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Advertisements & Notices

... THE. LOIRD CHANChCLLOI1,, 31liunction. THE LORD HIGH CHANCELL'OR f-v T decreed an INJUNCTIoN adrl,.tj ro Sibly arid Jlifeph Chamtberlai, of P and Edward s, St. Paul's - rte ha., their Agents, to llop their chganrd od :AITITA'tiG a Di%. Sitly's Patcait Xotay. Under a Penerlty of One Tbv fad pouu. t All bottles if;ard at this Wairtloiu(e from the 4th J lne, I os, have C. [T9 Sfel written upon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ve els Laid J7; ?? S * s 1 ?? For STETTINV Dired, The - THE.TIS, JAMES ANSDELL, * T Is 1noAw loading for the above port, and will fail, with 6rll convoy. Huloll, AuguR 9, 1804. IFor particulars. apply to R. SOUVI-IERN l PEARSO N. E- r EiLSVIVE UR .W IMISAR, the EXPEDITION, ?? Captain RICHARD NELL, !ts now eady to take in Goods, and wili ?? with firfi tnnvny. R. SOUTHERN p PEARSON. Hill, Augiul ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HVES~EL LAID ON.- ForBALTIMORSa The American Ship lpi . AiĀ£AZARD,- Barthien -zo0 Tons, Stands A j at L10yd0%. thorough repairs: will fail by th e5t fuit the Trade. ~ ~ ~ ~ r t M ! 'ffrei~htor p~ih~e a NOx & HAY. HULL, April 3T, 1800: For HAMBURG, The UNION, Capt. WILLIAM HARROW, sow ready to take in Goods, and Will fail with te ?? For particolar pply to HALL, ROBINSON, LS' Co. iff. B: Good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a? f. HSH L LL. VTefls Laid On;, for Sale, &c. -- J Fo~r EW-rO'RKm,- . The Ameriean Ship f f i B~~~IENJ. ILAWN, N1la ncr; -fi k ~-7Is n~ow arrived, and will fiail to fiuit - he tiade. ANTHONY WILKINSON. Hull, Match 29; 18C4. o Excellentaccommodations foT pailengers. For St. PETERSBURG Town, : - - ,''The PILGRIM, .Captain %VILIIA M JATMES, * s: , Is xnow ready to take in, Goods for St. P'Pet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Worm Medicine. MR. EAITE's celebrated WVORM D UE ;S DICINE, in the forn of Gingerbread -Nuts; faithfuliv prepared from the original Recipe, by 'tHWARDo and EvANS, tire late Dr. WAITE'S Onlyl legal fucceflars and afigns, price is. i1d. per packet. 'Ihis very popular and invaluable medicine has not only proved the wollt eary, pleafant, and efficacious, ever iietvnduced to tlbe public, for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HULL. il7eis Laid Or :fo? Salre i~ ~ ~~ ~ ?? ?? Vn - ~T he new & faft ?? Ship, -CHA.HAM, p Tain HON4AS J. CHEW, _ T ;. . z60 1'onsMeafiucen coit, Will bcr;ready to take-i, Goods next -week, aind will pofitively fail in ten to fmirteen days. This Ship made her plinage from New-York to Huli in twenty- eight days; is onily olle year old; and is in every retr a Vervil ef the very firt deiciipt iol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vejgels Laid 0 ,J: ro Salc, &c. TO BE SO LI), IrT HE Brig JUPI T ER,) J. PRATMAN, 0af ert %ith all her STORES. as per I veniory. a. -! -- 1 ,t Ions refi lter. For particulars. apply to Metlrs, Field ?? Ronalds. Cbeefirmnogers. tpper Ihares.llreet, Lodoani or to Mt William Bucklawl, Agent,. Oull. [lOLL. Nnvormber s8th. 180S. For SALE,- Ten Thousand Three-Inch 14 }Fcct GeflC DEALS Six Toits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIR, 3 C,,J4 t , If_ ; 7ddsie tg.~s- y NDUCED by fentines o - Y YeSt. Rodg 1rIlManity t-v my ?? ct1 c+ ?? .iih is tW relate the fg pal A requcil their ?? ter ars 4 d the n-turc of irl occupation, I was nh ' the inclemency of the weather th. -N'he. s which to rme was tluly lamcnrable f 12ted ilate of my t1lrsod.--hrnutg legs begao to fwrli. hich in% a Va.,it tjrrr C ed Is filch au alarmting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N ?X OTICE is hereoLygiven, : the N That his Md7STzrr'x Couty 0 yonx. . ?? of ?? PFscE for 1iu; Ridin;g, w;l, at the lllichacmas Gene6-al Qaarter Sylons, to be held at Beverley, on 71,,; t the Sth day of O5tober next, apsoint a Go07.JER1VOR or MASASER of ihe H10USZ cf ColRECTIO nt B3rFRF2, , itihe room' ;D j lm GEOI1GE PLUtMtMER, deceafed; and ?? appl,4ingfor that Oice, mvzg, prvtiow to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Balfam -of Liquorice. 8 the negle& or mifianagement of a A fimplbcough or iold, at the approach of winter, often lays the foundation of an afthrma or confamu- tion, it behoves thofe who would fecure their health, to ni~p the ?? in 'the bud ; for.' Procratitnation it the thief of time. The BALSAM of lAQUORICE, a coucentrated liquid preparation from Liquorice Root, is pre eni.i nently ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GALt-RISON GROUND. - -G rrHE rematning LOTS on the GARRISON-, at ?? ), onfirld at titO An~liro Oil the ZtIf jinltant, bt wjll be Difpofed Of bv P ivate Contrafl 3Apply to Meffies. Conv andi GAIt LAND, or Mr. 01 JAMES GtFEN, SOli;ciorS, HUll. hG A 3EN:[FIT of Mr. THOMPSON. u CI 45fatrtdao^;!aI, t)dL r O WEDNESDAY Eveuing, January s, ol W 807, their Mal'licrs' Servanrts will pertorm a g~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R~ichiardson's Creditors. rIlE Cieditors of JOSEPH RICHARDSON, | jlteof WITHAM, in Holderness, in the county O of Yor1k, Coal-Mlerchant, deceased, are requested t send an account of their respective demands to ?.les5;, T. and C. F10sT, Solicitors, Scale-Lane, ltrj i. order that the. Monies arising from the cl ane .md ?? of the diceased, may be divided N ttrgst the- creditors, rareably in ...