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Cumberland Pacquet, and Ware's Whitehaven Advertiser



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Cumberland Pacquet, and Ware's Whitehaven Advertiser


... T. Baker, RoehelU*, drape* J. end B. Bradfluw »od J. Winder, L»ne»llet, ncrchanu - . . T. Hayroan, Honduraa Street, rectifier Ofman, Haekney, baker _ W. Newman, Briftol, miner R. Fearoham, Oldham, Lancafhtre, money [eilrn. Prowfe, Huntfpill, Somerfetjhire, apothecary F. Clark, Great Rultell Street, haheidaflier 0. Shade, Priiiee'a Street, bookfeller J. Kingdey, jun. Pegfdon. Bedfordlhire, ...


... Julin Alpinuta and the Captive of Stnmboul,. HT J. H. WirrKN, AUTHOR OF HOURS. FTC. These are historical poems. The former, on the resistance Julius Alpinus, Chief of HeU'etia (wild had Ifen-ued himself witli Gulha), to the usurping rairaston of Cecina, the Genera! of the successful Otho, once illnstrntes the fidelity and noble patriotism Alpinus, and the simplicity and devoted affection his ...

PAin.llMi:\r.lltY INrEU.iOF.KCE, I'UrSDAY, noltstj t.oitus, JAN. 23. speed) Tub tjihone. a)»ont two o* cl

... his scat upon the throne, the Black Bod was dispVched reeptire the attendance llte House of Commons the Bar. few minutes the Speaker appeared, followed a large proportion of the Members the House. His Majesty delivered the following graci- Speech t.or/h CenUeihen, •• 1 have the ncijuiunting you, that continue to receive from Boreiko I’oVvirs «l»o slroogest assurances of fri ...


... CUM BURT. AND RACQUET. only men to lie held in honour, and that he in the tint of all speechmakers. O the rtwß animal !*• Loan CrtcalßAXF.— The friends of the Greeks in this country (ir'riiiding the Greek Deputies in London), are now treating with this heroic officer, in order to induce him to throw his talents and bravery into the scale against the Turks ; and there reason to expect that his ...

Timrsiinv scVnnJaht, hi« hou«e in cinpiiam- Society for Promoting Christian rnatl, oped 71, Edward Parratt, Esq ..

... ° Journals of the House of I.ords. JVnOWieuge. Tlio IPth of Jan. last, at Demerara, in his 4Rth QUARTERLY MEETING the year, Mr. Robert Hinde. second son of the late CARMSbE DIOCESAN COMMITTEE. James Himte, Esq. of Lancaster. in Aid of tlie Society for Promoting Christian Know- Tuesday last, the year of his aije, Willi- will be holden in tlie Town Hall, on FRIDAY am Hey, Esq. F. R. S. of Leeds, ...

' . ONDON SMACKS.—From I.idd*rd’s I Wii.iif, Hoksi.ev-I>own.—The next Smack is intended sail tor Whitehaven ..

... All Pcr*nn* who with to secure their Good* by the Smack* are requested to be particular in ordering them to be sent to Whauf, Hobsluy-down. Foil BELFAST AND LONDON. The S.nuck ARDENT, now about to leave LonJon, will sail for Belfast and London three Days after her arrival at this Port. „ For further information, apply to W. Law Ot.ilby, Ino ram Court, Fenchurch Street, London, or to RANDLESON ...


... J. C. Curwcn, Esq. a otion relative to Criinal Laws the Isle of Man, Thi* ay leail an investigation of ore extensive nature, and it would not l>v iHgeotis to the iolercsis the Manx pet»|>lc, if ivil and C'liutina! Law* were jilaevd a looting vtty ilk’v present. Soe ngo the present Mr Juslire Ho!royd, nl oilier Lawyers of eineiiee, went KCy, to in ike innijiries intti the ...


... TO be LET, and may Entered upon immediately, if required, A very desirable DWELLING HOUSE, with Coach House, Stable, an excellent Garden, and about Two and Half Acres of Land, situate at LYCHMORE, in Moresby, near Whitehaven. For Particulars enquire at the Office of Mr. ARMITSTEAD, Solicitor, Queen Street, Whitehaven. BRIDGEFOOT AND STAINBURN TOLLS. Xolii'e it hereby Given, THAT the TOLLS ...


... DITTO, Diln i .Im COAI. TAR. for Naval IRISH BUTTER, Tor Sheep Sake; Pipe, Puncheon, and Bartel STAVES J CASKS, of every Description. Apply to THOMAS HASTIE. Cooperage. Street, June, 1822. N. B. All of COOPER'S WORKdoneon the low. «l Terms. (26) ...

* Thomas Asbkldcs, Mr. Aoaji Wood, Shipttuit.lcr, 'Maryport. Fib. 1815. SALE, OCA PUNCH HONS JAMAICA 3 \J HUM* ..

... Casks Coffee. Quantity-of Pimento, in Bays. few Tons Lignumvilse, And (.‘..rj'O American Red and Yellow PINE TIMBER, Of excellent Qn titty. RICH Alt I) WHITESIDE ti Co. Dec. lal I. Brig Mjrv Ann, [William Nicholson, Master.] I.L Person';, having Claims against the Owners of the Brig MARY ANM, ITarfingtoo, Nicholson, Master] arc requc'ted send them Mr. Jokcpii TuoMfsojt, Attorney, Convert ...

HOUSE OF Tiiirsday, July 10, Petitions in favour of Coventry* paiislv of WinchiNea, from place- •!i were ..

... F.arl ircestcridiiie; and the Earl Tl,p Marquis nf J.ONDONDEUU V said rbeir I.ordsbips were .m extraordinary fins Ini-i»e the .N ible Eii! them that h-.d resigned, and •dmihr commu- was ma to the ncellor of the Lord the wool ot!n-r hmi-'.? liv t'lt? I.urd il'e 1.. iI.U tie N..b!e and 1; hud Srtid tint «it!i the exception •fore, there A contrary luiliiiinent. the •r there suid fhut hiniiment ...