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... night would have supplie d the defciency.' If a pie- !l e cedent be required, it is be found hi the lease of the it Rn United' Irishmen.- Their soicety was not illegal in its ci rcommencement-it became dangerous to the state, and Ib od was put down by law-so ...


... petticoats, short-gowns, stockinags, chps, &rc. yhich will no doubt prove very acceptable at this season, of the year. Two strong Irishmen arrived in Glasgow, from Belfast, on Friday last, and took lodgings in a hiuseigiri tthe Saifhioirke'fifr it night; but shortly ...


... informs us of a ahorrible occurrence which took place at Preston, in Lancashire, on Wednesday. A party of English- men and Irishmen having been mowing during the day, retired in the evening to a neighbouring tavern to take a pot of beer. The conversation ...


... that cc- . l centric and clever writer Sterne, being the sixth of C a series of papers entitled i' Gallery of Illustrious be Irishmen. It presents an impartial biography of M the author of Tristram Shandy, neitherextenuating D his faults, nor setting down ...


... reverence-', Thern,said she,I *n in a matrimonial whisper, is that's for garin' him stay a' nicht. 1- SALUTARY DRIEAD.-Two Irishmen rere fighting in t rt IHamilton in the midst of a ring, anai at length one of I ,e them exhibited symptoms of wishitia tt ...


... men in his rank of lifehave maintained a character so generally esteemed, as well by the exalted as the low; and no man ever united more real dignity of manner with the same humility and benevolence of disposition. A philosopher, in the true sense of the ...


... picked loek, one of ten thousand, mv friends! ant picked out by myself from the steck rofone of the first manufactirers in the United Kingdom. There's music for you i (locking and unlocking it), why, it clicks, for all the world, like a gun. lock. It vould ...

Glasgow, Saturday, September 11, 1841. Price One-Halfpenny

... O’Connell has been solely directed to prevent its entrance—even in Ireland we have our associations raising their heads. Irishmen are beginning to see the systematic betrayal of their interests by this man—they are now beginning to feel that their beautiful ...


... presence of the Rev. David Ramsay, minis- T ter of the parish; the Rev. W. Stobbs of the United Presby- hi terian Church, Stromness; the Rev. A. Key of the United Pt Presbyterian Church, Pulteneytown, and anumber of ladies ti and gentlemen, with several ...


... rates, we may mention that the Brighton Railway passes through sixteen pgricultural parishes between London and Brighton, the united extent of whbich is 86,503 acres; of this the railway occupies 693 acres in respect of which occu- pation it pays about £10 ...


... world. He was enthusiastically devoted to the Irish dause; the friend of Lord Edward Fitzgerald, an associate 'of the United Irishmen; and twice imprisonelby the Duke of Port- land and Mr Pitt, on the charge of treasonous practices. The publication of ...


... Devonshire has accepted an invitation to be present on the re occasion. D THE ARCTIC~ EXP5D5TION.-By the latest news from the pi United States, we learn that the position and wants of the wy Arci ships in 'sdarch of the long-mijssing expedition of Sir bi John ...