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Advertisements & Notices

... IIERD1118 CATTLE, SHEEP, -NrD HIOUSES. solN respetctfully announce that they, lave -tret withb iiistrrUtioli5 to Slfl.[L by A UCTION, ,ut Reserve). inl the 1.,,'Ith 0y' ?? next, Onl the enlisee of the itight Ilenqurable Earl FITZWIVtILAM, at W~entworth, H'¶IE F OLLOWIN'G S T 0 C K, comprising- T -. I~kSTS.0 4 Eitratordifl-ay antd prime F'AT SCOTCH STEERS. S Ditto Diltto ditto. 2ll Priame FAT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? MILLINERS. M RS. HAGEN is in immediate WANT of M an experienced MILLINER, capable of taking the Mandgement of the Workroom. Apply No. 18, Whitefriargate, Hull. A YOUNG LADY, who can offer the Amost respectable references, would be happy to meet With a SITUATI 0N as ItESIDENT GOVERNESS in Hlrl or its Vicinity. In addition to the usual branches of a good English Education, she is competent to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE NORTHZRN DSTAR;, AND NATIONAL TRADES' JOURNAL, r STABLI§HED in Leeds in 1837, and since then the J24 leading Provincial Jounral In the Kingdom, is now published at No. 310, Strand, London. ,The object of the roprietor in establishig ?? Star was to furnish a fearless and faithful organ for the representation of the Labouring Classes, whose interests from time immemorial have been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE NORTHERN STAR, AND. NATIONAL TRDEs' JOURNAL, E~TSTABISKED in Leeds in 1837, and since then thQ Provincial Journal in the Kingdom, is nov published at No. 840, Strand, London. The object Of the Proprietor in estabiashinlg the Yes-thornz Star was to furnish a fearless and faithful organ for the representation of the Labouring Classes, whose interests from time immemorial have been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE NORTHERN STAR, AND NATIONAL ?? STABLISHEID in Leeds ia 1837, and since then the ii leading Provincial Journal in the Kingdom, is aos published at No. 340. Strand, London. Thle object of the Proprietor in establishing the Nortbeys Sear was to furnish a fearless aned faithful organ for the representation of the Labouring Classee, whose interests from time inmmemorial have been shameleesly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LABOUR DEFENDED. T[IS DAY, January 1S, 1845, is published, No. 1, TL price 2d. (to be continued weekly), of the TRI- BUNE, and JOURNAL of the RIGHTS of INDUSTRY containing a full Examination and Discussion of the various Plans before the Public for the removal of Na- tional Distress; the proceedings of Trades Societies and other Bodies for the purpose of effecting Social Improve- ments, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1untie Xotnct __ GUANO.-IMPORTED BY G WILSON & VAUSE, 17, Bowlalley-Lane, Hull. Who having always a Stock on Hand, arc in a position to treat advantageously with Agriculturists and Dealers. THEATRE ROYAL, HULL. BY DESIRE, AND UNDER TUE iMMEDIATE PATRONAGE OF THE INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS, M.U. On this occasion the Theatre will be Decorated with the Banners of the different Lodges. FOR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L); A PrA s aeinribyfsiriddtof ;pr/i, tdiriii7; it e lie hr~isa pliattes o iei tcc.or ilj Bc i EDICAL.---WANTED, by a Member of tie HUiL Royal College Of Sorgeon1s of England, and Licenloate at the Apotheicaries' Company, London, a. SITUIATION as t AbSSISTANT, wlith a respectable Practitioner. Satisfacteiy es. References can be givan. Address A. B., (!arlaoC1Vo.STANFI.,sil,, AN TED, art ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EEDS 'MECHANICS' INSTITUTION AND LnEUA-~RY SOAIETY. READINGS FROM SHARSPEA RE. Mr. ZORN RRAl), of Liverplool. Tea-cher of Elocution, wl af COURSE of REAII~cS from SRAKSPEAR 4, intre &) of 'ihe Inetitutlonr. to cotromtfnce ont Mlonra4n Evenirccirwlthi le ?? inst. with MAC.BTiII~t. mevsis.te 15th, NITIRCIIANT OP VEl~NICE. ?'ridarr. re 17(h. 'MiscellarneDnS Ileadlingc from NMltTJON, `X'oI;NO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A BR3 I FOR ALLI HOLLOWAY'S OINTMiUNT AND PILLS. XTRAORDINABY CURE of a Case abandoned by EL4 OUY'S, the MZETROPOLITA1, KING'S COLLEG1S, IkdORARIING CROSS HOSPITALS. ltn- fact was sworn to this lth eday of March, 1842, be- fbe the LoAD MarTa, at the kansion House. ?? Of APPIDAVIT. Win. BHools, Messenger, of 2, Union-stroet, South- Wvck, London, maketh oath and saith, that he (this de- ponant) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BERGER'S ENGLAND. Just Published, beautifully printed ii 8vo, 'with two en- gravings, No. 1, price 2d., of Drjgeceapl gai5t and correot edition of lUME AND SMOLLETT'S HISTORY ofENGLANDX Ja. with above 150 superb engravings and portraits, being the cheapest and most beautifully embellishe d bhis- tory ever published. A number ,-every Saturday, in a wrapper. Just Published, priee 1d., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t tu~I ; PAZAAR. * ?? '~t~ttjt, L'NT)OS, MAx,18. 5 * FLDS ANTI-CORN I be Aimt-COal LAW I Iibof *fanoarv,, 1,45: ni rha Chair Oor~ ~~~tq AlVa tho itentionl of thilfe otto'l to hol.d at Tinoaar ill 'le * ?? a.n tiu Month & Ma U11 vi e it thtir bont v n soiaready farmes,, edtto thceir nt'inba, * ?? 1150, i calyag out fhe LLI AATE * L. Itti'~CfF (HAz, f1L. 1 L . t w?'ii! tie, addre-i'ed by .foil.N ...