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I af Irish panics. T'he hor>. Jncrnbcr then read an ,r ’° J -t from •• Harris’s life King W^lli^ro,

... point of fact, almost driven the Catholics from ihf'county Armagh, before a single Catholic had’ i, enrolled among the United Irishmen. That very intfHig eat man (Dr. had told the Committee w thev did not admit the Catholics into their society, . J thought ...


... authorities of that Law declare secret oaths to illegal, it is matter of perfect indifference us whether they are taken by United Irishmen or Orangemen, Carbonari or blancherer Rioter* ; the consequence* ought to be fished equally apon all. fear (hat the c ...

S>vogl)et)a ‘Journal

... the beltelthit* bear them *• /tv unuflestino In of which assertion, false it mischievoss, solemnly declare cmr willingness unite with oyal Subject, WHATEVER PERSUASION for the defence of our King and Country, and thew tenauce of Peace throughout the Kingdom ...

w t*i .w. z u ; % , He Mr. O’C.) commenced legal proceed,ngs, and M- hur . more temporal

... discontent, injurious alike to P.otenant as well the interests entire nation to vanta^ fa Catholic, injurious eve.y class Irishmen but those few individuals. He by means intended who live by the dissentions and distresses of their enun- any disparagement ...

'T i , His letter sent Colonel W«t MAtIQUIS LONDONDERRY j ’> AND MR. BATTIER. Mr i el . w

... distress in Ireland—the want of employment for a iedundant population. They had done, perhaps, oie in exciting the gratitude of Irishmen towards the people of England convincing them that their welfare was object of deep interest here. loe mo lion was seconded ...

SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1824

... hairman, IMPORTERS I The Presbyterians, said, had been the founders ot to the meeting, *v. iiethcr there trtmu-1 the United Irishmen, many of whom subsequently loHSm . ss iniumcr, and whether, 13 rr> n became Orangemen.—AVheuever Orangemen had the rv> ...


... subject would perhaps admit. It shall be object to combine the utile with the duke ; and ns I eh. listed the corps of resident Irishmen, I beg to assure yon that while I have life never will become deserter. shall endeavour to support—strennously to support—that ...


... which was length checked Parliament —it was composed in a. niKun-r rimilar to the present Association mean, the Society United Irishmen. These, like the Association, stated, pretext for their meeting, attainment of Catholic Fmnncipatiou, hut the real object ...

> * sedation. The Right Hon. Secretarj’ had mentioned the case of common fight in the North of Ireland -A

... a modern period. This novelty was introduced against revolutionary principles alone. There was the Association of the United Irishmen in the North of Ireland, in 1791 1793; their object was to reform Parliament; to make the Catholic population come oyer ...


... that The next best I think which could he formed, would opposed to the Catholic claims ; but the best of all would be one united in its favour. The present Government Ireland has reduced the country such state, that nothing, but the shame which I feel ...


... of the United Iri who had since escaped from prison, and was of high treason, together with Theobald Wolt Tone, and man named Levins, afterwards taken in arms on hoard the Hoclie.” was also slated be then a resident Envoy in France from the United Irishmen ...