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Advertisements & Notices

... jUSEUM OF NATIONAL MANUFACTURES 'ASde, iA continultion of the Dlesign of the NATIONA OSTORY. Jtufacturers, Ateelitmlsts, Designers, aid Artisans, tile invit. ''.prepareallii end iln for I Ithibition, fit their rahII est Cots- elsecc, Spretiitens of their several Produetions, er Arts, or * els of Inventions, Which they lrosy deemi calculated bsy Excel- 6, Novelty, Or Use I.ulnezs, to gain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R~IADFORD) AN]) WVAK EFIELD TURNPIKE N0`'1'l(i is horeb)it givnt.H~at Hie fleet 'MoeeHg of the Trrustees Of tilt~ aidii ltiitd will be held tai the. Sei It loust Iit Wokefielld, ol 1P`Ictoq, Ari Thi, ii'l/i DayIq f Atigiist he/Stal, ?? Elevenl o'clocic ii Clerk to, the said TIruEtcos. itra'tfurd, 1501 AttItl~tI, 1:1:33. ?-]E1G'I(.ILEY AND IiA (AFAX TU RNPI KE NI ?? ii ?? givenl IIhui t lie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I1JSSES PLINT respectfully announce thlat their 'j~.SCHOOL will RE.OPEN July 31st. True Experience of VLi~ttly Ten Years in thle vWork' or Lpquluatioo unitedi to the most OtItwiLoNs Solicitude for thepornlotioll of the intellectual Find ImIl (ions Improvementt ?? Pup~ils, with considerablp Local Attvatitages ,if, Iteidentiv, furnitli, thley trust, sonic claim to th ,zeltinrrailee of thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OPiETS UPHOLSTERY. ndi C'ABI- C NFT'FURNITURE. at SAMUEL BROWN's GENERAL FURNISHING WAREHOU.SE,25s, WIalEFRI1cGATE1 HULI,. The Nobility, Gentry, and Pablie are respectfully soicited to inspeet the largest and best-selected Stock r Carpets, Upholstery, and Cabinet Furniture, ever in Hl~l. Yard-ivide Carpets from Is 9d. to 2s.; qeerfne e intO, and Brussels, Druggetts, Stair-Carpets, t11j RRgs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POR LIVERPOOL, The fine A. I Schooner WILLIAM DAVIDSO.N, 84 Tons Register, JAbIES RIrcHiE, Master, Will sail about the 9th of November. Apply to JOHN HOLLINGWORTH. hacU, Nforembler 1, 1833, Bowlalley-ILane. FOR CHARLESTON, U. S. The fine A. 1. Brig JANE, l516 Tons Register, JOHN YOUNG, Master; 1las toom for a few Goods, and excellent Accommo. dations for Cabin and Steerage Passsengers; and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Q~td~itattont0 -, SIR WALTER SCOTT'S POETRY, NEW EDITION, UNIFORM WITR THE WAVERLEY NOVELS. Oil the 1st of lay will be published, Voll. of a New Ldition of r HE POETICAL WORKS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT, BARlT. to be continued if month]y Volumes, an with Prefaces, Notes, conteeiiorary Criticism, various Readings, and other interestiig Mlatter, embellished with Fioitispieces Vld X1ignette Titles, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILI)APIERS F()R 1, It0MS.--i. 3UL LMAN' ~nid SON hive it lairgc old Stock of PAPERS for liOwMs, which ,icy went to reduce, to malte itowni for fresk Ones. They wcill 1)0 .soldVe n-cr lone. It I, Commenrcial S: reet. Leeds. Fe EIIIPAP CLOTH AVAIIEFOUSIO, WIVZOIEOALI' ?? Buirei'ni mt ~~AND:1 RIETrAIL.Il Q 1,1311yr,; If N'O0it.1,EN ClTII l'H respectrfLiIIt' illfnnn-1ined I thait WIV LI1A NI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WOL MARKE'T AT GLiENDEVON- bold~ htfiit-130 IO5T, ti.0,iINDyot0 i t NIlLS re's~et to establfish l'MAR ET for tLheSAI,_E,OP1 WOOL; and N OTICE is hereby 91YUn. thtte Market wfill be-h~eld ?? 11 dryl., Ihv ?? of Juty in the -presiont Yecar, at Rult1ttTttl~, ULINDNV~Xln't' beh1g the Flrat OIWLotdY qafte~ the 1[tvO-Itless Wool Mdarket. Thet'e will he considerably above 40,11 ?? for, Sale ait ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * ~~~[ADVEELTISEBIEJ~. THE LEEDS INTELLIGiENCERAeA~/D Mr. FOSTER. * TO THE[1 EDITORS OF THE LERDS MSERCURY, GENTLEMENT,-W ithoutt at all .comprornising my ca sa against the Leeds Lssteffigecsier, I Stud I can gratify the ?? of several of my friends, and, to use teh strong exsiresslans of one Ofthemit, prevent the poison from spreading further, by publishing only TWO letters out of a large ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RtOOM-tS, il I.PRIO l ?? ' Mr. 0. T.S i1i S' TLIt, Jit tile Punch 13o i [IIl at Ialaliff Bridge, ,near Brig- h1ose,0 on e3l 51V the :3rd Day of APRIL., 18133, at o'(3llel ill ?? A nRnl]oon, ttogetiher or in such Lots its may be agreed upon at ih,' lrime of Sale; A I, tat compact and valuable FREEHOLD fr , 'A 1.13, called LOWER RQOKlE33, situated fin tihc Towuship 'I iiA, ?? un~l ig t)il the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C A R D JAME S BOLON, Cmiso WTEST RIDING HO0RTICULTURAL~ SOCIETY. Trhe SECOND MEETING of this SOCIETV will bso held isi the Yrrsss SsalossWlell ?? h 4ho oq ?? will. be aw'oarded for various Vegetables,; F'ruits, ,sssd Flowers, as Usual. * Particulars of which may be had on application to Mr. Win.- SENIoRt,lbacretary; or Mr. J.-HAKDFRsLD, and Mr. J. BIiLLtOTl, WakefildJulv 11th, 1533. A DVANCE ...