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... (lescribe the effect one first beleoldiceg the brilliant scene twould indeed be a task which orators and posts migist in vain unite to accomplish. T 'he reader who has no ~e on ffriga se ro ?? i tiethide he will derive from a thasty newspapee- skeigh, Alid ...


... aper. Longevity.-Mr. Hill, farmer, of Cheddar, aged 90, at. tended the late Draycot fair, riding a mare 36 years old. The united ages of the man and horse amounted to 126 years I-Canmbrian. The London and Greenwich Railway Company have con- sented to ...


... Wainialey, Liverpool.-The second part Of S ae Mr. Lever'`s new tale introduces the hero into the company of the p e- United Irishmen. The scene and time-just before the second Ir d breaking out of the rebellion of 'I-abound in materials for such a tale ...

The family Companion

... ?? 'Loblis.'-vuted for, the bill-'1'hii 01( 'Duches-s' is very fo. - ri.h Arms-' T IE AST,'FRIEFNDS..: is One of tbs United Irishmen, 'ivlo latoly re urned to6 his el cuty, afts'r many years 'sOf exile besng' asked wli'at lied atindued him- to revisit ...


... meet Eiria:s*L JI8 'r5c on his tbrooe THE LAST FRIENDS. DX P R.A flC N9 3 DR 0 W t. (From the Athenatsm.) One of the United Irishmen, who lately returned to his country, after many years of ecill beingasked what hart iuducedhim nto revisit Ireland ,when ...


... discpused, we give the following extraot:_ 4 It is time that Ireland should enjoy some repose.' Her fortunes are indissolubly united With tonse of England; and now, that che is admitted to a perfect equality witb this great country, it. would be folly to ...


... devoted to a review of ' Buckingham's America, and Tytler's History of Scot- land. The subsequent ?? Llves and Times of 'United IrIshmen, unrolls acatalogue of tbe woes, the wrongs, the oppresions, and the sufferings of the stister kingdom, from the annals ...


... unber. Ireland Sixty Years Ago, is a lively sketch of UTh'state of things in the western metropolis in the thne of tho United Irishmen. Carletou, the first of Irish story-tellers, furisishes the lirst four chapters of The Black Prophet, a tale of famine ...


... influence upon the productions of Lancashire, and furnishing cheaper and better tea to every cottage and dwelling in the United Kingdom. was also enabled to do some good in another quarter, and it had some influence, I will venture to say, upon the policy ...


... the internal navigation of Russia amounts to 11,990, and their cost has been 3,982,165 silver roubles. A large number of Irishmen, resident in London, contemplate holding a meeting to petition Queen to allow them to form a brigade for the purposo of defending ...


... . E toes of The writer tolls us that he was one of those restless niay itosspirits who, during the late war between the United Sates A Is rover, enid Mexico, sought relief frois the monotony of civilized are MNay- life in a noone congenial and adventurous ...

. Riterarg, Kxtvart%

... into *vork which yonuiike or are accas- te 8, touted to, you will get wdrk of some sort. 'The lowest wages ' going in the United States for a-labotrer's. day', is t r 'seventy 'cents; or about' three shillings British money. hi Li This would !b6e ...