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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


... AMENT.* Tuesday, October.29, 1801. This day His Majesty opened the Session with the following most Gracious Speech from the Throne: My Lords and Gentlemen, I have the satisfaction to acquaint you, that the important Negotiations in which I was engaged at the close of the last Session of Parliament, are brought to a favourable conclusion. The differences with the Nor- thern Powers have been ...


... Treaty of Peace concluded at L&nfsti/lla on February lot, ISOl, bet-ween the Frentit Republic, auzdl I/e Lmypror, ,adthc Germanic Body. [The preamble to this Treaty, which is concluded in the usual form, has been here omilted, as it would have occupied too great a portion of room it is, how- ever, necessary to state, that his imperial Majesty siim- puaates inmtleame oflhe wiso UGermanxc Body; ...


... I O e [ 0 t 0 t lORf~EMG; 4 NTiLLGENCE - I Pn'2,1 December 24-The resignations of Xsevera1 bishops havebeea `eceived, amongst fOtlhers, of the &,iCadinaArchbishop of Afa- lnsX, the Bishop' of Toi~i,0 Ferdinand Prince de tohah, Guein 'e 'Archbishop of Cam, bray, .a'n'd Clement V nceslaus de Saxe, Prince Royal of Polandl ArchbshopEkctoi, of `reves, J3hhop and Priice gu the Bishops of Ypres, of ...


... DOMESTIC OCCUXRV ECES. Hi's Majesty's visits to Windsor for the renainder of the winter, till Lent, will be on FridaVs; he will return to town on the Monday following.. The following notice '.was issued by his RoyalHighness Monsieur, upon his arrival wn the I st instant, at Holyrood House. ,His Royal Highness Monsieur, solici- Itous to -express thiose sentiments of sadis- faction, which he ...


... PROCEEDINGs OF THE FRENCH GoVERNMENT. The E xpedition fiom Brest.' Since the -signing of the . preliiinaril.s of peace, we have entered on a scene entirely new. Before this event took place, we surround& our ebemy in every direction. His squadrons, blocked up by our own, rotted quietly in their ports. Solely occupied with the means of his own dice, and threat- Portugal toFrance, in their last ...


... Alessage of the President of the United Sides to both Houses of Congress. December 8, 1801. Sir, The circumstances tinder which we find ourselves at this place, Tendering inconvenient the mode here- tofure practised, of making by personal address the firstcommunicationsbetween thelegislative andex- ecutive branches, I have adopted that by message, as used on all subsequent occasions through ...


... IRITISH COLOxEs3. By late dispatches we learn that the De.- coits, a people who some years since mzain- tained a sanguinary warfare with our Indian government' and excited a considerable de- gree of alarm in this country, are again in arms, and have committed great excesses. Accounts from Ramghur, of the 4th of August, state, that a very powerfil body of these people had made an incursion into ...


... PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMEiNT, January 19, 1802; HOUSE OF LORDS. SooN after their lordships assembled; Lord Pelham moved, that the House do adjourn 'till Wednesday the 3d of February. On the question being put, The Earl of Carlisle rose, and observed, that, as great anxiety prevailed with re, spect to the repeated short adjournments, he thought his Majesty's ministers were now, at least, called ...


... POR:1GN INTELLIGENCE. Paris, Jamwiy 25.-Buonapart6 was still at Lyons, on the 23d of January,* where he had- collected around him deputies from the' Cisalpine, Ligurian, and Helvetian Repub. lics, and from the kingdom of Etruria; and where he was employed in graciously lis- tening to the adulatory odes and orations nf a set of the most despicable slaves that ever disgraced the human form. The ...


... PROCEEDINGS OF THE FRENCH GOV ERNMENT. ' ArmumentfromBrest. (ContInued from page 2 t.) That no armament whatever wag neces sary to reduce Toussaint to obedience is clear from the following facts. Not many months ago, a M. de Iz Caze was sent out to St Dol mingo by the French government, and wad by Toussaint, immediately installed as cover- nor of the Spanish part of the island, an ofic to ...


... DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE3. Suifee our last number was 4 published, six more of the mutineers have been codenmd- ed, viz. John AZlen, Edward Taylor, George Cuftuming, Gebrge Dixon, James Riley, and Thlms Simmons, fiv6e of whom were executed, at Spithead, oi 1 9th inshtant. The' marines of the Princess Royal anid . the Resolution have- addressed letters to qtheir respective officets, expressing their ...


... Or. which ever side we turn our eves, we behold thd gigantic strides, which France is making towards universal dominion. By the speech of Buonapart6 to the Consulta of the Cisalpinxe Republic, which was deli- vered upon the presentation of the report of their deliberations at Lyons, it will be per- ceived, that, there being no one amongst the Italian republicans fit for the office, he has ...