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... BILL CHADIBER.-TiuRsDA)Y, SaPr. 21sr. !IAPPEAL-TEE HIGHLAND RAILWAY CPSIPANY V. DODS. An appeal was recently lodged in the Bill Chamber a of the Court of Session on behalf of the Highland Rail- s wayCompany against the valuation of George Dods, a assessor for railways and canals, for the year ending I Whitsunday, 1877, of the appellants undertakings, on the ground that it was in excess of the ...


... COURT OF SESSION-OUTER HOUSE. . -4- - . I ~W'edesesdY, Marc/s 17. - (Before Lord Craighill.) s INS PRESBYTERY OF ABBRDEEN V. COOPS&. vTerra is a case in which there was a good deal of procedure asome years ago, the obiject of the action being to have it declared that the Trustees of Trinity Chapel, Aberdeen had power to sell it, and apply the price towards theatc- r quiringsa suitable church ...


... ABERDEEN CIRCUIT COURT, The Autumn Cirouit Court, for the counties of Aber- to deen, Bianif, and Xincardine,: was opened yesterday I e. morning, in Aberdeen, Lord Des,, presiding. His nt lordship was escorted from Douglas Hotel by a detach- ment of soldiers from the Barracks, under the command of of Captain Welsh, nnd was accompanied by Sheriff II- linlrii, Lord Provost Jamieson, Baillies ...


... THlE CRISIS PROGRESS OF TElE NEGOTIATIONS. ENGLAND INVITED TO EXPRESS HER VIEWS. BERLIX, Friday evening. Thle lVorth Germai Gazette of this evening pub- isbes an article upon the Eastern Question, in which it e'5 :- Though perhaps a rather more favourable view of the situation is allowable; yet the action of diplomacy llovw centres in the answer to be given by England to Italy's inquiry as to ...


... YESTERDAY'S IMARKETS, ns ;ns ABERDLi-N MARKETS. ;4, ABERDEEN GRAIN .MABIET, Friday. ys There wvas aL good attendonce nt the matrket to doly, rat Ise s IS loolking after Scerants for 1,arvest work. V'cly little IIisjiis1 lii was, however, done in grain, and prince show sconrecly any he chaellg. in S. D. . 1), be Potato Oats . 24 0 :. 25 o l,.. 0 0 to .°to 40 lbs. l bushel. Coinats'. 2 ...


... o T*ON'Thursday. anl adjourned meeting of the University S utCourt of the University of Aberdeen was held in Marie- b ire deal College-Mr Grant Dluff, MBP., Lord Rector, presid- 'a 530 iog. Present-The Principal, Mr Webster, Dr Kilgour, Si od and Dr Mearns. tI of ELECTION OF EXAMeINERS. P 0e The PRICIPlsAL moved that Rev. John Fyfe, M.A., he ap. LI vin pointed Examiner in A rts. b cs Dr MExARS ...


... 1-Tsa University Court of the University of Aberdeen met in 1ilfarisolial College, on Wednesday-Dr Itoanro presiding. ciPresent -Mr Webister, Dr Idilgouar, and Dr Pisie. * The minutes of lest meeting Were read aned approved of. o ADMISSION OF REPORTERS. Tue following Rleasons of Dissent frois the resolution t( adopted at last meeting of thle Court, to admit reporters d except in certain cases, ...


... (Befose Sheriff COMMsE TnoxsmsN) 5 ~~Wedlnesayle, Ns5ovemnber 16. IN the. sequestration of William Barclay, sosnetihno solici- tor io B~anff, afterwards in) Turriff, presently residinllgbI in Aberdeen.-Present-Mr Archibald Coimphell b notary public, trustee on thle sequestrated estate 'aut Mr Robert Ligertwood, advocate, one of the coin-, niisasoners ; and Air P'. Cooper, advocate, and Air ...


... COURT OF SESSION-FIRST DIVISION. sure Tutesday, Mfarch S. houseus heir pausers ited MACKENZIE V1. MUNROn. coiagpe tlisb THIS was an action at the instance of Captain Mackenzie, Othoerefoi .Ind. of Ii'indon and Mountgerald, in the county of Ross, against were ot ine- DnlMunro, lately tenant of the farm of Woodlands. Thle sitting sumnmons concluded for £500 in reparation to the pursuer of same ...


... COURT OF SESSION-FIRSST DIVISION. Saturdaly, 8th February. THE ABERDEEN COUNTY ROAD TRUSTEES V. RUSSELL. This was an appeal by the Road Trustees against James Russell, Esq. of Aden, the respondent in an interdict pro- cess at the Sheriff Court, Peterhead, at their instance, against him, in which interdict was sought prohibiting him from erecting a house or other building at a point in the ...


... THE autumn Circuit Court for the counties of Aberdeen, Banff, and Kincardine, was hold yesterday. The presiding To judges were-the Lord Justice Clerk and Lord Ardmillan. in the usual procession of the Magistrates and Town Council wo accompianied their Lordships from Douglas Hotel to the Court House, guarded by a company of the military and a body of police. The Rev. Joseph Henderson, of ...


... Tam members of e Presbytery are placed in a peculiar position in the graver cases of discip- t line. In civil and criminal courts the respective s functions of the judge and the public prosecutor t are very distinct and set well apart. But the 1 jPrcsbytery is public prosecutor, judge, and Y jury-all in one; and over and above has to t pay the cost of the whole proceedings out of the h pockets ...