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20 November 1836 (21)


London Dispatch


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London Dispatch

Bolton (Lancashire) Petty Sessions

... aolton (Lacaaeasire) BPetty Sessions. WANTON MISCONDUCT OP AN ENGINEER.-Joseph Hernby .was .eharged with misconduct in the service of Messrs. Brooks ani Smith, flax-spinners, Little Bolton. Mr. HnIdere appeared for the complainant, and stated that 'Messrs. Brooks aned Smith had-eugaged -an engineer of the name of Garforib, to manage one of the engines of the mill. Garforth nwas to enter on his ...

Court of Requests, Kingsgate-street

... Couurt of Mequests, IInflgsiate-street. I Among the three hundred and te. cases heard before Mr. Com. missioner DubaiQ, and a very respectable and intelligent jury, th following is a hap-hazard selection. ANOTHER DANIE. !-Daniel Flyn, a very knowing-looding (as far as the outline of his features wetit) blind beggar of the parish of St. Marylebone, was summoned by a depraved-looking, gin. ...


... WO]LIC2ES BENEFIT SOCIETIES -The president of a benefit society, held in Aldgate, called The Brothers of Humarnity, was suen- moned before the LoiAd Mayor, for having refused lo pay over to a member the sum of 101., the funeral expenses of the complain. ant's wife. The complainant stated that he had paid 2s. 4d. a month fcr 12 years to the society, and was by the rules entitled to all the ...

Court of Chancery

... IN RPE ROCHESTER CHARITY.-Mr. Anderson presented a petition to the Court from some of the Town Council of Rochester, pray- the Court not to allow the master's report relative to the appoint- ment of trustees to the charity to be confirmed, on the ground that they were all of one party in politics, being, without exception, Liberals. An affidavit was read from Mr.Lewis, the Town Clerk, ...

Court of Requests, Kingsgate-street

... Cavrt of ltequaests, Kitnwgate-s4treet. A PATRIAIRC1AL STOCKaBROKER.-A venerable old man, of the name of Chittle, and who next year will number ninety-eight winters, summoned a wide-awake looking gentleman, in black, for 11. 18s. The plaintiff, whose extreme age and debility excited the com- misseration and attention of the whole Court, stated that four years ago the defendant had employed ...

Bolton (Lancashire) Petty Sessions

... .Mdeton '(Loneashfre);3Petty he-AtofS. WANTON MISCONDUCT 0W AN ENjGINKER.-JO~eph- 119raywwas eharged with -misonluct -'in the -service -ef l-essrs. Brooke-and Smnith, flax--spinners, Little Balton. Mr.Halden appeared.'ror the complainant, and -stated tthat 'Messrs. Brlioks -'aid SrrmitW-had engaged 'an engineer of- the name ef.Qarferth, touaage 'onie of the engines of the mill. Gafafrth .was ...

The Royal Vauxhall Balloon

... The IRoyal; Waluxmlal Ballon. .IERIAL TRIP TO TlHE CONTINEN 1'. We remember no instance where so much public interest and- anxiety hiave been manifested, as in the sifetyaf this balloon and its adventurous voyagers. Throughout the wilole of Eriday and Saturday se'nnigbt, the gardens at Vauxhall, as well as the establishment of the proprietors in Fleet-street, have been conm- pletely besieged ...

Court of Requests—Westminster

... f. .u - Al'l'Cueris ofVon~c;enca .afe :not aVike-some are;maatistn- CO.aetmux6, .dia'wz'ilar' Ao .oteram. ,in clatufultt, Codmusi -, -w rui ebedues59. ad umnaro nd4mtartt teduaigxeenteof r~pidhty, gU e . r -andrwmg .jarin,~eei rs~ title- Cra *eacl mue Im u: lieir'utsstiuuie -tIaey q Uawavwnlo4. *Fer .Ini .'tlwmmi *is -av teiretl~ev~bweel~t'l~te;CnsitZiflM 0 tbteidog-OIle in. t~igsgiate~orret ...

Bolton (Lancashire) Petty Sessions

... WANTON MISCONDUCT os ArN EGINEER.-JOSeph Herndy was charged with misconduct in the service of Messrs. Brooks and Smith, flax-spinners, Little Bolton. 'r. Holden appeared for the complainant, and stated that Messrs. Brooks and Smith had engaged an engineer of the name of Garforib, to manage one of the engines of tbe mill. Garforth was to enter on his service on Monday morning last, and Mr. Wm. ...


... JLPOJLJ C.I tB KEFIT SOCIETIES -The president of a beneft-societyi *beld in Aldgate; called 'T-he.Brotlers of Humanity, iwaaseit, .wned before the Lord Mayor, fer having refused to pay over ito a member the sum of 10., the funeral expenses of the compjain. ant's wife. The complainant stated that he hatd pid 2s.z4d. a month for 12 years to the society, and; was bby. the rules entitled oall ...

Court of Chancery

... -. . I IN PB ROCtIESTER CHARITY.-Mr. Anderson presented a petition a to the Court from some of the Town Council of Rochester, pray- s the Court not to allow the master's report relative to the appoint- ment of trustees to the charity to be confirmed, on the ground that . they were all of one party in politics, being, without exception, t Liberals. Anaffidavit wasread fromMr-Lewis, theTownClerk ...

Court of Requests—Westminster

... Court of Mequests-W-estminster. I1 no All Courts of Conscienee are not alike-some are most uni- Couscionabdy dissimilar to others. In clamour, confusion, wreteledness, and bitomrous and heart-rending scenes ef stupidity, rogueryzand bruman auffering, they differ little from each other;- butin their constitution they vary awfully. For insianc, there is xszyast a differencebetween the ...