... WORKHOUSE COMMITTEE. The osii*l weekly meeting of the workhouse committee was held yesterday, in the boardroom of the Pariah-offioea, Brownlow-hill. Mr. Churchwarden Oropper presided, and the following gentlemen were also pre sentMettrs. Peck, Soott, ...


... FEVER AND WORKHOUSE HOSPITALS. Liverpool, February 20. 1847. ADMITTED. I DISCHARGED. Fcvcrand smallpox 31 I Cured M-dical and surgical wards. 41 ' Relieved 13 ward. 4 Died 12 Lock wad9 RKMAINI.VO TH HOSPITALS. Fevcrand smallpox 1?. ! Medical and surgical ...


... FEVER AND WORKHOUSE HOSPITALS. Liverpool, June 12,1847. ADMITTKD. DISCHARGED. Fever and smallpox 181 Cured 80 Medical and surgical wards. 57 Itelieved Lying-in wards Died 63 Lock wards 71 REMAINING THK HOSMTALS. small pox Mediealand surgical wards 3 0 ...

DEATH OF A OENTENARIAN AT THE WORKHOUSE.—An inquest was held yesterday, before the Borough Coroner, the ..

... DEATH OF A OENTENARIAN AT THE WORKHOUSE.—An inquest was held yesterday, before the Borough Coroner, the Birmingham Arm* lon, Dudley Road, touching the death of a pauper the Birmingham Workhouse, named Mary Hodgetta, upwards a hundred year* of age. Ttie ...

Parish of IBirmkcgham.— Mr. Carder's comparative return for the week ending December 2, shows :— 1804. 1865. ..

... Parish of IBirmkcgham.— Mr. Carder's comparative return for the week ending December 2, shows :— 1804. 1865. Incr. Dee. Workhouse 2,014 2,004 50 Lunatic Asylum 382 411 29 Tramps' Ward 6 Total increase 85 The expenditure ...

Parish JJihminuham.—Mr. ('order's weekly, financial, statistical, and statement foi tilt- week ending Saturday, ..

... —Mr. ('order's weekly, financial, statistical, and statement foi tilt- week ending Saturday, May 1 shows : Incr. D.-c. Workhouse 1,715 Lunatic Asylum . . i>-V> lift Tramps 21'4 20.» Hi* Out-door poor 2,t'.Ht ...


... Ilebers, near the Middleton workhouse: I remember the death of John Hughes, it was the 3rd of Decomber when he was aumitted into the workhouse. I never saw him before he went, or was taken there. John Lee, governor of the workhouse, came to me at the Boar's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the bread and flour must be delivered at the Workhouse (free of expense) uot later than Ten o'clock in the forenoon of the 15th instant. Forms of Tender can be obtained on appplication at the Workhouse, at my office in Woodstock, or of Mr. Kirby, Relieving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... laneous Effects, 73elongiglg to Yapton and Aldingbourne Wor~khouse. SALE TO CO0IMENCE AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK. SIDLESHAM, SUSSEX. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, B3y Hes srs White andCI Smon, At the Workhouse, Sidleshani, on Friday, June 12th, 1835, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Districts must be delivered as directed by the Guardians or their officers, and the supplies for the Workhouse must be delivered at the Workhouse. Each contractor will be required to sign a contract in the form sanctioned by the Poor Law Board, and ...