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Penny Illustrated Paper



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Penny Illustrated Paper

The Ripley-Road

... The best and most popular road is the Eipley ; and not only is the surface of the road good, but the scenery on the way is exceptionally pretty and picturesque. The easiest route from the centx-e of London is Piccadilly, Knightsbridge, High-street, Kensington, Hammersmith-road, Bridge-street, over the bridge to Mortlake, to Richmond, through the park to Kingston, where you had better ask your ...

Fruit Garden

... Although the conditions all round were unusually favourable, and the bloom exceptionally abundant, from some unexplained cause apples, and pears as well, to some extent, have failed to set their fruit as freely as everyone expected; and it is now, in some parts, a question whether there will be even average crop of the fruits mentioned after all. I fancy that caterpillars, maggots, and other ...


... ON THE BEACH YARMOUTH, WHERE MRS, BENNETT’S BODY prisoner, about one o'clock, met Alice Meadows in Hyde rk. Assuming that he went bv the 7.20 train, he would arrive in London at 11.30. In the cours3 of the same evening he wrote a letter to Miss Meadows, telling her he had been to Bexley Heath that day, and was sorry to inform her his grandfather had pas ed away that morning at 3.30. It would ...

■DEC 1 1900 the YARMOUTH MYSTERY. BEFORE the Mayor of Yarmouth, Mr. C. S. Orde> and a full bench of

... magistrates, the inquiry was resumed on Friday. Nov. 23, into the charge preferred against Herbert John Bennett of strangling his „_ , Yarmouth Beach, on the night of Sept. 22. k was the hour fixed for resumption of the ry, and that time the space reserved for the public THE PENNY ILLUSTRATED PAPER ...


... bleeding profusely from the neck, and he lost consciousness almost immediately, dying before he could taken to the London Hospital. A man named Abrahams, with whom the deceased is stated to have been strugglingwhen aid arrived, was arrested, and charged at the Thames Police-court later in the morning. Sentence on the Scarborough Bank Manager. At the York Assizes on Saturday last before Mr. ...

Prize For Ladies. Every lady can receive, by sending a post-card to W. J. HARRIS & CO., Ltd., some pretty

... samples of stitching, and design showing exact size of their unrivalled Defiance Ziockstitch Sewing Machine, works by hand or treadle, only 40/-, complete; especially adapted for dressmaking and all kinds of family sewing, and so simple as to require no instruction beyond the guide book which is given with each Machine. Warranted for four years, and sent to any part of the country on easy ...

THE RACING WORLD. THE RACING WORLD finished the Old Year eadly, for the death of Lord William Beresford came as

... a sad shock. All the Turf World knew about Lord William as one o? the rollicking, dare-devil Beresfords, who did not care for hog, dog, devil,” and was in the midst of all sport in Ireland. They followed with keen interest his doings in India, where after w hile he may be said to have dominated the Turf. As principal owner or agent, confederate or adviser, he was alike successful racing ...

farmer. Bush Fruit- AN inquiiy Hent by a Notts correspondent on Ujc training of bush fruit—particularly the ..

... by postl but for the benefit of other cottagers who may desire information on the subject I repeat the substance of my letter to Wollatou.” row of well-shaped trees is a pretty sight, and tells of the artist; but a lot of mopheads, choked in the centre, and smothered with sucken oroclaims the sloven, and the latter never finds a profit in ais work. Training on a south wall is a good method to ...

I Thirty cups for ninepence. One of the conspicuous features of Kowntrce’s Elect Cocoa is its great economy, ..

... a delicious and fragrant Cocoa and a substantial, nourishing food. A breakfast cup of really good cocoa is not only a grateful and comforting drink, it is also a nutrient of the highest order. A quarter- pound tin of Rowntree’s Elect Cocoa, which can be purchased anywhere for 9d., makes thirty such cups. ELECT Cocoa. NEXT TIME—TRY ROWNTREE’S. ...