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Advertisements & Notices

... IJWublIc M~otice~. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. 4 (sN SUNDAY NEXT, in the MORNING BC J Swavica, a COLLECTION will be made after the Sermon, for the Support of the CHARITY SCHOOLS in VIcAR-LANE. October 23, 1843. Sl for /'GROVES SAW MILLS. DA PLANING MACHINE. ME ITM. BARRON & CO. having obtained T. X V from the Patentee the Patent right for PLAN ING M and THICKNESSING DEALS and BATTENS, beg orf leave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / Yt%%Cdo for ?? FOR P11 The Fine Sc Capt. BE Taking Goods for Kor and DANZIG, at Ship's expefse but Shil For Freight, &o., pplY to H. S. B /UVIL AND HAMB PLENDID STEAM COMM S (CARRYING POST-OFNICE LDTTr QUEEN OF SCOTLAND, W ROB ROY, WM. Koocxaa And, very shortly, that superb 1A HELEN MACGREGOR, CHAR DAYs Or DEPARTURR.PROM) SATURDAY ?? 2 THURSDAY ?? SATURDAY ?? THURSDAY ?? 1 SATURDAY ?? 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SA 5 tJ O WOOL AT LIVERtPOOT.. ?? in tl~e ?? 3tuawn ?? at O'sOftce, BALE S AUSTRAIAN WOOL, t lL {t00 Comiprising a :LrEc Proportion of good and fine i3 Fleaces. e osinudC.Mecatr Applyto 5lessrs. Browns. Gesileg ?? Co.. Merchantsor B UcHIANAN aied BRIOWNE, Brokers. And on Frid('Y, the rnC fp& lh t st., at Twelve o'Clock, 4voBAE A USTIOAI.JAN ~w 4101 DITTO EA~ST INDiA4 Applyt ?? and B1ROWNNE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IDLE, K.HNSEY, and SIIIPTO~~N.-Inl the =eiinli~o te IDLEti!~~71F ?? Tthe Direction oft Will of tHE following most valulable ESTATES, viz., T -~bout 70( Ace of Arasble, Meadow, Paesture, and Wood Land, situated cit Idle, and 55ow occupied by Mrs. Ovitnugaoend. And the whl f the late Mr. Oviington's Property, Situate at Hilitseyhand Skipton, now in the several Occupations of the M R1ev. it. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y. EDS SECOND PULCEHBITION. VRrSEASON of the EXHIBITION Will CLOSE STRI v on W'EDNESDAY NEXT, the Twenlu-flftA Oct. gen Attrctfonh Of~ the last Iew Days will be namerons; 5dtitle Brilliant. M Dy Permission Of COL. M4ARKHIAM CI joAXD, OF THE 32nd REGIMENT WILL ATTEND ONme TuESDAV NEXT, at Three ?? p~m Can THR~l. IIAGLAND,~ e A. LUPTON, J.1c .Genura~lSecretaxios. P. Ff. J., MARCUS. jc jrHall, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VORX HOTEL, New Bridge-Street, Ludgate- f' Hill, LONDON, for the Accommodation of Families and Single Gentlemen. THes. QUABITHRIMANSIC, Nephew of the late Mr. LOVEGROYE In ofi'ering his grateful Thanks to the Gentry and Public, bes to inform them e. at he has considerably increased the Size of1 the House, by additional BED RoOMS, SMsOKING ROOM, &C. He respectfully solicits a continuance of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )mne day ONE FOR CREDITORS.-RE COWEN. SA all- Tue Creditors who hv xctda Indenture or COWEN, of Warrinrgton and of Wigan, both in the County or Lanicaster. Factor, may receive a Second and FIna Diien the thel Pounldon application to Mr. WM., KRLSALL, Mer- chnLedso; or M. JOSaPs RANSsAY, 5)1 Iigh-Street, Man- low chiester, on or aler- thre 26anft aofant. itor ill1 November, 144._ 0! T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ AND JUDGE! ADMIUTED UNDER FIFTY YEARS OF AE TIME 1IlC5T NINE MONTHS ! A MOST favourable opportunity to the Indus; A trious Classes to ensure thenmselves Proprietors of Land and Property-to provide against Xieknesas, Want, and a Poor Law Union-is offered toI Healthy Men, in Town or Country, by joining the U'NITED PATRIOTS' BENEFIT AND CO- OPERATIVE SOCIETY. Established at the Commneroial, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . GRIMSHAW AND CO., 10, Goree Piazzas, C. Liverpool, Despatch fine FIRST CLASS AMERICAN SHIPS, of large Tonnage, for NEW YORK and NDW ORLEANS, every week; and occasionally to BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA and BALTIMORE, and for QUEBEC and MON- TREAL, also first rate British Vessels to NEW SOUTH WALES and VAN DIEMANS LAND. THE OLD LINE OF PACKET SHIPS, (BLACK BALL LINE,) SAIL FROM LIVERPOOL FOR NEW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MARTIN INDE, (LATE OF BYKER-GATE,) PUBLICAN, ESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the PL Public that he has taken the THREE TUNS, INN, MANOR CHASE, NEWCASTLE, and hopesi by keeping every article, in his line, of the best quality, to merit a share of Public Patronage and Support. M. I. will have a Tent on the Town Moor during' the Races, where good AcuGmmnodatvmo may be had, and every article of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... __jZ~ !!ipinfgp ot icto. ie ADABERDEEN AND HULL, THE ABEERDEEN STEAN NAVIGATION TCOMPANYAS Splen d id and Fast Saiing Clipper sch~olners tDoneAN PARAGON & ABERDOIAN Are dispatched fromO h Enad of. the. Line ] hE1IY WEDNESDAY, during the~ Withdaj:waj of the Steamer. Su Sperior Ac ?? ,tdtson for' soe. r s. Fares and Freights 'Very low. Further.1Particulars learned on appl iionati to JAMES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? VfiU0e1Ianeo1I. /\R. LOCKWOOD, ARCHITECT, has a Vacancy in his Off-ce for an Articled PUPIL. Hull, 21st June, 1843. M MUSIC. A LARGE QUANTITY of MUSIC on SALE, for AR few Days, at the MART, SalthouSe-Lanes Hull, at ASTONISHING Low Puicas. B. OAT1S. A/611 ONSiRUR BOULLAND) (Nativeof Pais), ?? FRENCH MASTER at Kingston College, WMl Resume his Dutie s on the 25th of July. Schools and Private ...