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Devon, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... celebratd'PRllS. Sure, Safe, and effectual. v Brad by Afl Ohemiato at eis ld and 2s 9d :per box. Lunatic's eesapade. A ?? Workhouse, who a ~fortnight-ago attempted totwramit sBuicide, m.Mnaged on Tuesda; eveling to escape from his ward, runtarrosstiegrcounds ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ats ?? . linga ttdslj-art ?? ?? ailo J. MA HRAPEAfl, ORGANETTE WORKS. BLAMUflR. STR.ANGE ARSON CASE. Priscilla Bache, 19, workhouse inmate, was conmmitted for trinl by the Bridrley lll magstratteo on Moiclday for setting lire to Si;ourbridge WX rhlouse ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Soda, Starch, Mliill Bay Soap, tlousqoid dCheese, Salt Butter, Candles, &c. &c. for the use of lb- , Paupers In -the Union Workhouse. And Best Seconds B'eacd for the use d o the Paupers in there osekr -Parisls'k bftb *- For further particulars apply '(if ...

Advertisements & Notices

... receiving Applications from Candldaes willing to fill the offices of SCHOOLMASTER andmSCHOOL. ; MISTRESS of their Union Workhouse. Applications, eccompasied by Testimonials; tmost be dellverd; to me, on or before THURSDAY, tbs 6th ofJAuAR nvelt The election ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Man, of good character, ' VW to f11 the office of PORTER at the Chard Union is, Workhouse. Salary ;15 per annum, with lodgings, rations n, of food, and washing in the workhouse, and, if competent to discharge the duties of barber, £6 per annum more will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... with use ?? fitiisgs astll fixing, for the Cretliton Union Workhouse. A List of surch Gratev, &o. with their eqcerilt ?? sizes, may be obtained of the Clerk of tbe Woab,-attls.ew Workhouse. I'enders to he deliveredt (free of xiettse) to me, ott orbefore ...

Advertisements & Notices

... week; such Flour and Meal to be delivered at the Workhouse in such quantities and on such days as the Guardians shall direct. The GUARDIANS will at the same time receive TENDERS for supplying the Workhouse with the fol- lowing ARTICLES of PROVISIONS for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the said Workhouse, and at snuch uhnes and quantities as shallbe required by ?? of Guerdians.. - Samples of cheese and flour are required to be delivered :with each- tedder. 'Samples. of the, shoes numbered ass abovo,'may be seen 'at the Workhouse. Sheuld-any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N D E R S for supplying the FUNERALS of the poor dying in the Okehampton Union Workhouse, and in the several districts of the Union; end also for the supply to the Workhouse of LEATHER, DRAPERY GOODS, GROCERIES, and COALS, from the 2.5th day of March next ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Union Workhouse (the price of each sort to be stated.) Samples of Grocery, and patterns of Clothing, Drapery, &c, will be exhibited from TuESDAY the 1st Msnon, to FurIDnAY the 1 1 th MAARCs inclusive. Also, COFFINS and SHROUDS, forthe Workhouse, and for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a COOK AT THE WORKHOUSE. a. Salary £16 per annum and Rations. Applications and testimonials will be received at my office La in the Workhouse, on or before FRIDAY, the 15th day of ArPL. Plu The Eleotion will take place at the Workhouse, on MoSD&Y, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (Port) .at per gallon. in. at per gallon. nd ether ?? Articles ?? ?? supplied ot to Workhouses. Cr The GUARDIANS will atthe same time receive TEN- ERS for supplying the Workhouse with the following ARTICLES OF CLOTHING, &e., From the said 20th day of March ...