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... WEYMODTH— Oct. i YeHerday after dinner, the weather icntinu- ing wet and windy, nor.c of the Royal Family walked out, but their Mireilics had a ielcfl party of nobility with them. This morning Princefi ?? bathed, alio ?? uncle, the Duke of Gloucester and his daughter, Piincefi SopUia. After breattlaft, quite a gloomy afpcfl, fo that none of ihe Royal Family will venture cc:. The Kin-, ...


... OCTOBER 4. The fifliery upon this coaft has been upon the whole very indifferent from the very boillerous fu.-nmer mondis of June and July. A few of the fidl curers have had a very good (idling, but mofl of them have come coßliderubly fhort of their ordinary quantities. There has been only one f-nal! cargo of fi!h exported to Bergen, and two to Ireland, all ihe reft have been fent, or ars now ...

COR X—Oct. 4

... COR X — Oct. 4. .Yefterday Efrnard Shaw, Efq. entertained the Sbcii.fs ot this city, See*. Sic. at dinner, as J his houfe at Monkirown, at which time the free- ! dom of the corporation was prefented in Glset boxes :o Sir Thomas L.ghtoh, Jon:; Eecs, and Allan Macleax, Efq. Late on Saturday night laft, the out-offices of John Bfnnet, Efq. of Rockfprig, near this city, evere malicioufty and ...


... ?? Stock t;o 171 I India Stock ?? 3 par cnt.ron. 64$ * Loon Ann. J-) I-lf. t'perienl.atm. 9«| 9yJ j 0_»»-___» ji 4 - Tib day (Oct. 13.) at twelve ?? 3 per cent. ia.L-'Jtnr.iu.r.. r.l ...

LONDON—OcroHits 22

... LONDON— OcroHits 22 Mr Merry, late Charge d.A ffaires at the Court of Copenhagen, is appointed to fucceed Mr Liilon,' as his Majefly's Minifter Plenipo- tentiary to the United States cf America. The Iving has been pleafed to appoint John Hookham Ftcre, Efq. his Majefty's Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of his Highneh. the Prince Regent of Portugal. Dr Millmcn, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DIED. I At Durris, Mifs Margaret Innes, eldeft daugh- ter of John Innes of Durris, Efq. Lady Doug- \ las, relidt of Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Douglas, a Bart. At Dublin, the Earl of Clanwilliam. fi Amongft the unfortunate f fferers on board n the Qeen Eaft India n(ip, was Edward Mayne, f( Erf. younger of Powis Lodge, writer in the fer vice ofthe HOD. Baft India &ompauy. The fbnd hope of his ...

COR X—Oct. si

... COR X— Oct. si. Laft night, a moft barbarous murder appears to have been committed on the body of a woman named Horksg an, who lived with her hufband, Daniel Horrigan, in Crane-Lane, May-pole- load. She was laft night accompanied home by him, but fo dreadfully wounded and bruifed, the apparent confequence of a violent beating, that this morning Ihe was difcovered lifelels in bed. To aggravate ...

ail, t'ne Secretary to Count Cofeent- •J in Lo.ndon on Friday from Luneville, Bthcs from tha Minifter, ..

... !.erg, the Imperial Envoy Extia- « London. A Cabinet Council was -as. Saturday, and the refult of their - 3r .s having been communicated to Count :ir g, Mr Maurix fet off on Saturday e- -^l3 return to Luneville,. and failed on si from Dover in a Britifh Sag of *d hss Imperial Majefty means to adhere ''he lift convention figned with Eng- - ret treat but in concert with that Courier, it is ...


... [FRO-V: OUR LONDON COR-EESFOKDENT.] HOUSE OF COMMONS— Nov. 17. Mr Jones gave notice, that to-morrow he would move for the relative to the evacuation of Egypt, referred to in the correioon- between the French and Britilh Govern- ment, laid before the Houfe. Mr William Du-das informed the Ho— c, that his M-jeliy had ordered ihe various accounts of the public lie. vice to ...

««__-. Tsie capture of the notorious V;.:.-

... ««__-. Tsie capture of the notorious ?? (faid to have been takes ?? I :_ i ,. ' -trodden, _p_..-Ji ; ?? ?? ?? ling itfclf civllizej, ever co ?? _•_ it. than all ctheis to a halter, ir is this \M fliould tvepunilh him, his ?? ' were not of much the fame ?? hare fivcd us tl.e prefent que.- w i 1 hanging him themfelves, v.ouiJ:..l- -■' Ho period ?? ?? ?? -- « likely to be fo- fpeedy as jiifti: ...