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... labour to which the paupcri in that workhouse were subjected. On that occasion he was met with very unjust and very severe observations the part of those who chose defend the system of crushing bones in union workhouses. Every year since he had endeavoured ...

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... us a long letter con- taining numerous instances of tyranny on the part of certain officials connected with St. James's Workhouse. We before had occasion to comment with severity on their conduct, but it ap. pears that oppressive behaviour towards the ...

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... this motntry. The June num- ber is a specially large and -ela-illustratad one. 3ETH NAL GREEN FREE LIARY. ZENDING BOnKs TO WORKHOUSE INMATES. The Bethn21 Green Free Library is niot a rmuni- cipal institution, having been carried on by volun- tary effcirt ...

Metropolitan Pauperism.—The weekly return metropolitan pauperism show s that the total number paupers on the ..

... pauperism show s that the total number paupers on the last day of the fourth week in April was 87,619, of whom 47,936g were workhouses, and 39,683 received outdoor relief. Compared with the corresponding weeks iu the years 1879, 1870, and 1877, these ligures ...


... although not the Bingley workhouse, which was the workhouse of the union, in May, 1843, and likewise attended the board of guardians, in 1844, when he reported that there was discussion relative to the improvement of the workhouse, but no results. In 1845 ...

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... the industry carried on e in various workhouses, in lieu of idleness and use- a less tests : they pledge the Conference to efforts to promote the humane and economical system of a productive labour in workhouses, and they promise ato attempt the abrogation ...

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... 10,-Raaiug atEpsom-Saturday' Foot- ball and Athletics. PACE 11.-Law and Police-The Great Burg. lary in Natal-Wrecking a Workhouse Mill-roum-Advertisements. PAGE 12.-Coroners' InqueAs-Inquiries for Long-Lost Relatives-Answers to Cor- respondeiits-Advs ...


... was sent to the workhouse infirmary. Vharlui 28, and Michael Robinson, 19, hearty looking men, attired peculiar manner, were brought before Mr. Bridge charged with destroying their clothing in the casual ward of St. George's Workhouse, where they had ...

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... the parish workhouse is the only alternative. Where the Governent leaves these poor people the Asso- ciation takes them up, for it is evident that the public will not allow that the only home for the soldier's wife should .be the workhouse, B The plan ...


... was unwilling to avail himself the workhouse. Lord MONTEAGLE—But relief was now to be given out of the workhouse. GREY—Relief out of the workh ousc was not to given till the means of giving relief withia the workhouse were exhausted, and there was nothing ...


... mother's leaving the Ledbury workhouse; and whether the stripping infants of the clothes which have been supplied in the workhouses, where the mothers have no other clothing for them, when they arc taken out of the workhouses, is ordered sanctioned by the ...


... on Monday, moving the consideraof the Lords' amendments, propose to re-insert preventing the separation of man and wife workhouse?, when above sixty years of age, but not had also been struck out by the Lords, for the admission of rate-payeis to the meet- ...