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North Wales Chronicle


... 'T'HE LIVERPOOL REGATTA: , I - - - , ., . .- . . m This Regatta, toek place ou the river Mersdy on Friday last, and frum its behig the first spectacle of tile kiind which has taken place there, it excited great interest. '[he consequence was, that about noolo the whole population of the town began to pour forth in thousands by every passage to the river side, and the, numerous steamers and ...


... C - IMONDAY. The Grosvenor Stakes of' 13 s60s. each, with 20 . sos. added by the Stand Conitmittee, vere wvon by Lord Derby'sF;ilcoubridge, beatinig SirT. Stanley's Carraetacus, and two odthers. A Produce Sweepstakes, of 60 sovs. each, h ft I was vvou by Dlr. R. Turner's b c by Figaro, beating 4 Sir T. Stanilev's b f by Pottery, and three others, I A Mutch or 100 sOVS. each, h ft one mile, was ...


... A' o1u ?? :T. O . ?? ji sb ~4,.;rAn -fl16:E rsVri6 :.;of ths DeoVQ chili ?? lie on 1uiyedvn 6'enhuhg r~ttix' C.en.eral UfJe, angoi, und6e'r'the pio~ildeitcy'of;'rI' B.: '-;Watsoni.;. ele' reary, Mi Pit'13 npqui) -'i6 -:s orb as t.o-.0r ?? doingq--,of.:,the' ,1ub: dwii~ig thet ,phlsti ieas~on, ?? inch hile ?? fir~t~s te'tam1 : ad D layod. o.i nmuithe', won' 2, Iet'iib , 'd ewe 6 '&. ...


... ' , tGOR, .OYAL WELSH WAREHIDSB: WEE~H CUP RE-&PLAY. . . l . ..[By Eni Avant ].i. . t; Having failed 4'tlo at the Royal Welsh Ware,- house repre tivee in .the third round :o the :enior Welsh up ,petitifon the.. previous Saturday ?? had to re~play: titat £,ombination so whetre.' They | were: quite,4 -awar~e of to .fac that . ~their grmn&'was not of the prescribed size, and were further awarett ...


... *nt MONDAY, SEIT'. 14. 'I'ho 1itzwilliain Stakes were won by Mr. Orde's tie I3oes.viiig (Cartwrright,) beatilig b c by 'I'ruinpeter.- j. ?? eushiy. *If, 'T'le ChallipoigneStakes cere von by Alr. Powlolt's lKedge(llollines),betingl',eSqoirel, l3ulgrade, Moon- bearm, Sstirist, Sirnoo, and Assagai. Won cleverly c by a lenrtig and a hblf. rdj A Hanisdicap was won by Mr. Clarke's Benjamin ink ...


... The Members of the above Club having received S challenge from the Barmouth gentlemen, the matcht came off at Dolgelly, on the 10th inst., Dolgelley win- ning with four wickets to go down. The Barmouth side going in first. The score stood as followrs- BARMOU' 'H SIDE.! F. Atkinson b Williams J. 0. Jones a J. S. Jones, b.Hewgill -Capel I c wicket, b Pewgill ?? -Ironmonger c J. S. and b Williams ...


... : .$orting. If I - - - - - - BETTING AT TATTERSALLWS The remarks current relative to the partial settlemesnt which took place at Donca'ster were fully justified by the business which was transacted at The 'Corner on Monday the pecuniary supply was for the most part equal to the demand. In a few instauces a little breathing time was asked for, and it wis granted with a ready compliance, which ...


... $pvrting. ow of LIVERPOOL JULY MEETING. 'ed by THflRSDAY etting The attendance of general comipany was immense. No ini. It one provemsent was displayed in the numerical strength of the ion of fields; for the cup only nins competitors were brought out. Ammonia, the winner, was not mentioned in the ringr. ditted; The DERBY HANDICAP.-Baron Rothschild's Orestes, I; d, but AMr. Ewbank's Snowdon ...


... -AMrl411c Anl 's rew& A- Business was remarkably dull at Tattersali's on 41cr a v re and a strong probability exists that ere long it will be duler id, than ever; for, should the proposed martion That Lo bets an upon races in future shall be play or pay, be carried ina2 he effect by the Jockey Club, speculation will henceforth be Ce3. en fined within the narrowest limits casfible. That it ...


... .OT ALT LONDON YACHT CLUB. The extreme fineness of the weather asd the celebri'y 'that this club has attained produced a very large assemblage of visitors at its opening matcl on Moenday; but it is to be re- gretted the entry list sas not greater, considerieig the amount a*and number of the prizes given. The race seas divided into two claose, criti the following campetitora First class, ...


... 0?.. ,;qOrtiftfl. ?0- EPSON IRACES. 'ihe inauguration of the Epson- Snumner JSkein, it-s far fromn propitious. Heavy rain had fallen c 'trog's c-is nigh:, aild though it did niot imuch affect the absorbent ?? s~oil of the Dowlns. it cerapilatly saturated the lower gre--inds Tire gloomy aspect of thec morning was mor-covet nosat ai or cu hosrong showers hishil fell at shiort .nio, dunbtlses ...


... ITIlE.AN1GL'ESEY IUNT. The annual feetivities'in conasetioc with tbe Angle say hunt have been celebrated dturing kbs'presentmeek at Beaumarie, the, dentre of 'the' rejOiciFgB beig the famfus uld widel 'khaowsa AWilliauma-BulkeleY 'Armea HoM. ~The pi6tilrasquea and ?? to w has Ibsen Iiterxally~siegcId by itoorr, ann the Messrs Baker have! betniattheir wits, end to ?? all Wvho aliplied to them. ...