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■'■*- :.ri

... - : *- ■- ' ■■' .- ?? I jof January, in the 6m - . I ' . ie o. -hid) i- ?? ichicli, ?? i•■ . ?? : ! . ■:. ?? to c. : . ate Vffts i tii. i.-a.t mole- thi French an theii i nit-niu-* of Marc':, ibt ?? ital, Cairo, ed to th: Torf_ OS ?? ?? . ?? ?? ?? ?? the ?? troops are, c-:mri,ia, thrte ?? wait the ariivn! c ; ?? •■ at-il ■ Ettj ri. : of war On the --i eirii,.,, at LamhcrhC: I. r 1 1 ran „ ...

j Teriririri

... ?? t re* a:a-:on, are mating a* the I Eon of tbe Marquis tj S.di.fout y, HmJ ral review by his Majefty, of afl the re_ I the county of lie-nerd. PflßTSMOUTii— jinl I Arrived this day Majeilv - Sup I Captain H. D. Darby, from the Mt-SO*. brought home Captain Granger of the ■** patches from Sir Roger Cuitis ar.d litatei Tudor, alfo ofthe navy, with difpatcl'.e::' Yonge, Governor of tiie ...


... ?? APRIL 4. Wednefday at the levee, Major Douglas who brought the dilpatches from Sir Sidney Smith, received the ho- nour of Knighthood, and is now Sir John Douglas. The Bifliop of KiJdare, Earl Aboyne, Lords Role, Elibank, and Craven, Governor Haftings, and Sir W. Johnfton, were at the levee for the firft time this feafon. Weduefday a Courtof Directors was held at the Eaft India Floufe, when ...

One Hamburgh mail is die:-. ' A mail from Liie-cn wee re:. Monday, brought to Falmouth i.i tie : f_e

... found LaMri.erve :. irate, aad 31 - failed, under coovoy of three frigates. On the :6th tbePortngwtzclc. i the fouthward, and the Inecndicy iri ket E_«i&(_ri_boa« trie ti a at Falmo tth on the nth. t'iiiUtT ...

HOUSE OF LORDS— April zj- The Appeal from the .Court o! Saffian iss Scotland, Jo-sn Earl of Gaiunv.iY, and Joux

... Gotsnov, writer to the Sguet,>, and the Lords IJomsnisTi.aiiirs or his .Vlajcf.y'i. -i-rea. fury, land his Maje-.ty's. Advocate fair Scotland, Cling en be- half of his Majeftr, refpor.dentas, tame on to be heard, v.-hen Mr Adam ?? heard in fupnort of the appeal, after which Lord Thurls.ia aavaa prefeut, and hi, Lurdll-dp, i: la, expected, will attend the arguments advanced at the ...


... ia Letter freei the Office o. t. I lirpcrial Army, to the Imperial B I cfin Upper Auflria, dated' ?? ' >^B en to communicate tiie ps- ?? ; : B^i, fsom the Commanding ?? of the campaign by the Itcj/ts sfcc si important viSorief, at.-i a as— ?? Honing inc'uafure : — W^ a se st!s, in the eveniug. ?? r ' 9' m, beginttsr.g ?? ?? i-t H* along the Appcnraines as far r.s ?? =hem at five different ...


... We had again to-day ha- . Eton ftspplyof Eskalith Wheat : but., as f.artner conlie— able I - ia-ti arnv is have come in. tlse buyers h.ld off. ami thereby earned .. ion of ss. per quar- ter in prices „1 the bell Entail;, „nd from ils. Lo iss. per quarter A deal of Rye has come in ; and, the demand being very tri- MaJtusj. Barley isa he.vyfa'le, at as. pr.- 'lii-irtcrdec'cssfion; but ...

rdintrive, Argylesireon the 4th curt. Mrs CATH- : SrNE MaACDOUPAL relict of Lzshlan' Maclean of LoclbIuy iEsq. ..

... the 2oth inst. Mrs CATHERINE MILLER, 3 spouse to James Cleland, Esq. of Auchenlee,: -on TuefdaV !afa the Sea Horfe frigate, commanded bv Captain Foote, and having on board Sir Richard Bickerron, Sir Ralph fbercromby, and their fuites, was obliged to come into Portland Roads, in confe- quence of the fevere gale of wind on Saturday and Sunday laff. The Sea Horfe loft her main-top-maft, aii'd all ...

1 » C O M E T A X. j

... ■ cf Taxes have in a Report to V^raons Hated it as their opinion, that P s t formed ofthe expences of collecting tdsttK for ?? c y,. ar iS OCJ> b ut th a£ there 10 them any teafon to fuppofe that they 1 -^y from tli: nrcccding ftatement for |j. except as far as* the different amounts c Mars may vary the amount and rate ' as any increafe which may be found >•* to the eflablifhment of ...


... ,o\'-— TELIIGRAPHIC DISPATCH. .uutoteeMii.hter of War, Brcit, June o. Ujnon the Englilli have effected at Qmbe- jmodueirre of no relah in their favour. — ; rc re-imbarked, and all is tranquil on the tiiierr-. T nsre are joco men at .Saint jif the enemy prefent themfclves, meafores ■ ; r ,laga good reception. fecadotte, Genera! in Chief of the army i ?? to the Miniikr cf War on the Sill ?? Re— ...


... The following, we are informed, is an err. act I—le- nient of what the eight complaining performers of Co- vent Garden Theatre derived from that theatre in the courfe of la— feafc in, incuding benefits and falaries, clear of all expeoces ; — Incleclon, ?? L.937 7 6 Munden, ?? 800 13 6 Fawcett, ?? BcB 4 6 Holm—, ?? - 44 0 13 6 Pope and his Wife, ?? 0,43 17 o Knight, - - - - - 647 3 o J. John ...