... Mr. O'Bryen, in Craven.street, attempted on Oa-ra turdaq morning to terminate his existence by cutting his at throat with a razor-, in- the passage,'while his wife (vwho - .was likewise a servant in the house, and with whom he had words) was-ovashing the ...


... at the Bar; sie was confined by a straight jacket, and appeared to be much agitated.-RobertCouch, of Virginia-row, Bethral-green, special constable, saw the child Iying wvith its head severed from its bedy. The razor produced, all bloody, was lying near ...


... price; and excellent razors are also made at the same place. Tlsese things are furnished by regular tisanufacturers. We also observe exten- sive establishments at New Yoirk, wherein tailors' shears, scissors, pen-knives and razors are made, and wearranated ...


... ings, at Carnarvon. It was before I got up, I thitk about eight o'clock. She came straight to my bed-room, in much distress, and much agitated; by saying she came straight, I mean she came hastil, without knocking ; she had comne several times before ...


... a sober., i dusettious wetn, ht had been in a dejected state for the last. fortaight. O ne the day he left homes be took a razor vrith fhim, saying he wae going to have it ?? man who said he heard a cry of murder between two nad three o'clock in the morning ...


... the young man was hamost hopeless and incorrigible lida. he came -o town a day or two before, at least he said so, and went straight t e curokcn a15 houses, where he began to strut about in hlsafitneclothes, said he had, been appoined midshipman, and that ...


... in t-ire tirroat P-Mr. Plum Two, Sir. Mr. COUar~rY : Were they, i your opinion, done with at Sharp instrunneri, snrcr as at razor, or tt tsble-kuife P-Mr. Plum:- A tairlo-kirife might have done it. Mr. CoorJRNe~r: Can yots form sny judgment wiretirer the ...


... officers in command assembled about 40 men well armed, and commenced a pursuit. The smugglers, contrary to custom, kept a straight course, and at Sidley green,a small village about two miles and a half inland, the blockade men came up with the gang and ...


... ansi one of the tortoise-shell razors had a case; I lent the prisoner one of the tortoise-sheii razors, withi a, case spd tqp to it; k thinok I should know the razor and case again if 'I were to see th~ent.- I'~Ooked at razor and case formerly produtediji ...

Lancaster Summer Assizes

... toith a razor. The prosecutor raised lisa earm to prevent Itiscompletion of the crime, and shouted 1 luarder I He wans severely cut both in the throat and hand. The prisonser then left tite cell, anti a was seen shortly afterwards wiping a razor, but it ...


... the late',, and hearing his sister in conversation with somne person it. the liarlour, he did net go near then,, but went straight up stairs to bed. Mrs. Pemberton afterwards called out. two or three times, to her daughter, to ask her whether 'ie she was ...