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Aberdeen Press and Journal


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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... POTRAT op JAMES IIADDE1V, FsQ. 'oz PERSLEY. T a Meeting of Gentleinen conlneted with the City of Anr.l- A ) DEEN5, held Wlhill thle Royal Hotel, Union Street, onl Friday evening, 1 I1th Jeansiarv, 1833: WLVILIAM ANNAND, EsQ. of BELClOXT, in the Chair: It w ?,,s unaisoezv Rtesolved, 1. That, as a testimonial of the opinions wnlich the Citizens of Aberdeen entertain of the eminent services ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jusl Publishled, PriCe Two Shillings, Boards, ?? hiterestinsg Informations froms nistumerous Sources; And( ORIGINAL LETTEIRS, nmanY of them of very recent dates, CANADA AINID TRlE UNITED STATES. AOERnBIEN : Pnblished by JomN MIATHISON, Bl*Oal Street. Lless1dl: Loisginlall & Co.: Jones & Co.; Batlivn & Crnstlockl Fishler, Son, & Co.-IEdinbhrgh : Oliver 9 Boyd; Win. Black- wvoed; StinIghiz & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wigmaking and Perfumery. -I E O R GE S Y At 0 N, WIGM1AKER and PEl-t G F l Sl :R, gratefil for thie sipport he has hitiherto ieceiv d ii ed. begs to announce to his Friends and the Public, that ho on h:xm received a latge assortment of Tortoiseshell and other lo ('O1llS, Suiperior RAZORS, BRUSIIES, &c. Also a rare va- it' listsv of iRl'EEMPNERY GOODS. tit G., hegS tr say that, from his owfn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4 ?? .tUflScriPTION AE., ~i x, rrs STRANACR, in consequenec. ?? up her Bazaar, be's leave respectf'ully to intimate, that she intends to - dispose, by SusaRIPTXOX, o'f her Fashionable Storc of Goods, * asndisting of CHlILDREN'S ROBES and DEISSES, of various inds. 'ivith a rariety of FANCY ARTICLES, too 'tedious to 'emuereate in an advertisement ' ' - Q Thie 'Sale, will talce place about the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day is pitllishlel, 3 LACKsTVCODS EZDS1z BUVIG;II PAAUASINZ2, No. CCII. For Decembicr, 16r. CONTErEXTS. 1. The L~tdv of tie tleenwloltid ee. ALegenid of Tr:tlisvrIa. Al. ni-.l-I.P tgessifrlsonlt ?? of a lot,' I'hysjcjan. p.~l xlv. : The Thittlaletl-Itr. 'Iot' Crlugle's Lon. Clap. ;VI. The li- P1 rate's Lev:vil-I . Thlle Fi-enCh IRVerl ti0t.a of 113i0-l. T;, Casars. ChaP. I). Atinistts-VI. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P704IMP AND TAYLOR, (-fI ULiotc STREET', P.!sJA IIS) T.ES PFCTF'7,LLY infnuv Their C11sto8flcs thtt, in Coup/c- F 3tt i201z n(- Snnntwr SnTOCIC, they have jist received a Large AiA2t'itftol (If B/lack, 1?i~t, Olive, and n1v11,sile Green Baefne11OlD atid NArARROW CLOTHS8 Iatent ?? 'airaanhotn! not to spol wtithl raian Dagl ao'd Liyl/t. tft'J C'ASS'I~eI!,.S ; !1/alA aml Witney BLANKETS. lini, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'sP~sI ow Orcoi I=i~GN, ARNY At the Cpieneral Ireeting of the Lstndholders, Comminissioneris of Slip- $in? ?? jllstices of Peace, of thL Ciounty of ABERDEEN, held FR hI re on, tile let iir.: ViT'I-ItP iollfivuing RESOLUT'IONS of tliO Countity of EDIN.\ vvII JLB '11 Glx'r ?? y ajpproved of arid ridopted. by the Fouri Pret., 'thlat the County sholdsl e'arnestly iiopress uepon all, die Soc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tnec Aberdeen Maxine Insurance Cnompaty. I IFANU ?? i I! J II FF11 SI, ci' tl:. Al, 111' Y'1I 1-hill i'lilt INC'Nont1,10N ( o 7:; 2 N. il A: I. . :: I, I - . p ro-'i:'c'tl, Iti:, 1101 Wt i l l :.atl, ' -ool: ?? tie. ?? I'll 0 p ,Ii,!gbe L l 'iil vii H ito II Ael !, a: Ill I2111? lsll. 12:ii. AA-EXto',DDIE Aso., >11 P -. 11 'AI 1I. 1! i bfiv.F11 ?? ii I! lic'i1io 0it,'V.0> Oil thu' It fl'. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P O P U L A R AYD U .ONREiA'WIONAL iiINGIr' . T HE Inhabitrnts of Aberdeen are respectfullly informned Tthat h3fAINZEIR, the.lfiinguished lBVFoa.N$R off SACIAD iand StCtCI.A5l S:\NoI4o, will deliver TrWO LECTURES, P ?? of his Simple snid Efficient System of Popular MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. 1):0 \\ RDEoS'AY Uril TeltIlst',\\ Sepltesriber 2Oattd U'1, IN G OIl f STItl;E'r CIIAPEP,. tfo- NMecting to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XV7 T, c,',tf Li,,. C-uiseoneta of Stamps na tt Taxes, ii 'tlsu itit ?? 1- er;veted in us, by an Act passeud ai 1e Socsi,- t imit roc id, !or grouting to lier 2lo1ijesty Duties oil 010 trlwitni uinilt hfrol Puot-ertt, Piofei~tlars, 'Tradeo, Poll Ol11lisn, do Old)n Nkthtc.Otu1tetlit;,t '0 t~cl'o V'oits _ppirpitted Coantinisi'mers for I' pmnmctin uito Qxutlioa itt An~t tiassed ill thue thitiy ...


... = ?? THE FOUNTAIH OF TEARS. A52 ARAS TAL.M ev ELEANOR LOUISA 3IONTAOtE. Deep it; a charmed grot, 'ts said A lltie fountain rears its kead, Then turns to eartb again; And fed as by a constant spring, Still dropping In a fairy ring, The waters fall like rain. Staangelegends to that fount belong, And relics dint of mournful song, Nlkuboe grief e'ett uslW h1d; Sort, tender dreauts of olden thues, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INSTITUTION. ANNUAAL REPOR T of use DIRECTORS. plIE Directors, while they returnl their greatefutl acknowledge- -.n-ents to mazly genlerouts ~spimqorters of the Institution, halve to regret, that Raltairliga, (hi iilig the past year, they rcceived exira-- ordiiitiryaid to the extenkt of livarly £40, being a Collectioll front Si, psial's Chaplv, tle, Revenue heas been so farl dispr'oportiotItLA ...