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... THE RACING WORLD -such t-cotions of it as not bet. or betting, make book -had tine time at Goodwood. Tneie it was all right for everyone if they pleased to take the goods ottered them, but that unfortunately is just what the majority would not think of doing. The sun was genial, the roads scarcely to be called dusty, the course in grand order, the company as nearly up to average it could the ...


... THE ARI MUTIN 4 STORY OF ADVENTUI AND AFLOAT By SERGEANT C. H Spencer), Author of ‘‘ The Yarn of a Man-o “The Mystery of a Skul,” {COPYRIGHT.] CHAPTER VI. SOME EXCITING INCIDE:! ‘The fine weather lasting, under the mates and the Bo’sun soon “ shipshape and Bristol both passengers and crew settled 1 _usual hum-drum life at sea. work of the ship was gone throu; tonous regularity, decks were scrv ...

Tablets, Sd. A Tablets, 6

... soap were exercisedthe preparation for Ladies is Dr. Mackenzie’s Soap (ARSENICAL.) Boxes (3 tablets) post free. S. Harvey, Ltd,, Deumau Street, S E. ...

farmer. Bush Fruit- AN inquiiy Hent by a Notts correspondent on Ujc training of bush fruit—particularly the ..

... by postl but for the benefit of other cottagers who may desire information on the subject I repeat the substance of my letter to Wollatou.” row of well-shaped trees is a pretty sight, and tells of the artist; but a lot of mopheads, choked in the centre, and smothered with sucken oroclaims the sloven, and the latter never finds a profit in ais work. Training on a south wall is a good method to ...


... A Gentleman who cured himself of Deafness and Noises in the Head after Tlir fourteen years’ suffering, will gladly I IIC send full particulars of the remedy nr « receipt stamped addressed envelope. UtAll Address T. CLIFTON, 12, NORFOLK STREET, STRAND, x*ONr>ortf, w.o. CAMPBELL’S CHAMPION MELODEONS coins AS A BOOST AND A BLESSING TO EVERY WINTER FIRESIDE. Stir up the fire and make a cheerful ...

1,000,000 YARDS DRESS MATERIALS AT BARGAIN PRICES. The I’MrchAser®' Annual Chance occur* At our Great Sile, ..

... yard. In Black, Blue, Maroon, Myrtle, Fawn, Grey, Oxford, &c., Double Width. XlttrvtUou* Vtiutj Sound Manufacture, Any Length Cut, Direct from Loom*. that are being bought by all cln wen. Exceptional Ojfer—not to be repented. Write to-day. Full Hangeof Pattei-nsand Sale Price List Frkk. lUTAS LEATHLEY A CO.. Dept. 68, ARMLET, LEEDS. ...


... REAL ODOURLESS ADDED QUILTS. > *• »*• o«ornM*«# hafrlflcf. n»B» t«' cl«ii Bt«ck MUM- Karh .%• Carrtafa |m»lil Well worth double wh«t n»k ThMO (faille are wonderful Mwnplee of Inxary Covered with mteer. flue quality and arttaiie and lllleil with I’atent liirlfled Wad l»-'wn bytiOln eocb 5 - 9 for for 9 6 HANDHOMF TEA COSY. 19. Free with Quilt »UP£UB CITHHION. Free with Quilt FREE, for guilt wr ...

Prize For Ladies. Every lady can receive, by sending a post-card to W. J. HARRIS & CO., Ltd., some pretty

... samples of stitching, and design showing exact size of their unrivalled Defiance Ziockstitch Sewing Machine, works by hand or treadle, only 40/-, complete; especially adapted for dressmaking and all kinds of family sewing, and so simple as to require no instruction beyond the guide book which is given with each Machine. Warranted for four years, and sent to any part of the country on easy ...


... ,| SI NS -CY , IT BLLE T.iis vPHYLLIS! pHST iYLLIS,- Seteiber meetilig on the anchester Race. The Se11d pro ved t *reat success, though the hazi- tse wreather marred the proceedings from the f vietw of 'sptxf L. Tihe sun shone out quite strongly for the greater part of Saturdi f E r afterniv )n, and thle air W:S positively R.WEA balmy. There was a very good attend- dancel of ladies present on ...