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p_C)Sl__U_s_. 3_>T_OS F3_ElN'_i. The «m__;i J>HOS FERINE. |3HOSFF___IN_. Cores N_r_iir_, T>HOSFF__INE. ..

... pHOSFERINE. pHOSFERINE. -___ rt . and Energy PHOSFF__J_CSL to the Entire System. FERINE. pHOSFERINE. JT>HOS FERINE. Tie Greatest JT^ T___ pHOSFERINE. J>HOS FEILtNB. TJHOS FERINE. . _ he Greatest p_OSFEj_NE. jpHOS FERINE. Gives Health and T3HOSFERLNE. Strength and -5- makes Week T>HOSFEEINE. People Strong. JJkHOS FERINE. Proprietors, ASHTOX * PARSONS. LTD., 17 Fnr- Head, London, EC. BotUes, ls ...


... 51 Aeroplanes Leave for Egypt: 15 Broken Up or Lost at Sea. » official inquiry into loss of life. ttl s-atement as to the air route tc traij ln a death-trap and a blazing ty a& ' Wade by Colonel Henderson whe ' commander in the R.A.F. and sub; , a Prominent civilian flyer, was the Cor>, Ct a question in the House of yesterday. for f u . era Seely (Under-Secretary of State j' replied that ...

♦ Serve fish, whether fried or boiled, with a Corn Flour sauce and you will appreciate an added delicacy. Corn

... Flour used instead of ordinary (lour for-thickening helps to make a sauce of smooth and creamy consistency, pleasing the palate, whilst enhancing the natural flavour fish. Broun & Poison's Corn Flour —the kind all good cooks use. lib. I/-..' Jib. 6d.. Jib. 3*d. They Know That Coticiira Will Soothe And Heal Whether itching, burning skin trouble, annoying rash, irri- , tation. cut, wound or burn ...


... Serious Figures from Clyde and North of Scotland. Indications come from various quarters of the.,serious increase in unemployment is threatened this winter. There are signs the Clyde shipbuilding circles that the prosperity of the past few years will undergo change during the coming winter, and that unemployment mar spread. About 1500 members of the new Amalgamated Engineering are idle, and ...


... Granted Leave to Appeal. Decision of Judicial Committee of Privy Council. The decision the Tribunal appointed connection with the purchase of the Grand Trunk Railway by the Canadian Government that the preference and common stocks of the Company, of the nominal value of £37,000,000, had now no value was to-day the subject of a long discussion before the Judicial Committee the Privy Council. ...


... BAIV.-At Ibo Brral laAmarr. l&U lu*t.. PAIN. 47. mnsral from 11 Cr. -b.i.. • nt»afo*. to Übsnon O—rlfT. M. ndar, IStb, 3 T*-tn. Irksnd* th.» .• h* only; laUioatton and invitation. DIVIVK.-At MaUrnln ■narf*’. 15*h la*t.. SWAP, dually alio III*'MAS DITIKE, asd only •i*tsr of Mr* ORA\. I>:im.—At Braid Plan, 16ih tn.f . oTTAHT. bslomd yonnffsst an of THOM A and CUBIbSIE LCITM. Sadly bMITH.-Dlod ...

Glaxo soon pulled her round ?0r the first fortnight of her 1 this little girl was frail and Plicate, unable

... to keep any*ng down. Then Glaxo was and from the first feed he a different child. She her teeth without the least r ouble, and is now such a bonnie child that her Mother says, I feel I cannot too highly of Glaxo. Glaxo yourself, Mother, before and after Baby ° m es. will strengthen you dhelp to promote a plentiful of breast-milk. But if ,° any reason breast-feeding ls impossible, be ...


... Time for Trumpet-Blowing A Sparse Audience Exceptional Year of Sport Arsenal’s Great Loss Kite-Flying in Hyde Park: A Chinese Festival Bnl'ish' art' Misadventure .ho par. BBC. There were concerts ta, Mx.ent world listened ° ta not know Probahty not much. 5'A obrS takes much notice of abro.m our . at ffwlr ol whom th.nk much, and wi rtvidont icnna Amoves the musical world of that ...

The Amateur Drama Movement

... Era of Wonderful Achievement Ahead A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT) ac hi era wonderful !>r^. te^r r mtnt es ahead of the ( lCt '°n Movement was the W' rec tor Sladen-Smith, V? er School es at the Scottish Drama, when forS at St Andrews: V 1 Sladen-Smith 2S? the amateur pro - ' and act ° rs ' amateur rs who i, arna teur stage- C fr f Ve & ath ered at St C arts of Scotland tra Sch 001. nSirnittecl to ...


... Premier at Chequers: Mr Eden Seeks Quiet Rest in the Country PINAL EMPHATIC PLEA TO RIBBENTROP Hitler's Proposals Must Face Immediate Difficult Realities envoy is returning on monday Leading actors in this week's drama of the nations lelt the stage last night for a breathing space in the political wings. The Prime Minister motored to Chequers, where he is spending a Quiet week-end with no ...