Refine Search

W l c \\ji lii ¦ and CHINA.— PLAN& of all STEAMERS I ii

... may be had on application, and every infonna- iv th tin- journey to the above places, whether by il rout. . will be promptly afforded on inquiry. at very reduced rates by this route. Arrange- inad« for the early delivery of samples. — James I SI Mary-axe. ,„, |; ...


... The journalist has bat seldom record an event of such a distressing character as one which occurred on Friday last, at Yarmouth, by which upwards of one hundred persons lost their lives. In the afternoon of Friday, Nelson, tbe clown at Cooke's Circus, proceeded to perform a feat which has excited lome attention, both in London and the provinces, since was first introduced by the late Mr. ...


... Tuesday Evening. The jury re-assembled this morning shortly after nine o'clock, and an additional list of bodies found and persons missing was laid before them: — The following presentment to the town council was agreed to:— We the undersigned, now acting as jurymen npon the inquisitien upon the bodies of th ■_ several persons who met their death from tbe falling of the suspension bridge on ...


... Election por Peeblesshire.— The nomination of candidates for the representation of Peeblesshire took place in Peebles, on Monday last. It was expected tbat some op- ponent would appear to contest the election with Mr. Forbes Mackenzie, but that expectation was in vain. Sir George Grant Suttie was ?? to (a moderate tory, but opposed to die Maynooth grant), but he declined. Mr. Carmichael, a ...

The late Catastrophe at Yarmouth

... The adjourned inquest was held on Wednesday, when Mr. J. Walker, the engineer appointed by the Home Se- cretary to investigate the causes of tbe late accident, submitted the result of his examination. The general con- clusions from his evidence were : — lst. That the imme- diate cause of the accident was a defect in the joining or welding of tbe bar which first gave way. 2nd. Tbat the quality ...