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... Ii oth PLOtUG14ING MATCHETS, to ) V. On Tuesday thle 10th tilt, oil tile farm of Ach~li, Iin the pa- bcr vh isit of King. Edward, fifty-orke plooghii appeared onl the field, Miet !d and started in grand otyle. Tlhe day bsing exceedingly fat. vie, vourable. a very lreassemblageof admiring spectators visited c:;p thegrondandthesurouningensinenes were studded ivithl cit. r-bus or wives and ...


... P'LOUGIIING MATCHiSKS. A Plouigintrig ilaltcih was held on the ?? of T'homnastown, c Parish of Aiuchterlegs, on To'esday the 17th ultimno, when 45 C ploughs started. Two frehis being eceusary to accommodate the rutber of ploughs which appeared the preminims were di- P vidled into an eq(I Ir nuolbeT, say eight to each fiehl; and tile Judges-Mr Strollart, Co'stercullene; Mir Mosrrison, Feithbill ...


... PLoV0etlltt 3MATCiH'ES. m( PAlISHI OF IOOG Pt.OUCII tiN MATCHt.-On Thursday. Jan. 2 I Pleu9ghing Stalth caine off at Torry Farm, under the an- spices of the Nigg Agricultural Association. Twventy-three no ploughss itarted, teo of theim not beoonging to the parish so0 (threestrangersbeing invited), The judges were Andrew lot laclk, Esq., Foresterhill; Messrs Jarimes Simpson, Pitmedden, So and ...


... ?? III X( I m vi II. C. ' C :reit.-Ol Satirday, th I liiH Illt., the telilitt ISo )the estate of Cutter, tie' property of otlolert DOll', Isq., held a plolhii gllitif note ill fieldl it Mains of Cullert At I o'ctcli, .m., twetity-ifinc ploufgths sttirteel, lwd, bl half-liast twelve, lad ecoilipletod their respective lots iii excelletit stylc. Thle ,indges-lcssrs Mliltie, l'oriiet Cuiiinixiiig ...


... PLOUG:HlINGA MATCHES. Thle Spring Meeting of the Vale of Alford Agricultural Association took pl ace onl Wednesdaty last, thle 12th instant, when Premiums wiere awardedto tbc tenl best Plouglimen. ata Plougiting Match ott the furm of Whiteside, Tullyncossle.- Premiums, onl thle kame day. were also awearded, by the Asso- ciation, at ?? of Alfordi, for the hest samsples of Oats and R1yegrasis ...


... r,;o U iilxcC IC Acv[lF.S. LtI - ziTAC ?? Associationtlihaing joian lateely formed, te a eo- nersao meeting of the tsaentry of Nigg, for the purpose of i promoting agi'iceltuvel imlrovaments in the Parish, the first ° ploughing match of die association was held onl thle farm of Mr George Yale, North L, irston . upon Wednesday the 12th cict. when li Ploeghs belenti tang to tili parish pscre ...


... PLOUGIIING MATCIIES. is ?? ASSOCIATION. i 'rho itoial P'I oghing Matches, oti der the liatronago of thits h Associatiotn, heuld thils yeot' as follows :- Pii ?? first, ott Ttcsday the Sth corrent, onl Me' Thor's farrn, 01 nof Ilavik, parisht of Clunoy. Trhirty-foot' plotgigh Sltarted ottiI wv this occasion, andI performed the tacit assigned to them Iit cac-P phd style. '(he ?? White, Ind~ovie; ...


... - ?? . ?? - ?? .- PLORMIN(II, MAIRCHES. PO1TA~TIIG oI~OII.TII A SSAIOCIATION. aS At the Aitmtil i'iiigltibiig MatlelrheItold this season, unliter this the p ?? iiage Di' th II'Cssrmioi'lsss Alsi'icelorolI Axiee/oltsss, thle moS t premiutis svere awsordeol as folloiss :- your ry, At LIMAoc ?? 1oiiiss,3Ac ~ecemoier, sehere 22i' 1phgi he P'loogs tic atreol-l sdipes Meissrs I.111stnseii, Relt'; ...


... PL()UGIHING MATCIIES. 01 A Plato,. bile~ 31 atchl too Ohilace 00 ! ?? haute1 TiarIM of StrtiII- ofI (blt I Niacalrdi to 0 Neil, oil tile 1oth tilt., whenl twenty -one tlloi''tltt started. end all were nox;ions La display, their tact Ini dhis ?? of e;irrttlt':re, 'r'ite Vlelowing lodividmels wore deem rid worthy ofcthe alward filmerit. by rthe dd s bloatr Johlii Taylor; Diyltelicai; ?? ...


... NETHER BANO1-IORY PLOUGEIING MATCHI. We c ore much gratified atheiiig present, on Wiednesday last, at the Nether Boseheroy A usulll Plosogqbiep Mlatct, held onl Mr W~alkser's Farm, at Mains of Portlethen. Owing6 to the frost of the previous night, several amateurs seemed .o think that the ploaigho wouild not start; but our Banehory brethren are not easily daunted, anid, although the ground ...


... Pl.OUGIJINGr MATCHES. The first ploughirig mratch of tl c're ae/anar L~ogin, wart( iJlelrei. F jsiC Arr'rictrlircnl. 4Matcsrii lore comne oll, on TI ureday 24th ult., c at the farm of Recrsll, parish of Poreran. There were fraly- d cocosl ploughesirl the grorrori, end tihe work claimed general art . mniratiori. 'Irhe j ?? Mlitchell, Cairnhill:; Jolmrstrtn, Male~sof Shields; and Smith, Tillery ...


... PLOUGU-ING MHATCHES.. On Friday, the 5th current, the Glaosoovq7T Association held their Annual Plouighing Mlatch upon a lea Field on the Farm of Birkenbog, belonigin~g to Mr Gray. Owing to the hard frost in the morning, which prevented some of the Plosoghe fromn being brought forward, only 2 started; and, notwvith- standing the unfavourabie state of the lanid, the wvork, up~on the whole, w~as ...