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On tlie 16tli inst., at the Cathedra], by the Rev. W. W. Johnson, M.A., Mr. Adam Hoe, of Salford, to

... eldest duughter Mr. B Lee, late of this city. Oil the 17th inst, aged years, Elizabeth Roberts, of Salford. On the 10th inst, aged 20 years, Mr. Thomas Ward, of Sallord. the loth inst., aged 90 years, Mrs. Coupland, sister of the late John ...

23 MARRIED. Lately,

... grand-2 daughter to the late Archibald Johnston, upholsterer: late of Wiliiomsonesquare, in thisitown. 6 On Sturay, he th Instant, at Walton-on-the-11l1, Mr. Win.2 Dixon Scurfield, shawl manufacturer. of dtruhis town toe late Catherine Hetberinigton Barwise ...

0 R C O 2i~Rt~Wj1CKB,4i9Bt%;- 0 0 WI 0 MARRIED. GI g Lately, at St. Michael's Church, Pitt-street, by the

... at 21, Clift on-crescent, Woodside, the lady of W Mr. George Butler, of a eon and heir. Ti DIED. - Lately, at New York, aged 32, James, youngest son of the late Mr. James Logan, of this town. 'Y Lately, at her daughter's residence, Embledon ...

Jflarricto. On the 24th inst., at the Cathedral, by the Rev. E. Birch, M.A., Mr. George Spafford to Miss Caroline

... daughter of Mr. William Smith, of Salford. the 21st inst.,iu his 27tli year, Mr. Henry Jones, of Salford. the 20th iust., at the residence her daughter, Mrs. Fallowfield, St. Stephen's-street, Salford, in the 93d year her age, Mary, relict of the late ...

Irths, Wardags, and

... Henrietta Elizabeth. eldest daughter of the late Caivarley Bewicke, Esq,, ?? of Close House, Wylam on-Tyne, Northumberland. M'ADAM-WSLD1zBOe-4. 17, at St. Georg&, Everton, by tbe Rbv. Mr. Richards, James Careweli M'Adam, of Dumfries, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter ...