ingredients used in the ...


... with disgnst upon warm dishes, cold meat, and a good salad or cucumber, or pickle, proves more acceptable than the most expensive joint of meat served hot and reeking frons the fire. To makte a good salad wash one or two let- thrces, throw out the decayed ...

Chats with Housekeepers

... by an 6OT indiveidl who had4 made the salad for many years with I isloaiguine success. Clean-se a sufficiency of whatever salad is said in season rind dry it perfectly. Make the salad bowl in which, thbe salad is to be dished very cold by Putting it ...


... it-the lots coming SOi late in the seaeon. Tlhere is a salad compnred of chic,,rv, wvhich, if not bitter, is delici:us; anti yriturday I tasted a herb known as Batavia, which Mtrdru a ?? rdlishable salad. The dressing Eupplied was the yolk of a hard-boiled ...


... marked by the presentation to Mr er Arthur Milton, in commemoration of his 35th V a birthday, of a spirit stand and a handsome salad t - bowl and a pair of flagons. The presentation I he was made on behalf of the company by Miss r on Louie Gilbert (Robinslon ...

Chats with Housekeepers

... and are now in full season being at their best and cheapest. They are eaten raw as a salad by themselves, or when used as an accompaniment to a lettuce or potato salad constitute an agreeable addi- tion thereto. They are converted into soup, made into ...

Extract from New Books

... served with . eumon three times daily; it came upon the table boiled, f fried, broiled, and smoked; we were served with sslmon salad, salmon jelly, and salmon pndding. The pudding is tho chef dkceuvre of the Norwegian conk's art. The fish is a first separated ...


... parrot learnt to sVear, And said some other naughty worus Retirement couldn't bear. So she took her emerald birdie By his salad colored jowl And wrung his neck; she wouldat st-d Foul language from a fowl! SELF-PRESEPVATION.- It was mean of you to go ...

The Household

... now always served with those 'lishes which are sent to table with vegetables, and this second plate, which is also used for salad, is generally crystal, and does rot belorg to the dinner service. Somnetimes it is in silver, and sometimes in enamel, with ...