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Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRBIFSPONDFNTS. I b To II It. L., High FHoylaud,-The communication was attended to . last week but appeared in part only of our impression. i The letter of Mr. D. Ross, ou tile Saitalry ConditIon of Leeds, in our next. n The 8oWrC QE on Wednesday ie evening last, tia Oteoof the noet' b)flhisnt of the Beaesn.. - )y The Deske fof IDevons ieiprooilging his stay l h. Mon'sibur Eolapd biather ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W~a~ ?? (h;CPER. T13I~Z GAl'eT'lST'h i3 WOEKS. (To be had of John Cleave, and all boolksellers.) Just published, TWO ORATIONS AQOIKST nt TAKING AWAY HUMAN LIFE, p TTNDEiZ any Cireumstanecs; rind in explanation and U defence of the mnisrepresented doctrine of Non Resistance. (Delivered in the National Hall, Holborn, on the evenings of February 25th and March 4th.) Chapman, Brotlers, 121, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f l ?? #is for~ jrersiO _ _ _ _ -Ths P~iI~h ?? usual ii' QUARTEBLT COLLECTION for the ChoiT ot this i i lbe made after Morning and Evening Service, on ' uedayl, th.Fjfletralb v5it IESLEYAN SUNDAY S0 i EPMONS- will be preached in OxOI L0 HPL ~cs ?? , M15l1 tile El'ghlJL, InI beafo D Sna -5chools connected Wit thabv hpl ?? It. iAJpkcIloNALE3. Servcetcomnea llfps Te.o lck itie orning, end t s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEST UiDING OF YORKSHIRE. SPRING SESSIONS, 1846. N OTICE Is hereby Given, that the SPRING GENE. N RAi. QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACl for the West Riding of the County of York, will be holdei at PONTEFRACT, on MousNr, the SIXTH day ofAPSIF next; on which day the Court will be opened at Eleven o'clock of the forenoon, and on every succeeding day at Nine o'clock. Prosecutors and Witnesses In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4flre ?? ELffe Ionuralct. F IR E. TORWICH EQUITABLE FIRE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, BANK-STREET. TRUSTEBS. The Lord Sondes. Will.m JOx Blake' Esq. Sir Edmund Bacon, But. John Longe, Esq. sir Hanson serneay Dart. John Garnham, Req., R.N. HI. N. Burrowes, E Iq., M.p, DIRECTORS. John Green Cresse, Esq., ?? President. Charles Turner, Esq., Vice-President. Francis John Blake, Esq. James Musket, Esq. Joseph ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To be ready -ext Monday, Price Is., TWO ORATIONS, GAINST TAKING AWAY HUMAN LIFE, under A any Cireuustarnces; and in explanation oind defence of the risrepres.tuted doctrine of No.-Resistaice. (Delivered in the National Hall, Holborn, on the evenings of February 25th an1d ?? 4th.) BY THiOMAS CooraE, THE CHJARTIST, (Author of tho Purgatory of Suicides, & c.)-ChapmOam, Brothers, 121,N.ewYgate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *Iutpping - Y ORKSHIRE COALS SHIP- Y PED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. For Terms and other Parti- culars, enquire of Mr. JoserP FIRTIS t the een's Arms Inn, (near the Monument,) Hull. w 9 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... coot4A TOlR!HE CHA TZUT - ~WOESD. - - To be had Of John Cleave, and all booksellers., (Price One Shilling.) TWO ORATIONS AGAINST TAKING AWAY HUMAN LIFE. TNDElt any Circumstances; and ia explanation and U defense of the misrepresented doctrine of- Non yesistance. (Delivered in the National Hall, Holborn. en the evenings of February 25th and March ith.) These orations, regarded merely as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jst ps'l ihsd, Sixteestl& Edition, iustrated with cu aes, and ci fu l-lngth engravings, price 2s. 6d., in a scaled envelope, it aw d sent free to any part of the kingdom, on the receipt vi of al Ias.0or oder for 3a. d. n THE SECRET COMPANION, a MEDICAL WORK on nervous debility and the con. L A cealed cause of the decline of physical strength and T loss of mental capacity, with remarks on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THOM.IAS COOP;R, THE CILARTIST'S (To be'had ot Johu Cleave, and ell bookseliers.) Just published, price It. TWO ORATIONS AGAINST TAKING AWAY HIUMNAN LIFE, TT$DER any Oircumstances; and in explanasios and V.- defenice of the misrepresented doetrine of Non. Resistance. (Delivered in the National Hail, Holborn, on the evessings of February 25th and IMsrch 4th.) Chapman, Brothers, 121, Newgate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 EEDS BACHELORS' BALL.-Resolved,1 M- That this llall be POSTPONED from Wednesday, the Bo Fifieenth, to irday, tiC Seventeenthl olf April next. By Order of the Committee, _ 3. AlarchI 3, It4i, JlEltTIE IliKtfLAND. Is Tr ;t -4IU letters, Post-pald, addressed to Advertisers throvrgh, the Of i Printiers are inrvriably forwarded to the part Advertsins _ *k it Ihurefin' an. Atpp~iieut d,:e; nlot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOUG;IS. l AW RSENESS, AND ALL ASI'- MAT1; AND PUi-.MONARY COMPLAINTS EFFECTUALLY CORED BY KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. U PWARDS of thirty iears' explerieace hasproved the V infallibility of these Lozengos in the Oure of Winter 'Cough. Hoarseness, Shortuesi of Breath, and gthsr Pul- monary maladies. The patronage ofhis Majesty tle IKing of Prussia has beevt bestowedb o them ; asalso has that of ...