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Advertisements & Notices

... IN JOHN and JOSEPH WAVRING'S BANK- HUp I.CY. hEFrTING for last Examlination of tile B lorupte, and Prolit of ADeits, enlhlrged by tie Lord Chanecelllrs Older to Thursa=y, ]21h April nrvxtat lite Plck Ilurse In, li Hlaud- derifleid, at 'Ten ?? In the Forenoon. By Order, WM. 13ARKER Sexlicitur to the Assignees. lilddersfleld, 13th Marcb 11102. XUTTERS and WAKE's BANKRUPTCY. '1 Tlle Creditors who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? aprocad~ig~ el tian. B E DS BOROUGH ELECTION.-The Ci6M- SSII ITTEE for promoting the ELECTION oif IUESrlS. MARSHALL AND MACAULAY ri Ho~ve ithe Pleaur of aitnounning to the ELECTORS of LEDS m (hoat those Gentlemen wtilt ADDRESS ?? 4iADITANTS In the ba Area ul'the7Cul.OU RED CLOTH-H ALL, oil TUTRSDA ' NI, the 4th Sept, at TiiN II Clock lin the Foiceonoi. Onl WEt\IRCDAY, thle Camtildatesvvill, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IVINES, thit Gon ine l' ori f G11(00III m(id it PMlt In thle PAR IISI I cII UIRCli, g 1,Il ler.IMI JImvilly, I/W, GI! Ia'j r' ,IcllI'.*, Islls,, ait tie E:61lbong Antii t~ I, 'flCl' Irc, e1.01, ?? 3' !it Eles'etl r* i ?? 10 I RU OZ N01' PR ' p \i.E P t1r w\iNEJ' jj' 11(15Zi'IN SHI j ,l yX' jl~ !1 IITTO MIARCIL.), Si Lot a to suli I'nrcl,,I..0SS. .~LA-Iyo tePRS ?? I'l T ?? Ill tile s(V ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES ]W AUCTION : JVBI i-,1, loll, SUMon L'u OI ,1Nlt~ ~ tt JfjRoLiI'lEola il unor to announce jl to te Oiaritty Wdi l'blkic 0f*tlcgh fulicV or orksill A ei(h O ILiolC milco c ioll t valiisble tORIGI~NAL OIlL 1`AUNTIN1' - 1' ' l,,ck ii lit teForenoklil. ars. slt ti ticevel:n et loll Mart, Conk, ltt. Cus, ocnieuea Atile at ll.U,~t~ A I t Jllkkill C omme, lit AL oVNT I INT11fl11' V Dozen of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SI In Is II (I If C VI :0 ?? hi .1 ai II -t II or tih (o tCO III rlI de fe C r -P1 of th VIL las a ll ofr thC ?? gi ' lii in P.I re I fa III III 11 ii It ,I I 1i VI it IT It II 'I tI 1) CI II 0 II il tI 31 ii Il rl11,1ASC. BTURB3INS'--takeathis Opotnt lorreturlilli his sincere Thaniin tot i'rofeislonnn 40entlemen, .T erelb(1t t, andi his PrILeins In agee.rai. for tile ?? he ijoi received ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (-_1 ORGH FlROBI1SH ER, cmut.:st r r& Ditu- A IC lii beIT,& No. ltd.j Ilme WArTP, Doorsi tiiite the t 11MO) b0 IIWOmost Tespectfol ly' to ?? to 11it IIyOC F~teiids unid thle Pbliolli iln ?? that helies eiinsn11anieoed pithiet(: Husinem Iii the ?? Line. uitd solicits it share (if their Apiat ie ~. t~. livitig bee for soni Veinr ith a ledictil Gentle. Petrt of mailintlcinboqaettlis ii coir i ...


... COMI’AN V. is hereby given, that a MEF.TIX’G of the Directors of the Leeds and Selby Railway Company. held the Railway Otiicc, in Leeu.-. Wednesday, the 8l!» Day of February Instant It was Rrsor.vEn, That a further Sum £lO per Share be paid Wu.- Brown. E»(i. tl)e Treasurer, on before the I Day of March next, the Union mk. in Leeds. Such Shareholders cannot conveniently pay thnr M >nev at the ...


... ti; ,:SI)AY. August 7, i ] VII.OT-OFFICE, Ifull. hid fui,ust. YOTU'F, her->>v riven. That •.iF-El'lN'd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NIV PLAN AND WESTERIN PANORA-' N NM~~~Iti VIEW' 1F i.ED(1S. II 'It res W~orksar nrciow ready for Pubiltiction. nwII AfOtltl Ne hca,,eommetneced ?? gitteribi Delivery titis; Wees tothc tv latie I of tile sill.servier'S. Itrh )If i't0MIN it begil to thantk* thle Sutbscribers ori, frientilyatnt extettoive patrollage lie hiats receiye!, Itid itsntres - thenft tittt lie ilas spared ito Expeltse In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * 1 u0 it1t1it0 Sl ?? Publi1shedPriecle. 1 F OUR LITHOGRAPH1C BK ETC~RES- F ILKLEV, (wvith at Fronrlspiece,1 Draw ?? he i iTLiY, of- Wakefield, The proceeds to be devotdt h lre.tb ChaSrity. 8NAMES Ido foitetare Olli to the above Pubtication w ill bei~thanlifulliy received atth sthc Of the Letos McinlIaU, ,NTllTliOttN0ei; AC. Any Srboeiber ~ t~n~,oinsttutiit bjeing desiroete of beecom tery fly ...

V F. N I U E

... V F. I E town OF KINGSTON-FFON-Hl'M-, And County of the snow Town. -VroOCF. iilien-hvitivi’n. that VENIRE f ' ,r ,p TRIAL nf CAUSES in ln« Ma- COI R1 of RECORD, for the town %JK»f *of Kingston-upon-HuU, and County of the W yUbi town, will at the o-Hai.i., m min the name Town, on SATURDAY, the Seventh Day of July next, at Ton in the Forenoon. Order, Hull, May 24. *1832. gfo. conn. Clerk of the ...