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Birmingham Daily Post


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Birmingham Daily Post


... ROLLS COURT.-SATUnDAY. TSEF QUEEN a. T11H BOSIRMGHAOI WATEBWOKES COMPANY, The question raised in this case was whether the Bir- mingham Waterworks Company were liable to be assessed to the Birmirgham Town Improvement Rate, in respect of certain reservoirs, mains, and pipcs which they had within the borough, upon the net annual value ox only at one- quarter the net annual value thereof. It ...


... YOUTJHFUL DEPRA VITY AND THE CONFESSIONAL. EXTRAORDINARY CASE AT STAFFORD. A case presenting several remarkable features was heard before Captain Whibby, Dr. Knight,, Captain Salt, and T. F. Whitgreave, Esq., Magistrates for the county of Stafford, at the Shire Hall, Stafford, on Saturday last. Samuel Lock, a boy of fourteen gears of age, was charged with the grave offence of having com- ...

Birmingham Police Court

... N, inibigbaill Volict (Dart. YESTERDAY. Trrej, d Mlesses, C. C. S. Kynncersley and S. Buckley. SA VAGE ASSAULT IN Ena)BASbON STREEnr.-A decently dressed but baild featured cecil brutnl-lookiceg young woman, naimced Acne Ivrti, living in Martin Street, was placed ill the dock charged weils lbcing - drunk and disorderly. The disorderly conduct con1- sisted of the following bruttal outrage. It ...


... AI ON DAY, These Sessious commenced yesterday fer the transaction of the county business. The following Magistrates were on the Bench :- The Riglltlion. Lord WARD, Chairmen; T. G. Cartler, Eq., Vice- Chairman; the Right Hon. Lord Lyttelton, Lord-Lieutenant of the county; Sir E. A. H. Lechmere, Bart,, Eon. W. Coventry, the Rev. C. J. Sale, H. Hiomfray, Colonel Woodward, Rev. Mr. Anephlett, J. G ...

Birmingham police

... O'l NElivilill-Omill VWite. YESTERDAY. Befoer Mr. Sargant, Mr. rainee, Mr. Ltsyd, arid Mr. Luscy. EXPOSING BADAIEAT FOiL SALE-JohnS Sharp, carcass butcher, Smithfield, wan suiniuonedby Cooper, the sub-insepctorofinuiances, for .exposiceg for sale on the preceding day, the carcass of a cow. There was an abscess and couch inflammaetion on the cow's side, and thle animal appeared to have suffered ...


... EX:TRAORDLNARY CHARGE OF FORGERY. COMMI1TTAL OF TWO WHOLESALE JEWELLERS. At the Wednesbury Police Court, yesterday, before W. Partridga, Esq., Ienry Solomans, jeweller, of Birmingham, and Birnett Soiomans, jeweller, of Wolverhampton, appeared on a remand to answer a charge of forgery. The specifle charge was that the de. *endant hbad forged a certain bill or promissory note tor £6., with ...


... BIRMINGHAM POLICE COURT, Y138TERDAY. 3efore Sir John Batciff, T. c. S. Kyenlnrdgeyt S. BUelA'y, anod W. Riclards, B qrs. FEMrALE IRISH 5l1s31I000ANTs.-ThreO strapping girls from the Emerald Isle, giving the names of Mae'y M1C0aty, from DabliD, MaarNv, orsphy, from county harry, and Afar, Brion, from Corsk wexe brought up to be dealt with, they having been found by tise police destiltute In the ...


... YEiTERDAY. lgfrerf Messrs. T. C. S. Korsancrsley antd a. B. Cope. A RtEteACTOnY TRAmP.-An old man, named Williamn Duonn, vascharged with wilfully breaking five panos of glass, value SO., lbe property of Mr. J. W. Keywertb, surgeon, Masabousa Lione. 1i. Keyworth aid it wn3 nbual when tramps came into the town sod applied for an order for odosission to the Workhouse, for them to be sent to bim ...


... BIRMINGHAM POLIOE COURT. SATURDAY. Re.forc the Mayor. and lessrs. S.Fattlins and P. I. Weld&, AESAULTEIOa THE POLICE -Three men named Thoneas Cosummirns, John Cis? lcy, and Thomas C'ouay, were charged with assaulting Policceouaetables Webb and By!theway, whilat in the execution of their duty. It appears that about for o'clock on Friday afternoon, Cun mins and Curley were drunk and ffghting in ...


... BIRMINGbAM POIOE CO1IRTc SATURDAY. Before MAesrs. S. Rawlios and B. oSuns. A HAPPY FAMIILY.-A dlrty lookiug Irishman, named Joseph Sulliran, living in Thomas Streeti, was brought up on remand, charged with violently assaulting his wife, Ellen Sullivan, with a poker, on Thursdaay evening. The complainant did not wish to press the charge, as the prisoner was drank when he committed the asault, ...


... BtFonro F. DINsDALIr, EsQ., JUDOX. At this Court, held on Thursday, a number of arrears weto disposed of UNOPPOSED CASES. The following insolvents, on the application of )Mr. East, were discharged forthwith -John Forbes, Birmingham, nirchant's ,dr;on Johnson Batty, brewer, Gosta. Green, Birrminglham; Frederick William Donaldson, Acoek's Green, electro-plater; Samuel Matthews, the younger, iron ...


... BIRMINGHATM COUNTY COURT. YESTERDAY, BEFORE MR. H. 1Y. COLE, Q.O., JUDGEf - RUNciSNxc-DOWK C3ASI,-Johin Buckle, basket-maker, of Coleshill Street, brought an action against Edwin Gill, dairyman, of Kent Street, to recover the anm of £50. for personal injuries alleged to have been sustained through the Ilegli sco of the defendant's servant. Mr. Alfred Young, OXcford Circuit (instructed by Mr. ...