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... >OTICE is hereby given. That the Eastib GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the Peace for the Eait-Ridio* the Connie of York, will laid ADJOURNMENT, the Easr-RtolNo Sls- WOS* Hoema. Bavenr.ce, in the laid Riding on SATURDAY, the Uth day of Mae next, at Twelve o'clock, and that the Buviuna relating the Ah«i-mrel. Application, and Management of the County Rate, will coDimcncc at that hour. HEN. JNO. ...


... BEOS to return hi* mo»t linren- tlmuk. to bis numerous Fncod«, for H*e favours conferred him durinf the last Thirty-two Years, and respectfully informs them tl*t has Declined Business in favour of PIUB DREBCHEB, his Isle Partner, whom sincerely rec->m»nrnds to tln-ir entice, trusting bis connecti (, with him, that will continue to deserve their Patronage. All outstanding Debts will and paid ...

Elrrtion aWrf««. IN DE PEN ECI’ORS BOROUGH orICINGSTON-upos-HULL. Gkktlkm rM, period like the present it is. in ..

... ol every Enf Inhinan to come forward defence of that form of Government which he baa been taught, from hit earheat Infancy. venerate and to love. I have not. therefore, to accept the invitation from your Borough, calling upon me to offer myself CANDIDATE for the honor of Representing you io Parliament. It flaed determination to support the Integrity and Privilege* of the Houte of Lorda. which ...

LOUS and Ci:RLS SPANISH zI 1 O \hOOANY. of which are City nuii#s. being lmport Henry Ripley, fc and others;

... which will «l (ihough ..I Wood) two Cargoes, the seteetioaa and tfir.vt lmi--rfSuf lli-oty Kitlirk. . al~. Iku daily experteil t arrive the Btqt Han.wt ,toJ. J Giapeh K-a. rhn* submitting the ftmAt on the 17th FIVE CAH(»OBB ST DOMINGO MAHOGANY The Cargoes HON Dl HAS M - u the Ship* Sir Wallet Scott.” ” Prince Itegent.*' and •• Hricnre,” not arrived, are inn tided to be added to the above Sales ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? E I .r m. ---mur -JllNA,- i s- '~r)uint Nt tll~il:tt 03' i'n: (Jotnlfr .JobnNs,uY.. V dt Till: 1i1nl. e a, requested tin stateI Iho a double ninnoumberof n C the ?? ni 1:,1 i ol titutrdlny Jlily 3,iNo. Pt, wiol bl piblisihed, e %ititie to r cit r, chrge, In o nnicn ut Ircsnt it its enider; I vry cn. I- piot i i, ?? ling Metlttir of ilis late dutjeity, i;ritatl ex. c i- w presy f tr iht ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUC'IfON.I Q2ALE OF FURS.-G,. AVINTIYX LE most rc-i K)spitoctfu1I 7 anniounces to the L idtos of Leedst 1111d it, it ViciniI etvll ?? romt - .0t)l on no1 excetli ii .\sortlt'tt ofl1to~l~list~ink or ?? real Sable, 1111'4141 Fitch, Erocille, Lynx: '-Iltirrel, oind imlitlation Silili NIvi11'i, Tilpots. Coll., I 'olitri' VeI M1i l.S NI~IttidV$. GOILIC to. Whle' op'w.ilol WIl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A if 'iff W . t;~ t fl i fg U'iff I i iit ''f,.iiff'iffiif . if ?? iff' ififf if ifif.' ii, IQ; tri' if'lfi'f'fi Ir ii fi f ii i ''If i 'if ,if ' i f if is iffi tf' III; Io t ?? . ak h if,' Y% Ailinh me itf ?? I JAI.~ ~ ~ V r.Alr(1f if - if 'fffiE'f i :if i t ?? i i'fifi'ri * M if 'if~r St r A'ii trr ti'~ II' 'is ' ?? 'if. if~ ?? ifa hif ~~'iiawi~~iy bv :De~ if' ?? ?? ik; t I fffifI . , if ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN JOHN and JOSEPH WAVRING'S BANK- HUp I.CY. hEFrTING for last Examlination of tile B lorupte, and Prolit of ADeits, enlhlrged by tie Lord Chanecelllrs Older to Thursa=y, ]21h April nrvxtat lite Plck Ilurse In, li Hlaud- derifleid, at 'Ten ?? In the Forenoon. By Order, WM. 13ARKER Sexlicitur to the Assignees. lilddersfleld, 13th Marcb 11102. XUTTERS and WAKE's BANKRUPTCY. '1 Tlle Creditors who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? aprocad~ig~ el tian. B E DS BOROUGH ELECTION.-The Ci6M- SSII ITTEE for promoting the ELECTION oif IUESrlS. MARSHALL AND MACAULAY ri Ho~ve ithe Pleaur of aitnounning to the ELECTORS of LEDS m (hoat those Gentlemen wtilt ADDRESS ?? 4iADITANTS In the ba Area ul'the7Cul.OU RED CLOTH-H ALL, oil TUTRSDA ' NI, the 4th Sept, at TiiN II Clock lin the Foiceonoi. Onl WEt\IRCDAY, thle Camtildatesvvill, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IVINES, thit Gon ine l' ori f G11(00III m(id it PMlt In thle PAR IISI I cII UIRCli, g 1,Il ler.IMI JImvilly, I/W, GI! Ia'j r' ,IcllI'.*, Islls,, ait tie E:61lbong Antii t~ I, 'flCl' Irc, e1.01, ?? 3' !it Eles'etl r* i ?? 10 I RU OZ N01' PR ' p \i.E P t1r w\iNEJ' jj' 11(15Zi'IN SHI j ,l yX' jl~ !1 IITTO MIARCIL.), Si Lot a to suli I'nrcl,,I..0SS. .~LA-Iyo tePRS ?? I'l T ?? Ill tile s(V ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jUSEUM OF NATIONAL MANUFACTURES 'ASde, iA continultion of the Dlesign of the NATIONA OSTORY. Jtufacturers, Ateelitmlsts, Designers, aid Artisans, tile invit. ''.prepareallii end iln for I Ithibition, fit their rahII est Cots- elsecc, Spretiitens of their several Produetions, er Arts, or * els of Inventions, Which they lrosy deemi calculated bsy Excel- 6, Novelty, Or Use I.ulnezs, to gain ...