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... (From a Correspondent.) Long expected Christmas lias made his appearance ; but how changed in attire and manners; how unlike the Christmas of which the poet sings : •• Now Christmas, with hla wassail bowl. Laughs the wind, and frost, and snow; Ami creeps for warmth, where bright eye* roll Beneath the merry mistletoe.” When these lines wore written it evident that Christmas was jovial, merry ...

Local and District

... Lol a* 3j0tid I - On Monday Mr. ]L N. Philips, M.P., delivered his a1nnua adddegsatohi a-constituents, in the Athenveurn; 3*. Mr. T. L. Openew Presided; and there wasa; very large attendance. A vote of confidenl e in thaehon. gemteii was passed. An inquest was held on Monday, before the City . on the body of William Bottomley, Labourer, Glayton. The deceased who was employed at Messrs. Johnson ...


... STRANGE CONDUCT MAN CARDIFF. lowing rfci !n °' K l ' ;ditioD °' ' Saturday. [BY TELEGRAPH. I 1 SHOOTS HIS WIFE. , ii'g a woman ran into the street tar '? et, Cardiff, from her house, and , Frs* j. Jam ...


... KcoNSJSJSffii- > Bfc cnpTOOF TTVE POLICEMEN Xbt«« ,ay charges afwast him » '° rm j iiAMiiltinr two policemen. JfirsSWSS it but newly * year ago h« Kbtloc* 1 fft-noe of the rev ...

(•rECIALJ And After!

... Derby Adfice. On Bth December, 1914, Mr*. B. Mellor, of 28, Arthur Street, Derby, uid:—Owing to chill on the kidneye I hed each cruel peine in my beck that I can’t dcecribe them* When I attempted to stoop or lift anything they nearly crippled me. 1 had nasty attache of dtuinees, too, and at times could hardly stand. I seemed to have lost energy, and became very depressed. There were other ...

THE simplicity of the Ford car, Hs stability in construction, the famous heat treated Vanadium steel with its ..

... and flexibility, the low cost of operation and maintenance, its ease in operation, all have made the Ford car the great favourite in every land in the world. It's the one car that always satisfies and serves. A utility beyond question that all can afford. ATKEY’S Depot. Campion .t-i ~Price, includes standard equipment sad celf ...