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... appeared in evidence that the deceased, Mr. McKee, had been a loyalist; that about two years since he prosecuted several United Irishmen for an attack at night upon his house, one of whom was the prisoner Shaw, above-mentioned, and some of his confederates ...


... other proofs, a printed form an oath was found the room where they were sitting. It is said something in the nature the. United Irishmen's ...


... concerned with him, was to unite in overturning the present tyrannical system of Government, to unite different companies, and get arms. Francis applied also Thomas Blades, a soldiet belonging to the same company with the witness, to unite the same plan. Shortly ...


... under foreign despot. I am addressing men whose ancestors were never subdued I trust that Scotchmen, Englishmen, and Irishmen, will unite in preserving that union which was eminently maintained on the plains of Egypt and Syria, where every nation was r ...


... manners. This infant colony in' creaks wealth and conventencies much more rapidly than that country did is now termed the United States of America. It appears clearly from the papers received, which are much occupied by advertisements, like a provincial ...


... men to volunteer into the line from the militia. Bonaparte makes use of compulsion ; he compels the kingdoms he conquers to unite in hostility against U'ritain; and this country ought placed by J'-! inters in a state security, to bid defiance • : v, his ...


... other letters say that the J of be King of Holland. Mm- f LeP a )er has published order from that the ships belonging to the United Vm* which were detained in the ports of i 0n l ground their being visited the Engli h, 1111 set free. . papers to the 25th ...

Dutch papers to the '2d were yesterday received. The Emperor of Austria was expected at Vienna the I.9th ult. on

... confirmed iu the High Court of Judicature. The Proctor, for her Ladyship lodged an appeal against this decision. At Monday, Irishmen were charged with a riot St. Giles's Sunday. appeared that two of them were attttu •ted by a fiddle in a house ; and being ...


... H.u.u-r, ,„e--' f and i 3 at present in his house, order the {secretary of State. Countess Address to the I eer-. of the United Kingdom has just been puh. ,K (i ' of Berkeley, in which stie endeavours to rescue her character from which had been cast ...


... forrner, and Wainvvright, of f Ma esty's s|iip Tortnant, announcing the important of the capture of Washington, capital of the United Sta'es, after Complete defeat the American troops stationed to defend it, the destruction all the public buildings and stores ...


... parts of his estates. The privateering system carried on by the South Americans, in bonjunciion with adventurers from the United -States, becomes every day more alarming to the comnierce of Europe. Several accounts of the depredations they have recently ...


... his conduct that would have led htm to suspect he was an United Irishman. Jt happened, however, that before he was apprehended, he was traced from his house to several places where United Irishmen assembled *—Now suppose his (Mr. T.'s) character had not ...